Friday, January 28, 2011

GOD - All About GOD

All About GOD

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Geobytes - because everyone's somewhere

In India, like in most countries, people think of the Internet as being a global village with no borders, no laws and no boundaries. While this new frontier may bring many benefits, it is not an environment that instills trust or a sense of security. To those contemplating online purchases it can be downright frightening, and at least a significant deterrent to purchase. Geobytes content localization technology suppresses that fear by making the viewer feel at home. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Effective Study skills

Effective study skills must be practiced in order for you to improve. It is not enough to simply "think about" studying; you have to actually do it, and in the process use information from what you do to get better. This is the central idea of this page. All that follows depends on this single concept. There is a saying that goes like this: "Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect." If you want to be an achiever, take this saying to heart.
The value of a schedule
Before you even begin to think about the process of studying, you must develop a schedule. If you don't have a schedule or plan for studying, then you will not have any way of allocating your valuable time when the unexpected comes up. A good, well thought out schedule can be a lifesaver. It's up to you to learn how to develop a schedule that meets your needs, revise it if necessary, and most important, follow it.
A schedule saves time
All schedules should be made with the idea that they can be revised. A good schedule keeps you from wandering off course. A good schedule, if properly managed, assigns time where time is needed, but you've got to want to do it!
Making every hour count
A schedule should take into account every class, laboratory, lecture, social event, and other work in which you engage. There are givens such as classes and so on that have to be incorporated. You must focus on the other "free time" available and how you will use it. Make a weekly schedule and block off the 24 hour day in one hour increments. Indicate times for classes, labs, lectures, social, and work time. Also block off a period for sleeping each day. With what is left over, plan time for study. This gives you a rough road map of the time available. Of course, you can revise your schedule as circumstances warrant.
When to study
The problem of when to study is critical. A good rule of thumb is that studying should be carried out only when you are rested, alert, and have planned for it. Last minute studying just before a class is usually a waste of time.
Studying for lecture courses
If your study period is before the lecture class, be sure you have read all the assignments and made notes on what you don't understand. If the study period is after the lecture class, review the notes you took during class while the information is still fresh.
Studying for recitation courses
For classes that require recitation, such as foreign language, be sure to schedule a study period just before the class. Use the time to practice. Sometimes, practice with others can help sharpen your skills in a before-class study period.
Making and revising a schedule
Don't be afraid to revise your schedule. Schedules are really plans for how you intend to use your time. If your schedule doesn't work, revise it. You must understand that your schedule is to help you develop good study habits. Once you have developed them, schedule building becomes easier.
The Process of Study
How to use your time
Time is the most valuable resource a student has. It is also one of the most wasted of resources. The schedule you develop should guide you in how to allocate the available time in the most productive manner. Sticking to your schedule can be tough. Don't dribble away valuable time. Avoiding study is the easiest thing in the world. It's up to you to follow the schedule you prepared. A good deal of your success in high school or college depends on this simple truth.
Where to study
You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are better than others. Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be distracting. Distractions can build up, and the first thing you know, you're out of time and out of luck. Make choosing a good physical environment a part of your study habits.
Thinking skills
Everybody has thinking skills, but few use them effectively. Effective thinking skills cannot be studied, but must be built up over a period of time. Good thinkers see possibilities where others see only dead-ends. If you're not a good thinker, start now by developing habits that make you ask yourself questions as you read. Talk to other students who you feel are good thinkers. Ask them what it is they do when they think critically or creatively. Often times, you can pick up valuable insights to help you become a better thinker.
The SQ3R method
The SQ3R method has been a proven way to sharpen study skills. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. Take a moment now and write SQ3R down. It is a good slogan to commit to memory to carry out an effective study strategy.
Survey - get the best overall picture of what you're going to study BEFORE you study it in any detail. It's like looking at a road map before going on a trip. If you don't know the territory, studying a map is the best way to begin.
Question - ask questions for learning. The important things to learn are usually answers to questions. Questions should lead to emphasis on the what, why, how, when, who and where of study content. Ask yourself questions as you read or study. As you answer them, you will help to make sense of the material and remember it more easily because the process will make an impression on you. Those things that make impressions are more meaningful, and therefore more easily remembered. Don't be afraid to write your questions in the margins of textbooks, on lecture notes, or wherever it makes sense.
Read - Reading is NOT running your eyes over a textbook. When you read, read actively. Read to answer questions you have asked yourself or questions the instructor or author has asked. Always be alert to bold or italicized print. The authors intend that this material receive special emphasis. Also, when you read, be sure to read everything, including tables, graphs and illustrations. Often times tables, graphs and illustrations can convey an idea more powerfully than written text.
Recite - When you recite, you stop reading periodically to recall what you have read. Try to recall main headings, important ideas of concepts presented in bold or italicized type, and what graphs, charts or illustrations indicate. Try to develop an overall concept of what you have read in your own words and thoughts. Try to connect things you have just read to things you already know. When you do this periodically, the chances are you will remember much more and be able to recall material for papers, essays and objective tests.
Review - A review is a survey of what you have covered. It is a review of what you are supposed to accomplish, not what you are going to do. Rereading is an important part of the review process. Reread with the idea that you are measuring what you have gained from the process. During review, it's a good time to go over notes you have taken to help clarify points you may have missed or don't understand. The best time to review is when you have just finished studying something. Don't wait until just before an examination to begin the review process. Before an examination, do a final review. If you manage your time, the final review can be thought of as a "fine-tuning" of your knowledge of the material. Thousands of high school and college students have followed the SQ3R steps to achieve higher grades with less stress.
A primary means by which you acquire information is through reading. In college you're expected to do much more reading than in high school. Don't assume just because you've "read" the assignments that is the end of it. You must learn to read with a purpose. In studying, you may read the same assignment three or four times, each time with a different purpose. You must know before you begin reading what your purpose is, and read accordingly.
Getting the Main Idea
Getting the main idea in reading is central to effective studying. You must learn what the author's central idea is, and understand it in your own way. Every paragraph contains a main idea. Main ideas are perfect for outlining textbooks. Make it a habit to find the main idea in each paragraph you read.
Extracting Important Details
Extracting important details means that you locate in your reading the basis for main ideas. There is usually one important detail associated with every main idea. The more important details you can identify, the easier it will be to review for examinations because you have made a link between an idea and information that supports it. The more links you can make between details and ideas, as well as ideas themselves, the more powerful will be the efforts of your study.
Don't Read Aloud to Yourself
Generally, reading aloud to yourself does not help you study more effectively. If you move your lips while you read, you're not reading efficiently. If you read aloud or move your lips while you're reading, you are reading slowly, so stop moving your lips. Try putting a finger over your lips. Your finger will remind you not to move your lips. Make an effort to read faster and retain more - after a while, you'll be surprised how little effort it will take.
Taking Notes
Like reading, note-taking is a skill which must be learned and refined. Almost invariably, note taking, or the lack of it, is a constant deficiency in the study methods of many high school and college students. Learning the ingredients of good note taking is rather easy; applying them to your own situation depends on how serious you are in becoming a successful student.
Where to Keep Notes
You must learn to keep notes logically and legibly. Remember, if you can't read your own writing a few days after taking notes, they are of little use. By all accounts, the best place to keep notes is in a loose-leaf notebook. Use dividers to separate the different classes you take. Make it a habit of using your notebook to record ALL your notes. If you're caught without your notebook and need to take notes, always have a supply of loose-leaf paper with you. Insert your note papers into the notebook as soon as you can. Be sure to buy a good notebook, as it will get a lot of wear and tear.
Outlining Textbooks
First of all, don't underline. Use a highlighter. Experience has shown that text passages highlighted are more easily remembered than the same passages underlined. In outlining a text, don't just read along and highlight what seem to important words. That technique rarely works. The act of outlining works much better.
Taking Lecture Notes
Surveying, Questioning, Listening
Taking accurate and concise lecture notes is essential. Develop the habit of taking notes using appropriate methods described earlier in the SQ3R technique. For example, when you listen to a lecture, formulate questions as you listen. Your main job in taking lecture notes is to be a good listener. To be a good listener, you must learn to focus and concentrate on the main points of the lecture. Get them down, and then later reorganize them in your own words. Once you have done this, you have set the stage for successful reviewing and revising.
Reviewing and Revising
As you prepare for examinations, tests, or other assessments, you should spend time reviewing and revising your lecture notes. Begin the process by reviewing your notes right after a lecture. If you wait too long, you may discover that the notes just don't make sense. Don't hesitate to revise your notes based on the review process.
Research Notes
Any form of note-taking that requires compilation of information by categories, rather than in narrative form is best done using index cards. You can sort, edit and arrange index cards to suit your particular study needs. The most important point in using cards is to indicate the correct reference or topic at the top of the card. Use the cards for study, review, to help organize information for papers, reports, or projects. An even better idea, if you have a personal computer, is to organize your categorical information in a database. Once you set it up, finding, updating and adding new information is quite easy. If you have a printer, you can print out your notes in a variety of ways.
Taking Examinations
Objective Examinations
Survey any objective examination to find out what types of questions are being asked. Surveying helps you to know what to expect.
Knowing the Ground Rules
Always read directions! Indicate your answers exactly the way the directions state. Make sure your answers are clear. Determine what the scoring rules for the test are and follow them to your advantage. For example, if wrong answers are penalized, don't guess unless you can reduce the choices to two.
Answering Easy Questions First
Answering easy (to you) questions first is the best strategy. If you stumble over difficult questions for too long a time, you may not be able to complete the exam.
Picking out Key Words
Objective examination questions usually contain one or more key words. A key word or group of words are those on which the truth or falsity of a statement hinges. Learn to spot the key words in the statement that define the meaning. If a statement contains two clauses, one of which is false, the whole statement is false. Usually, two-statement true-false questions are either both true or both false.
Reading Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple choice questions are essentially true-false questions arranged in groups. Usually, only one alternative is correct. Your job is to pick the alternative that is more nearly true than the others. Read multiple-choice questions the same way as for true-false. Eliminate obvious false choices.
Reading Other Types of Questions
The methods used to answer true-false and multiple choice questions apply to matching questions as well. Always scan the entire list of alternatives before matching any. As in the other types of questions, try to identify key words in each list and test them. Completion questions require you to provide a word or phrase. When you encounter completion questions, choose your words carefully. If you don't know the answer, give it your best guess, as often times such responses get at least partial credit.
Essay Examinations
Planning your time in answering essay questions is more important than in objective type tests. The general rule is not to get carried away on one or two questions to the extent that you cannot answer that other questions in the time allowed. Read through the entire examination first. Get a feel for the questions you are expected to answer. If the exam allows you to choose from a number of questions, be sure to number your answers exactly to match the questions.
When you follow directions for an essay exam, pay attention to the key words the instructor has included. Such words as "list," "describe," "compare and contrast," and "outline" have special meaning. Don't "write around" the question but answer it directly. If a question asks you to list something, don't write a narrative about it. Answering essay questions directly is always the best policy.
After scanning the list of questions to be answered, choose the ones you know most about. A good idea is to prepare an outline of your answers. The outline will help you remember important ideas and facts to be included in your response. Another technique is to do a "memory-dump." This technique is discussed in the last section of this guide, "Power Study Tips."
Good handwriting is an absolute essential. If your cursive writing is very hard to read, try printing instead. Most instructors value clear handwriting. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling also count. Well-written grammatically correct answers almost always receive higher grades than poorly written grammatically incorrect answers, even though the answers themselves are the same.
Writing Themes and Reports
Reviewing the Topic
Students usually have some freedom to choose the subject of themes or reports. When you make this choice, be sure that the topic is acceptable to the teacher, and is as interesting to you as possible. Another consideration is that of availability of resource material. Your task is made much easier when there is a good amount of reference and resource material available.
Using Correct Punctuation and Grammar
As in writing essays questions, good grammar and punctuation are a must. Most students use word processors to write papers. Be sure to use the spell checker that almost all word processors have built in. Many word processors also have some sort of grammar checker. Learn to use a grammar checker, as it can point out serious flaws in your writing and help you become a better writer. Most grammar checkers explain the grammar rules that apply to the suggested corrections to your writing.
Gathering Materials Before You Write
Before you begin writing, assemble the materials you will need. Use index cards, notes, bibliographies, summaries, reports and reviews as part of your preparation process. Using index cards for references is an excellent way to organize your materials. Computer database programs can also help you classify and organize reference materials.
Preparing an Outline and Writing the Paper
Once you have your topic, have gathered and organized your materials, it is time to outline your paper. Put your outline on paper! Don't make the mistake of trying to keep everything in your head. Make your outline in the form of main headings or ideas with sub-headings fleshing out the flow of the paper. Using the outline as a guide begin writing begin by asking yourself what the paper is going to say and what conclusions you want to reach. Doing this ahead of time will help keep you focused and prevent you from straying from the purpose of the paper. Making up the outline as you go along almost always results in a less than satisfactory product. Writing is important in high school and is a key to success in college and in many professions. Become a good writer by writing, revising, and reviewing your work. Don't be afraid to ask other students to critique your work. Try to write in your own natural style, be aware that most good writers go through many revisions, and be prepared to do the same. Writing and test-taking are the end results of developing good study skills. There is no magic formula for success. If you follow the suggestions in this guide, apply them and think about them, you'll have taken a giant step toward becoming a successful student.
Power Studying Tips for College Students
The following tips have proven to be extremely powerful guides for organizing, thinking, studying, and learning in college. They represent the best advice of successful college students. They can also work for high school students.
Study Space
Tip: Your study space should be as quiet and comfortable as possible. Avoid studying in noisy places such as cafeterias, recreation rooms, or lounges.
Tip: When studying, keep a waste basket handy.
Tip: Have a consistent place for everything, and above all, keep it there!
Tip: Have everything needed for studying handy beforehand. Don't waste valuable time looking for books, notes, of other information. After you have assembled the items you need, put them where you can reach them easily.
Study Habits
Tip: Begin studying no less than 30-90 minutes after a meal.
Tip: Never study within 30 minutes of going to sleep.
Tip: Prioritize! Make a list of what you intend to study, prioritize the list, and stick to it!
Tip: If possible, study no more than 30-40 minutes at a stretch. Many students retain more by studying for short periods with breaks in between. It all depends on what you're trying to study, but generally, after a period of study, take a break.
Tip: Take study breaks away from your desk or wherever you are studying. Let the break be a time to think about other things. Use some break time to reflect, not constantly review what you have just studied.
The Classroom
Tip: Distractions in the classroom are deadly. To help avoid distractions, sit near the front of the class. You're less likely to miss something important, and there are far less distractions at the front than any other location.
Tip: Think! Thinking is one of the most important things you can do in class. If you just sit there passively, and not think, class can be deadly. Think about what the teacher is saying BEFORE writing down anything. Writing down each word is a WASTE OF TIME. Reorganize in your mind what the teacher says, and then write it down. This way you will be connecting the teacher's words with HOW you think. If you do this, your notes will make a lot more sense later on.
Tip: Pay attention to the course outline or syllabus. Generally, important points and materials are referenced here and repeated. Don't be afraid to ask the teacher if there is something you don't understand. Most teachers will be glad to clarify for you.
Preparing for Class
Tip: Efficient students do not underline! Underlining is not a productive way to emphasize textbook material. It's best to use a highlighter.
Tip: Read the table of contents of your texts carefully. If the textbooks have chapter summaries, read them first! If you don't understand the material from the summaries, go back and highlight. Take notes on what you have highlighted and review your notes. Tip: Break study material into short segments of length dependent on its difficulty. Remember, concise notes are more powerful than copious notes. Think about the material! Then take notes on what you don't know or are not sure of.
Test Taking
Tip: For essay examinations, try the "memory dump" technique. If permitted, write down everything you've memorized - facts, names, dates, ideas, events, and so on BEFORE you do anything else. Sometimes reading through the essay questions can distract you from what you've studied. The "memory dump" technique requires that you write down everything possible BEFORE you begin writing essay answers. This way, you are less likely to forget something important.
A Final Word
The study skills presented here depend on one thing, and that is your willingness to WANT to improve and do well in school. If you really don't want to make the effort and sacrifice, no amount of suggestions, ideas, or outlines can help much. You are the one who is responsible for your education, and effective study skills can help you. To that end, one last word of advice -- work smart, not hard.

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Links to Christian Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, Brasilian Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic, Indonesian, Dutch, Romanian, Albanian

One man's Revelation reveals he's been Left Behind.

It was meant to be the perfect getaway, suddenly it became a horrific vacation for Detective David Ramsey (David A.R. White). While aboard a private yacht on the shimmering Sea of Cortez, David’s wife and friends suddenly disappear.
During the investigation, as David’s police Captain (Eric Roberts) is helping him unravel the mystery, David is shocked to wake up from the terrible nightmare…or was it?
Caught in the recurring turmoil of knowing tragedy is inevitable, David realizes he is powerless to stop it. As each day repeats, David discovers evidence of a worldwide event known in Biblical prophecies as The Rapture. Now he must fight unseen forces to uncover the truth before time runs out.





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Part 02:
Part 03:
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Part 06:
Part 07:
Part 08:
Part 09:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
Part 16:
Part 17:
at 4/28/2010 09:42:00 PM
Categories 2009, Albanian, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Movies, Portuguese, Prophecy/End Times, Romanian, Spanish


This film is based on a short story by Mark Twain . Outraged by American military intervention in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War, Mark Twain wrote a short story called "The War Prayer" in 1905. Harper's Bazaar Magazine rejected the piece, as did Twain's own publisher. Even his family and friends feared it was 'sacrilegious', and the story remained unpublished until 1923...thirteen years after his death. "I don't think the prayer will be published in my time. None but the dead are permitted to tell the truth."

The Film is very clearly anti-war and its point is to get you to re-examine your attitudes towards your country's enemies. It begins at a church service where the crowd is praying for soldiers serving abroad ( before the invasion in Irac : 20 March 2003) and the atmosphere is akin to a pep rally. Suddenly, an ill-dressed man enters and announces that God has heard their prayers and he's ready to grant them exactly what they wish for--if that's REALLY what they want. But something happen ...

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at 4/24/2010 07:21:00 PM
Categories 2007, English, Evangelism, Movies



Your whole family will enjoy the live-action musical "David and Goliath," starring recording artist and former professional basketball star Thurl Bailey as Goliath and introducing Spencer Forsey as David.
See this moving Bible story (1 Samuel 16-18) as you've never seen it before -- through they eyes of Amelia (Lauren Faber), a shy, modern-day girl who has her own personal Goliath to face -- a performance in her school's choir concert. To help build Amelia's confidence, her choir teacher (Angela Winston) tells her the story of another young person called upon to do something big - a boy by the name of David.
David and Goliath is the moving story of the well-known Biblical figure, King David as he takes on the mighty Philistine, Goliath. David and Goliath is enjoyable for the whole family.
Thurl Bailey, recording artist, popular public speaker, sports broadcaster, and former NBA star, takes on the role of Goliath in this exciting family adventure. David and Goliath also introduces Spencer Forsey as David, and features all new original music. This episode of Liken is sure to be a favorite addition to your family's DVD library!



Part 01:
Part 02:
Part 03:
Part 04:
Part 05:
Part 06:
Part 07:

at 4/22/2010 01:20:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, Evangelism, Movies, Musical, Old Testament


Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it's his natural instinct. In the cooling embers of his marriage, it's another story.

After seven years of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far apart that they are ready to move on without each other. Yet as they prepare to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's dad asks his son to try an experiment: The Love Dare.

While hoping The Love Dare has nothing to do with his parents' newfound faith, Caleb commits to the challenge. But can he attempt to love his wife while avoiding God's love for him? Will he be able to demonstrate love over and over again to a person that's no longer receptive to his love? Or is this just another marriage destined to go up in smoke?


CD 1

CD 2
at 4/20/2010 08:18:00 AM
Categories 2008, English, Evangelism, Movies


The only dramatization using the actual scriptures...word for word from the NIV.

Join with the physician Luke (Dean Jones), as he tells the enthralling story of danger, struggles and triumph that marks the birth of the Christian church. Share the times of mystery and wonder that follow the resurrection of Jesus. Walk with the risen Lord. Watch as He is taken up into heaven. Experience the transforming power of Pentecost and catch the fire as God uses the passion of Peter (James Brolin) and John (Andre Jacobs) to send the flame of faith racing throughout Jerusalem and around the world. Luke's powerful narrative brings to vivid life the compassionate love that unites believes across that ages.

Acts Chapters 1:0-8:4

Walk with the risen Lord. Bear witness as He is taken up into heaven.

Experience the transforming power of Pentecost. Catch fire, as the passionate eloquence of Peter (James Brolin) and John (André Jacobs) sends the flame of faith racing through Jerusalem!

As Luke's powerful narrative brings the New International Version of Acts to vivid life, gain new insight into the compassionate love that unites the fellowship of believers. Touch the wellspring of faith that gives them the courage to withstand the rage of the Sanhedrin. When the martyrdom of gentle Stephen (Francesco Quinn) marks the beginning of a great persecution, flee with the disciples as the infant church scatters from Jerusalem ... to embrace the world!

Acts Chapters 8:4 - 13:52

Sail with the physician Luke (Dean Jones), as his powerful story unfolds. Share the adventure, as the seeds of the new church are scattered throughout the land. Miraculous healings, mysterious escapes from prison and angelic encounters. Experience them all with Peter (James Brolin), Philip (David Clatworthy), John (André Jacobs) and the others. Watch as the infant church struggles and grows. Then, on the road to Damascus with the Pharisee Saul, witness the unfolding of a greater purpose that will change the world forever. Share the shattering encounter with Jesus that transforms the young faith's greatest enemy into its boldest voice ... as the reborn Paul (Henry O. Arnold) discovers his destiny as "a light for the Gentiles.

Acts Chapters 14 - 20

As angry waters toss and tumble our stubborn little ship, the physician Luke (Dean Jones) draws us ever deeper into his astonishing story. And we plunge into the tempestuous years of conflict, danger and turmoil, as the young Christian church opens its arms to the Gentile world. Journey with Paul (Henry O. Arnold), Barnabas (Wilson Dunster), Silas (Chris Truter) and Timothy (Thomas Hall) as they teach and baptize, establish churches and plant the seeds of faith throughout Greece and Macedonia.
Witness the conversion of the influential Lydia of Philippi (Jennifer O'Neill), that throws open the door for the young church to step boldly into Europe.

Acts Chapters 24:1 - 28:20

As our battered little ship seeks port, Luke spins out the triumphant conclusion of Acts. And we return with Paul to Jerusalem, as he ignores repeated warnings of personal danger, to follow the call of the Holy Spirit. Walk with Paul through the streets of his beloved city. Stand with him in the Temple as he is brought before the Sanhedrin, where his vigorous denunciation of their hypocrisy triggers a riot. Then, as he is rescued by imperial soldiers and imprisoned, witness the pivotal events that will carry the flame of faith from dusty Judea to the heart of the Roman empire. Living quietly amid the splendour of imperial Rome, Paul continues to teach and baptize, strive for harmony between Jewish tradition and Christian belief and plant the seeds of change at the heart of the civilized world.


at 4/18/2010 12:04:00 AM
Categories 1994, English, Movies, New Testament



Redemption tells the story of Stan "Tookie" Williams, founder of the Crips L.A. street gang. Story follows his fall into gang-banging, his prison term, and his work writing children's novels encouraging peace and anti-violence resolutions which earned him multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominations. After exhausting all forms of appeal, Tookie was executed by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison, California; he was declared dead on December 13, 2005 at 12:35 a.m. PST (08:35 UTC). Williams is the 12th person to be executed by California since it reinstated the death penalty in 1977.

(For change of 2 Languages go to the menu of the player : Audio - Streams)




at 4/16/2010 05:22:00 PM
Categories 2004, English, Evangelism, Italian, Movies


Subtitle: ENGLISH

The life of Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) from his arrival on Sicily's shores via shipwreck in 1221 to his death. He's a Portuguese monk who, once in Italy, seeks out St. Francis. Anthony's gift as a great preacher is discovered by happenstance. He spends much of his life in and near Padua, a city run by usurers. Anthony offers protection and friendship to Folco, at one time a petty criminal and acolyte to the usurers, later falsely accused of murder. Anthony's teaching and his spiritual strength lead to changes in the character of Padua and an end to usury. He became its patron Saint soon after his death, and 32 years later, his casket is opened and his tongue remains intact.

at 4/14/2010 05:51:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, Italian, Movies, Saints



Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey to Heaven is a modern adaptation of John Bunyan’s beloved classic. It is the #1 Christian fantasy of all time! The novel has been heralded as a literary masterpiece around the world, as it has been published in over 100 languages and is the most read book other than the Bible.
Amazing visual effects, beautiful locations and a wonderful cast bring to life the story that has inspired each generation for hundreds of years. Follow Christian and his companions on a great Journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of Heaven as they face obstacles large and small, man-made and demon-spawned.
Beyond the gripping drama, Bunyan’s powerful allegory teaches us all the hazards and hopes of the Christian life, and it features the
triumphant glory that awaits all who faithfully follow the King of kings!



Subtitles : Arabic
at 4/12/2010 06:39:00 PM
Categories 2008, Arabic, English, Evangelism, Movies


Saving God (2008): One Soul at a Time

Ex Con Armstrong Cane (Ving Rhames) returns to home a changed man looking to take over his father's old church and congregation. The neighborhood though is full of drugs and gangs.

Those who are able are leaving for more prosperous areas and falling in with a slick preacher (Ricardo Chivara). Even with a dangerous gang leader (Dean McDermott) threatening his flock, Armstrong won't give up.

Tough as nails on the outside and inside, Armstrong shouts God's word to whoever will listen


at 4/10/2010 05:29:00 PM
Categories 2008, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio: English
Subtitles : Albanian , Spanian , Portugalian

A journalist searches for her daughter as a series of catastrophic disasters push a destabilized society toward the brink of global war.

Director: A.F. Silver
Writers: David Michael Latt , Jose Prendes

Cast (in credits order)

Kim Little ... Allison
Clint Browning ... Joseph
Russell Reynolds ... Itzhak (as G. Russell Reynolds)
Mark Hengst ... Mark Thompson
Audrey Latt ... Mary
April Wade ... Cindy
Spencer Scott ... John Cosgrove
Vivian Brunstein ... Adi (as Vivi Brunstein)
Danae Nason ... Tina
Matt Mercer ... Lavi
Cameron Cash ... David
Dean Kreyling ... Detective Strand
Jose Prendes ... Agent Malcolm Grant
Matthew Farhat ... Gianni
Alexander Hatzidiakos ... Romano
Domiziano Arcangeli ... One Eyed Man
Meredith Louise Thomas ... Newscaster (as Meredith Thomas)
Amol Shah ... Salah
Emilio Roso ... Aram
Yair Lehman ... Hanifa
Aviad Har-Zion ... Elijah
Lior Vago ... Enoch
Faygal Tawil ... Taxi Driver
Norma Rivera ... Woman on Street
Scott Wheeler ... Charlie


Subtitles: Albanian , Spanian , Portugalian

at 4/08/2010 07:07:00 PM
Categories 2009, Albanian, English, Movies, Portuguese, Prophecy/End Times, Spanish


In one chaotic moment, millions of people around the world suddenly disappear leaving their clothes, wedding rings, eye glasses and shoes in crumpled piles. Mass confusion hits while vehicles suddenly unmanned veer out of control, fires erupt and hysteria breaks out as the living stare in disbelief and fear at the empty places where their loved ones were just seconds before. This is the rapture that God has planned as the first sign to begin the unraveling of the end of time.

Enter airline pilot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson), a tall, ruggedly strong and good-looking man in his early 40s. His flying career has kept him away from his family (wife and two children) causing a strain in his marital relationship which consequently pushes his wife Irene into devoting herself to her church and religious beliefs. Rayford begins to desire one of his attractive and intelligent flight attendants (Hattie) and is about to take it one step forward when, in the middle of one of his flights to London, England, the rapture occurs.

Cameron 'Buck' Williams (Kirk Cameron), a young, good-looking and ambitious television reporter, is in the middle of an investigative report that brought him to Israel. There he interviewed famed scientist Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig about his breakthrough food growth formula that would make any type of soil (from desert to frozen ice caps) arable. This formula would enable Israel to barter for world peace. In the midst of this interview, Israel is besieged by a full-scale surprise air attack which suddenly explodes in mid-air causing absolutely no harm or casualties to Israel.

Buck, deeply perplexed by the phenomenon, is further intrigued when his ex-Pentagon friend, Dirk Burton, hints at a massive conspiracy to obtain world domination (using Dr. Rosenzweig's secret formula) headed by two evil tycoons Jonathan Stonagal and Joshua Cothran. Buck sets out on a mission to get to the truth. While on this mission, Buck finds himself on Rayford's flight to London, England where he experiences the 'rapture' first hand. He later enlists the help of Dirk's eclectic band of computer 'geeks' (after Dirk is mysteriously murdered) to sort out Dirk's conspiracy facts encrypted on a miniature DVD disc.

Rayford returns home from the chaotic 'raptured' flight to find his wife and 11-year old son Raymie gone. His feisty 20-year old daughter Chloe (Janaya Stephens) is still alive and was out driving her Isuzu truck when the rapture took place. Joined by her father and Buck, they work together to find the truth and to search for their missing family.

at 3/18/2010 09:42:00 AM
Categories 2000, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times

It's a week after the rapture and the millions of people who disappeared into thin air are still missing. Chaos rules the world as panic and grief stricken survivors continue to search for their lost loved-ones. Suicide rates are sky-rocketing, businesses and homes are being looted, and martial law is in effect. A desperate world looks to the leadership and guidance of UN President Nicolae Carpathia, the only person offering any answers, hope, and plans to restore peace and order.

While Carpathia has the world's adoration and trust, he is seemingly unaware of four rebels spreading the truth that he is in fact the prophesied Antichrist of the Bible.

Leading this small group (called the Tribulation Force) is Pastor Bruce Barnes (Clarence Gilyard), whose in-depth understanding of biblical prophecy helps demystify the present and future events that the world will face in the next seven years known as The Tribulation. Buck Williams (Kirk Cameron) is a highly respected television journalist who has seen firsthand Carpathia's manipulative and deadly powers.

His position allows him special access to a global audience through the media and to Carpathia himself. Airline pilot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson) and his 20-year-old daughter, Chloe (Janaya Stephens), make up the rest of the group. Ray is a man still struggling to come to grips with the loss of his wife and son, but his recent salvation and friendship with Pastor Barnes have brought him back to the church and closer to his feisty daughter. Chloe finds her purpose by tending the sick and wounded as well as a burgeoning love relationship with Buck.

As the Tribulation Force mobilizes to open the eyes of the world to the truth, global events get even stranger when word leaks out that three men have mysteriously burned to death at one of the holiest sites in Israel: the Wailing Wall. At the same time, Rabbi Ben Judah, one of the leading religious scholars of his time, plans to make a world-altering announcement based on years of research. Pastor Barnes believes both events are linked to Carpathia, signaling the oncoming terror of The Tribulation. He acts quickly by getting Ray and Buck to embark on a dangerous mission to infiltrate Carpathia's organization. They must get to Ben Judah before he makes his announcement.


at 3/17/2010 10:18:00 AM
Categories 2002, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times

Based on the last part of the book “Tribulation Force” by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins End Time Political Thriller The world is controlled by a self-proclaimed Messiah and his One World Government. A US President works tirelessly against those who oppose this new world order until a shocking discovery forces him to change sides.

SYNOPSIS: PRESIDENT GERALD FITZHUGH lives in a different world – everyone does. A year and a half ago the world was hit with the biggest catastrophe it had ever seen. Without warning and without explanation, hundreds of millions of people simply vanished off the face of the earth. The world was in chaos like it had never been before.

Yet somehow one man seemed to rise to the challenge. One man had the strength and conviction to unite a shattered world. One man gave the world hope. That man was NICOLAE CARPATHIA. He now rules the entire world.

Fitzhugh, like most of America, whole-heartedly supports Nicolae’s new global leadership, but there are those who do not. A dangerous militia movement and an underground group of born-again Christians actively, but separately, work to bring Nicolae down. Their reasons for resistance may be different, but both groups are labeled as dangerous terrorists that Fitzhugh must stop without mercy.

After an attempt on his life though, Fitzhugh begins to look closer at Nicolae and his new World Government. He forces BUCK WILLIAMS, an international journalist who has an inside track to Nicolae, to help him. Buck is a Christian and believes that Nicolae is actually the prophesied Antichrist, but Fitzhugh wants facts – not stories.

With the help of a Militia Spy, Fitzhugh uncovers the government’s horrific plans for genocide and quickly he joins the very resistance he had sacrificed so much to destroy. Meanwhile thousands are infected with the government’s deadly manufactured virus, including Buck’s new wife CHLOE STEELE and his mentor PASTOR BRUCE BARNES.

With time running out both Fitzhugh and Buck must make the toughest decisions of their lives. Will Fitzhugh sacrifice the lives of millions to ultimately save America? Can Buck lead Fitzhugh to the real truth about Nicolae before it’s too late? And after the smoke clears: who will survive World War III?


at 3/16/2010 10:31:00 AM
Categories 2005, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times
DANIEL (1993)

DANIEL (1993)

Audio : English, Spanish
Subtitles : English

Nebuchadnezzar orders that all Hebrew boys be brought to his palace in Babylon. Daniel, along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are captured and taken to the palace. They are to be trained alongside Babylonian boys to become wise men and are given Babylonian names. David demands that the Israelites be given their own food, and they become much healthier than their Babylonian counterparts. God gives Daniel and his friends great wisdom. To Daniel, God gives the special power to interpret dreams. The King has frightening dream and when Daniel interprets the dream, the King makes Daniel and the Hebrews his closest advisors. The King has a magnificent golden statue built and demands that all worship the idol. When Daniel's three friends refuse, Nebuchadenzzar has them thrown into a fiery oven. An angel of God appears and protects them in the furnace. Time passes. Daniel becomes the closest advisor to Darius, the new king. Responding to the jealousy of other court officers who know that Daniel will never worship an idol, Darius issues a edict that all shall worship his statue. Daniel refuses to obey the decree and is thrown into a den of lions. God protects him and Darius recognizes that Daniel's God is the one true and just God. Darius frees Daniel from the lions and issues a final decree: All of this people shall worship the God of Daniel - the all powerful and just God of the Hebrews.


Version 1 (High Quality)
Audio : English, Spanish
Subtitles : English

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Version 2 ( 300 MB)
Audio : English
at 3/06/2010 09:07:00 AM
Categories 1993, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament, Spanish


Audio: English
Subtitles: English, French

Peaceloving blacksmith Marcus refuses lucrative offers to fight in the arena...until his wife dies for lack of medical care. His life as a gladiator coarsens him, and shady enterprises make him the richest man in Pompeii, while his son Flavius (who met Jesus on a brief visit to Judaea) is as gentle as Marcus once was. The final disaster of Marcus and Flavius's cross purposes is interrupted by the eruption of Vesuvius.


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at 3/04/2010 01:10:00 AM
Categories 1935, Classic, English, French, Movies


Audio : English & Spanish
Subtitles : English

Abraham keeps faith in God, and exhibits extraordinary courage in following God's will. That faith and courage remain strong, even when Abraham is tested to the limit. When God sees the power of Abraham's faith, He rewards Abraham with unlimited blessings. The Lord has promised Abram and Sarai that they would have children as countless as the stars. Yet they are growing old, so Sarai tells Abram to take her servant Hagar as a wife. Perhaps she will bear a son. Ishmael is born to Hagar. But Ishmael is not the son promised by God. The Lord appears to Abrams and renews his promise. As a symbol of this covenant, God renames Abram and Sarai. Henceforth, they are known as Abraham and Sarah. Miraculously, Sarah gives birth to Isaac. Gad tells Abraham that he should care for Ishmael,"but my promise and my inheritance shall go to Isaac." As a dutiful son, Isaac helps his father with ritual sacrifices. "Do you know why we sacrifice our finest lamb?" Abraham asks him. "Because God has given us everything," the boy replies, "we must give him our best." The answer pleases his father. "Promise me Isaac," says Abraham, "that you will always do what the Lord asks." Isaac confirms that he will. The Lord appears to Abraham, and tells him that he must sacrifice Isaac. Shaken but obedient to God, Abraham prepares to kill Isaac. Isaac lies down on the altar of ritual sacrifice, willing to give up his life to God. Suddenly, the Lord speaks to Abraham: "Lay not thy hand upon the lad. Abraham, because thou hast done this thing, and has not withheld thy son, I will multiply thy seed like the stars in heaven. And by thy seed, thou shalt be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice."


Version 1 ((High Quality: AVI DVDrip | 720x480 | 700 MB)
Audio : English & Spanish
Subtitles : English

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Version 2 ( 300 MB)
Audio : English

at 2/28/2010 09:05:00 AM
Categories 1992, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament, Spanish
SHOOTING DOGS (Beyond the Gates) (2005)


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Farsi, Turkish, Czech, Romanian, Albanian, Polish, Slovenian

In April 1994, after the airplane of the Hutu President of Rwanda is shot down, the Hutu militias slaughter the Tutsi population. In the Ecole Technique Officielle, the Catholic priest Christopher and the idealistic English teacher Joe Connor lodge two thousand and five hundred Rwandans refugees, under the protection of the Belgian UN force and under siege by Hutu militia. When the Tutsi refugees are abandoned by the UN, they are murdered by the extremist militia.

Some films are made as artistic endeavour, others have economic rewards as an end to their means, others have a story that simply HAS to be told, Shooting Dogs is just this kind of film.
It tells the true tale of the 1994 genocide that took place in Rwanda. From the location of a missionary school for children, we follow the story from gap year teacher, Joe Connor (Hugh Dancy) and resident priest, Christopher (John Hurt) as they provide sanctuary for Tutsi people who are being persecuted by gangs of Hutu vigilante’s who are uprising following the shooting down of their Hutu President’s plane. The background being that the Tutsi and Hutu difference is a racially born hatred, with bloodshed never far away.
In the midst of all this is the arrival of a Belgian UN troop who have fled the growing violence and they themselves have set up camp at the school. However the UN troop, following UN guidelines cannot intervene unless a state of genocide is declared. There are obvious politics going on behind all this, and while this is of great interest in learning about the context of the situation, nothing comes close to rivalling the human element of the story. There are the hunted Tutsi people, idealistic teacher, Joe and the priest, Christopher, who after years of seemingly futile enterprise to help the people of Rwanda has become cynical about their mentality and the approach taken by such institutions as the UN.
We are confronted by scenes of disturbing violence and the question of who is right in the varying stances taken. The Belgian soldiers, outnumbered and with depleted resources, following rules but wanting to help, but risking consequences if they do, the Tutsi people, again outnumbered but unable to escape the horror. Then there’s the priest and the teacher, played with true gravitas by Dancy and Hurt respectively. Their choices are probably the hardest to bear. The Priest, Christopher has a somewhat defiant edge to his need to get involved and Joe is struggling with the urge to help everyone (which is impossible) but also his own self preservation.
They style of the film is actually very un-film-like. It is a BBC production, and has the feel of an extended television drama, but that is inconsequential, because what matters is the story, and what matters most is that the story is true, not only true but brought to you by some of the surviving Tutsi people, who were involved heavily in the production of the film. For that it’s hard to find a better representation of such atrocities on film, and for that the film is truly powerful.




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at 2/25/2010 06:40:00 PM
Categories 2005, Albanian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, Movies, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Turkish


Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Albanian

This biblical epic centers on the connection between King Saul (Norman Wooland), ruler of the Israelites, and David (Gianni Garko), the shepherd boy who slew Goliath and who would eventually become king. Saul's power begins to wane all the while he listens to the words of his jealous wife. Eventually, Saul loses the throne and his life while David becomes ruler.


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at 2/21/2010 08:41:00 PM
Categories 1964, Albanian, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Old Testament


Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Albanian


ruggedchic from Oklahoma, USA
This earthy and realistic film is an excellent piece of Biblical History. It is true to the story in the Bible and is very engaging. Anyone that loves the Bible or just a historical piece will appreciate the effort that went into this. Burt Lancaster's son Bill plays the young Moses and does a brilliant job! Burt, of course, picks up where his son leaves off and gives a great performance. When you watch the actors in the scenes of the desert you can feel the heat and sweat. The earthy tones in the film give it a distinct character. The narrator does an excellent job while not interfering with the story itself. The lavish scenery gives the viewer a feast to behold.

yortsnave from Columbus, OH USA
I remember watching this mini-series on TV with my family while I was on summer vacation from college. (Wow, over a quarter-century ago).
I really enjoyed it. The cast was first-rate, especially Burt Lancaster in the title role. I especially remember the sorrow that Moses felt when he had to pass a sentence of death upon a lawbreaker. He had no choice, but he still grieved that such a thing would be necessary. I also remember the resistance that Moses encountered at every turn from the non-believers and power-seekers. Highly recommended.



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at 2/19/2010 06:51:00 PM
Categories 1974, Albanian, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Old Testament


After Brian is killed by a mugger, he faces a spiritual trial where God will judge his life and pronounce a sentence: eternal life or damnation. Before making a decision, God summons witnesses to testify about Brian's character. The hearing forces Brian to reevaluate some of his important choices and reawakens the religious feelings that he allowed to lapse. Carl Anthony Payne and Clifton Powell star in the Emmbre Perry production.



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Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Dutch, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian

Irena Sendler (née Krzyżanowska) is a Catholic social worker who has sympathized with the Jews since her childhood, when her physician father died of typhus contracted while treating poor Jewish patients. When she initially proposes saving Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, her idea is met with skepticism by fellow workers, her parish priest, and even her own mother Janina.
Using forged identification to present herself as a nurse to guards at the entrance to the enclave where the Jewish population has been sequestered, Irena tries to convince the parents of young children to allow her to smuggle them out to safety. Many fear they will never see them again, and she assures them she will document where each child is sent to facilitate their reunion with their parents once the war is over. Others bemoan the fact their children will be raised in a faith other than their own and forget their religious beliefs and traditions, but Irena convinces them this is a small price to pay in exchange for keeping them alive.
Among those helping Irena is Stefan, a Jewish friend from her university days. He is aware of a few overlooked exits from the ghetto and uses this knowledge to help Irena and others involved with the underground organization Żegota plan their strategies and devise routes to smuggle the children, some in boxes hidden under bricks on wheelbarrows, others through sewer systems, and still others brazenly escorted through the front door of the city hall hand-in-hand with their savior...




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at 2/14/2010 11:03:00 PM
Categories 2009, Brasilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Movies, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
THE EVANGELISM TRILOGY (1988, 1990,1992)


Released in 1988-1992 by Mars Hill Productions
Three of the most powerful evangelistic films ever produced ! In the late 80’s and early 90’s, Mars Hill produced 3 hard hitting, award-winning evangelistic films. Though they were produced a decade ago, these short films are still being used today because they powerfully present eternal truths in an incredibly creative and compelling way.

Six teenagers leave the party. Four of them enter a new dimension, never to return. Victims of a fatal automobile accident, they find themselves suspended in time and space, somewhere between heaven and hell. Through a “window”in space, they are able to observe those they have left behind, and to preview their individual destinies.
Stripped of all pretense, they each have a dramatically different response to their situation. The “almost Christian” is overcome by the realization of her folly. The “practical agnostic” is in bitter denial. And the "silent Christian" is confronted by his close friend, “Why didn't you tell me while there was time?”
This sobering story concludes with an unexpected turn that powerfully communicates the hope we have in Christ. Without Reservation will move Christians to share their faith with a renewed sense of purpose, and will challenge others to seriously examine their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.




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2) FUTURE TENSE (1990)

Imagine a young man who truly believes that Christ could return at any moment, and that opportunities to share the Gospel with his family and friends would be lost forever.
Soon after reading about the second coming of Christ, Michael has a dream in which he and his family are waiting to board a plane. But this is no ordinary plane. This plane is bound for heaven. Tragically, all but Michael and his younger brother miss the plane. Future Tense ScreenshotAs the plane pulls away, Michael must watch his family from the plane's window, knowing that this is the last plane out, and there will be no other - ever.
Michael is so affected by his dream that he makes a tape for his family, describing the dream and the events surrounding Christ's return as he understands them. Through the imagination of family members, we will experience the incredible events and images described on Michael's tape.



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The truth is like a light in the darkness. When it’s gone, all that’s left is the darkness.

This is the story of Norman's "moment of truth": a moment when powers of darkness are restrained by angels of God in response to prayers of believers; a moment when Norman's resistance to God has been worn down; an optimum moment to encounter Christ. But still, only a moment.
Cheth is the angel assigned to Norman. Aenon, also an angel, is visiting from another world. As Cheth briefs Aenon, we learn of the disease that has infected mankind, and of the Master's plan to rescue humans. We discover Norman's pain as a child of divorce, encounter the demon assigned to keep Norman from the Master, and meet Allen, the human chosen by the Master to speak the truth to Norman.
In the creative and compelling style for which Mars Hill films have become known, Moment of Truth powerfully communicates the drama of sharing and receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



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at 2/13/2010 07:22:00 PM
Categories 1988, 1990, 1992, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian, Hungarian

When Sarah Cain, a self-involved big-city newspaper columnist, travels to Pennsylvania for the funeral of her Amish sister, she soon discovers that she is the legal guardian of her five Amish nieces and nephews. Rather than choose to move to Lancaster County to finish raising them there herself, or let them be separated by the foster care system, Sarah decides to take them with her back to Portland where she believes she can make a new life for them. However, she soon realizes that the modern world has forced them to compromise who they are, and that she has moved them there for all the wrong reasons - a motive which is soon exposed - because secrets can really never be kept secret. In order to find her own redemption, she knows she must make a choice to give them back their lives in Amish Country. And whether she remains part of their lives will have a lot to do with how much she has grown to love them.



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at 2/12/2010 06:21:00 PM
Categories 2007, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Evangelism, Hungarian, Movies, Romanian, Spanish


This is a new and exciting 6 unit documentary DVD series. Filmed entirely in Israel, this new series offers a Christian perspective on the history of the Jewish people from Abraham to Armageddon.


*"My wife and I just viewed "Israel, A Journey Through Time" in its entirety, in one sitting! It was that captivating and informative and factual. Beyond that, it's urgent, we believe, that all Christians come to a deeper understanding of our Jewish roots and heritage and our link to the destiny of Israel. The Apostle Paul says we Christians are "grafted into" the original tree and roots of His dealings with man in relationship -- and too many Christians don't even know what we've been grafted into. It's high time we found out, and this series is a graduate course. !"*


1) From Abraham to Jesus

From Abraham to Jesus is an exciting 2000 year overview of the history of Israel beginning with Abraham, the Father of Nations and culminating with the birth of Jesus, the Jew who divided history. The first unit in this six unit series lays a foundation for the units which follow by identifying the origins of the Jewish Nation, the only Nation on the earth that God specifically called into being, and by highligting God's interaction with those He calls His covenant, chosen people. This unit also introduces the concept of divine plans and purposes - as foretold by the Hebrew prophets - of a coming Messiah figure, a long anticipated event which, in retrospect, shook the then known world and forever shaped history.


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2) Jesus: The Jew Who Divided History

Of Jesus it has been said that "all of the armies that ever marched, all of the navies that ever sailed, and all of the kings who have ever reigned have not affected the life of man on this earth more than this ONE SOLITARY LIFE." While it is easy to explain Christ's influence on His own generation, how do we explain His influence on every generation since He walked over the green hills of His native Galilee? How has the religion He established survived and flourished across cultures and national boundaries for more than 20 centuries in spite of widespread skepticism of its claims and persecution of its adherents? This video answers these and many other questions.


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3) Anti-Semitism

If it is true that Jewish people are the chosen of God, then it is equally true that they have had to endure incredible suffering precisely because of that unique relationship, and never more so than in the European Holocaust. This unit explores the origins and roots of anti-Semitism, this evil plague's negative impact on Jewish life in every culture and in virtually every generation. Why are the Jews, whose roots can be traced to the Holy Land, found all over the world? Why did the Jews become easy scapegoats among the nations of their long exile? And why did these sons and daughters of Abraham experience greater persecution in so-called Christian nations than in non-Christian ones? Also examined in this unit is the link between anti-Semitism and the rebirth of Israel, a new nation called by an ancient name.


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4) Aliyah: Rebirth of a Nation

Can a nation be born in a day? This unit both asks and answers this question by tracing the history of the Jewish children of Abraham from destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70, through 20 centuries of exile among the nations, up and until their miraculous return to their ancient and biblical homeland, Israel. The unit also examines how a once desolate landscape was transformed into a Garden of Eden, as an amazing fulfillment of ancient prophecies. At its rebirth in 1948, Israel's Jewish population stood at 600,000. Today it is closer to 6 million. Aliyah is the word used to describe this mass migration. And who can explain this incredible population shift? Simply put God is at work keeping His covenant promises to His Chosen People by summoning them from the North, South, East and West.


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5) Israel In Crisis

Since her rebirth in 1948, Israel has struggled to survive as a Jewish homeland in a hostile neighbourhood, a democracy surrounded by nations governed by dictators. Wars and rumours of wars have been the daily diet Israelis have had to swallow for more than 60 years. And between the wars is the incessant threat of terror attacks, when suicide bombers stalk the streets, and when every bus or gathering place is a target and maximum collateral damage the goal. Yet, somehow Israel has continued to survive and thrive. The danger today is that weapons are becoming more sophisticated and rockets from Gaza are reaching deeper into Israel than ever before. If Israel's return to her biblical homeland is a sign of lateness of the prophetic hour, could these ever increasing threats be a sign that the final countdown to Armageddon has begun


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6) What Time Is It?

How do we explain the fact that one of the smallest nations on earth, both in terms of population and land area, is headline news everyday? And why has Jerusalem, a city virtually ignored for 2000 years, suddenly become the focus of the nations? The answers to these and many other questions of our troubled times are found in the Bible. The Hebrew Prophets, Christian Apostles, and Jesus of Nazareth all spoke about tumultuous times at the 'End of Days.' The question is: What time is it on the prophetic timetable? This final unit in the series examines current events and climate changes in light of biblical prophecies, specifically showing how Israel and Jerusalem fit into this end time scenario, and how there is a prophetic continuum from Abraham to Armageddon.


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at 2/09/2010 06:22:00 PM
Categories Documentary, English, New Testament, Old Testament, Prophecy/End Times
BEEN GOOD, IF YOU CAN (1984) - State Buoni... Se Potete

State Buoni... Se Potete

Also Known As (AKA)
Filip Neri (Czechia / Slovakia)
Himmel und Hölle (Germany)
Legyetek jók, ha tudtok (Hungary)
Sed buenos... si podéis (Spain)

Audio : Italian
Subtitles : Italian, Romanian, English, Albanian, Spanish, Hungarian

Around the year 1500, the Italian priest Don Filippo Neri helps street kids and orphans in his poor little chapel. He is no clergyman by the book, but a true believer in terms good and bad and he teaches this to his children. Neri is not very well-seen by the church and his only "friend" is the dry, humorless Ignatius De Loyola. But Neris real counterpart is the devil himself, working in endless incarnations in Neris direct neighborhood, trying to seduce his kids. His newest kid is the young thief Cirifischio, making a lot of problems. When Cirifischio has an argument with a young boy of a local aristocrat, the boy turns out to be a girl, the young Leonetta, some kind of a sex slave for her owner. Neri adopts her too, and the young people fall in love. 15 Years later, the devil is back and leads Cirifiscio onto a murder. Now lawless, the thief must flee Neri and leave Leonetta back. Neri does the best he can to save the thief's life, but does he have a chance against the fate? Moreover, Neri has to fight the death sin of vanity itself...from an unexpected side...




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at 2/07/2010 08:55:00 AM
Categories 1984, Albanian, English, Evangelism, Hungarian, Italian, Movies, Romanian, Saints, Spanish

Audio : English , Spanish , Brasilian Portuguese , German
Subtitles : English, Romanian

A true story of love, courage, and sacrifice.

What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His convictions cost him his life. The Nazis hanged him on April 9, 1945, less than a month before the end of the war. Bonhoeffer's last years, his participation in the German resistance and his moral struggle are dramatized in this film. More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance. It brings to a wide audience the heroic rebellion of Bonhoeffer, a highly regarded Lutheran minister who could have kept his peace and saved his life on several occasions but instead paid the ultimate price for his beliefs.


Todd Brautigam
Just as his life ended, so does the movie end. However, it is a wonderfully made movie and the entire family can watch. Even our two 7 year old daughters watched with interest. It carries a great message of how we must stand against evil, at all costs. If only the war had ended a few weeks earlier. Even so, Lord, thank you for such brave and upright men. Amen.

lincon99 from Canada
I watched, entranced and mesmerized, by the vocal and physical acting. The roles each character played were done with excellence.The lyrics,the words, every gesture, the sunrise, told it all.The movie spoke to me. It enlightened me to a different perception of a person who believes in mankind. Who believes in peace and gentle behavior. I was also held in disbelieve, by the sacrifices and human dignity was portrayed. Power without grace, is demented and without feelings. To want power at the cost of mankind, is so unbelievable. This movie made me so afraid for the people who are no longer in this world. And, it is with sadness that I think of them. I like this movie for the conversations and face expressions to it all. May this movie be blessed.

Teresa Gallo (rsgallo) from Lee's Summit, MO
Bonhoeffer was a very well done movie about the legendary Christian leader and minister Deitrich Bonhoeffer. It told his story, warts and all. It showed the philosophical dilemna that a Man of God struggled through and eventually is sacrificed for. It is a insight into a man who wanted to serve God and mankind, the conflicts, the way he touched others lives, then and now through is great writings. I recommend it.



Version 1 ( .avi)
Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Romanian


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Version 2 ( .ratDvd )
Audio : English , Spanish , Brasilian Portuguese , German
Subtitles : English

The movie is in the best format for the DVD : ratDVD . With this format you have the same menu use as DVD original.

For player you can use
Media Player Classic
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can convert ratDVD in a usual DVD with ratDVD Converter
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at 2/03/2010 10:27:00 AM
Categories 2000, Brasilian Portuguese, English, German, Movies, Romanian, Spanish


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Spanish

Stacy is a promiscuous 20-something woman who is quick to judge those around her and has nothing but bad luck in love. One day Stacy decides to re-evaluate her life in the hopes of finding Mr. Right. Realizing that her loose ways are setting a bad example to her younger siblings she decides to attend prayer service and forms a bound with God that is sure to bring happiness and balance in her life.

(Please for english subtitles edit the file with Notepad, replace the tag: -> with: --> and save the file.)


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at 2/02/2010 06:26:00 PM
Categories 2010, English, Evangelism, Movies, Spanish
ESTHER (1993)

ESTHER (1993)
AUDIO : English & Spanish

Mordecai, a Hebrew, is the gatekeeper at the palace of a great Babylonian king. A woman brings him an orphaned infant girl named Esther. Mordecai raises her as his own daughter, devoutly praying that God care for her. Years pass, and Esther has grown into a kind and beautiful young woman. King Xerxes has ascended to the Babylonian throne, with the evil Haman as his principal adviser. Xerxes has banished his wife, and sends for all of the young women in the kingdom so that he may choose a new wife. At first Mordecai is reluctant to send Esther to Xerxes. But God has chosen Esther for great things, and Mordecai prepares Esther for her meeting with the King. He warns her never to reveal that she is a Jew. Xerxes finds Esther beautiful, and makes her his queen. Over time, Esther helps King Xerxes to understand that in order to be a great king, he must be kind and generous. But evil is at work in the person of the king's second in command, Haman, who declares that everyone in the kingdom must bow down before him. Mordecai refuses, declaring that as a Jew he will bow to no one except his God. This enrages Haman, who vows to destroy all the Jews. Haman goes to Xerxes and falsely claims there is a plot among the Jews to overthrow the kingdom. Mordecai overhears Xerxes give Haman permission to hang all the Jews. Mordecai asks Esther to intervene with Xerxes on the behalf of the Jews. Queen Esther asks all of the Jews to fast for three days, knowing full well that her confrontation with the King and Haman will bring her own death. The brave Esther declares to the King that she is a Jew. She says that her people wish the King no harm. "We only want to worship our God in peace." Haman demands her instant death but Xerxes, filled with Esther's goodness and God's love, believes her. He orders Haman executed on the same gallows that he had erected for the Jews. King Xerxes embraces Esther with love and gratitude, and rewards the good Mordecai by making him his second in command.


Version 1 (High Quality: AVI DVDrip | 720x480 | 700 MB)
Audio : English & Spanish
Subtitles : English


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Version 2 ( .avi - 200 MB )
Audio : English

at 1/30/2010 09:37:00 AM
Categories 1993, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament, Spanish


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek

Elmer Gantry (Burt Lancaster) is a hard-drinking, fast-talking traveling salesman with a charismatic personality. While traveling, he's drawn to the road show of Sister Sharon Falconer (Jean Simmons) and is immediately attracted to the saintly revivalist. He soon cons his way into her good graces and joins the troupe as a fiery preacher. Gantry and Falconer develop what her manager calls a "good cop/bad cop" routine, with Elmer telling the audience members that they will burn in Hell for their sins and Sharon promising them salvation if they repent. With Elmer's support, the group makes its way out of exclusively provincial venues and into Zenith, Winnemac. Falconer eventually admits to Gantry that her real name is Katie Jones and that her origins are humbler than she publicly admits. Falconer becomes Gantry's lover and loses her virginity to him.
Gantry's on-stage antics draw the attention of big city reporter and nonbeliever Jim Lefferts (Arthur Kennedy). Lefferts is shown to be torn between his disgust for religious hucksterism and his genuine admiration for Gantry's charm and cunning. The two men begin a public feud which increases the notoriety of both.
The success of the Falconer-Gantry team is mired by Lulu Baines (Shirley Jones), Elmer's former girlfriend. Baines fell into disrepute and became a prostitute when her affair with Gantry ruined her standing in her minister father's eyes. Gantry, acting as a moralist, unwittingly invades the brothel where Lulu works, with police and media in tow and sends the prostitutes out of town. Lulu frames Gantry out of revenge for this and out of jealousy for his relationship with Falconer.
Baines blackmails Gantry and asks Falconer to bring money in exchange for incriminating pictures. Falconer brings the money, but Baines refuses to accept; it is unclear why...

Awards and nominations

The film won Academy Awards (Oscar) for Best Actor (Burt Lancaster), Best Supporting Actress (Shirley Jones) and Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium. It was also nominated for Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture and Best Picture.




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at 1/30/2010 09:20:00 AM
Categories 1960, English, Evangelism, French, German, Greek, Italian, Movies, Portuguese, Spanish


Also Known As (AKA)
König der Könige Austria / Germany
Le roi des rois Belgium / France
El rey de reyes Spain
Il re dei re Italy
O Rei dos Reis Portugal
O vasilefs ton vasileon Greece

Audio : Silent ( Music )
Subtitles : English

Most reverent and strikingly beautiful panorama of the tragedy of all ages--the world's greatest screen epic. A production acclaimed by world-famed scholars, press and public in this country and abroad, as the most ambitious presentation of the final years of the life of Jesus ever pictured on the screen. An epochal motion picture that will live forever in the hearts of mankind.
The King of Kings (1927) is a silent film directed by Cecil B. DeMille. It is a religious movie about the last weeks of Jesus before his crucifixion.
The film opens with a titlecard stating that Israel was under terrible oppression in the time of Jesus and that even the chief priesthood was subject to Roman interference. It is compared to a kind of racket.
We see Mary Magdalene, here portrayed as a wild courtesan, entertain many men around her. Upon learning that Judas is with a carpenter she rides out on her chariot drawn by zebras to get him back. Peter is introduced as the Giant apostle, and we see the gospel writer Mark as a child who is healed by Jesus. The Virgin Mary is shown as a beautiful and saintly woman who is a mother to all the her son's followers. Our first sight of Jesus is through the eyesight of a little girl, whom He heals. He is surrounded by a halo. Mary Magdelene arrives afterwards and talks to Judas, who reveals that he is only staying with Jesus in hopes of being made a king after Jesus becomes the king of kings. Jesus casts the Seven Deadly Sins out of Mary Magdalene in a multiple exposure sequence.




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at 1/26/2010 05:24:00 PM
Categories 1927, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Croatian

War, famine, plague… According to the Book of Revelation in the Bible, these are three of the four horsemen of a coming apocalypse. The fourth? The anti-Christ, in human form, walking somewhere among us. Could it be about to happen today?
In this fascinating special, HISTORY decodes the ancient prophecy, which actually consists of seven signs within seven signs within seven more signs, and examines whether any of them could be linked to actual or potential occurrences today. What kinds of occurrences? Asteroids, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, red tides, global warming and plagues.We also explore what would happen if the seven-signs prophecy were to unfold right now. It’s fascinating. It’s scary. It’s riveting. And a word of warning: The prophecy ends with Armageddon, the final battle between good and evil.


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at 1/26/2010 09:13:00 AM
Categories 2009, Croatian, Documentary, English


Audio : English
Subitles : English, Romanian

Father Charles "Chuck" O'Malley (Bing Crosby), the unconventional priest from Going My Way, continues his work for the Catholic Church. This time he is assigned to St. Mary's, a run-down New York City inner-city Catholic school on the verge of condemnation. O'Malley feels the school should be closed and the children sent to another school with modern facilities, but the sisters feel that God will provide for them. They put their hopes in Horace P. Bogardus (Henry Travers), a businessman who has built a modern building next door to the school and which they hope he will donate to them. Father O'Malley and the dedicated but stubborn Sister Mary Benedict (Ingrid Bergman) have to work together to save the school, though their different views and methods often lead to good-natured disagreements. Towards the end, however, Sister Benedict contracts tuberculosis, and is transferred without being told this. She assumes the transfer is because of her disagreements with O'Malley. In the end, O'Malley informs her that she has tuberculosis, and her illness and not O'Malley making complaints to her superiors is the reason she is being sent away from the school. She then leaves willingly and happily.


It won the Academy Award for Best Sound, Recording, and was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Bing Crosby), Best Actress in a Leading Role (Ingrid Bergman), Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture, Best Music, Song (for Jimmy Van Heusen (music) and Johnny Burke (lyrics) for "Aren't You Glad You're You") and Best Picture. Adjusted for inflation, it is considered the 50th highest grossing film of all time.




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at 1/25/2010 08:31:00 AM
Categories 1945, English, Movies, Romanian


Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese

Does God exist? Does science prove His existence or give us reason to doubt?
Doug Holloway (David de Vos), a family man on the verge of financial and marital ruin, embarks on a journey to find his birth father, Dr. Eugene Holland (Victor Lundin). Dr. Holland is on a mission of his own – to prove the Holy Grail of physics – the Theory of Everything – that may prove the existence of God. His greatest challenge? Completing his quest before a degenerative brain disease (CJD) claims his ability to reason. Soon the two journeys become one as the men struggle together to rebuild their family and find new hope in God.
A moving story of family, faith and theoretical physics, The Theory of Everything will inspire you to "Envision the Possibilities."

2007 Crown Award Winner - Best Picture (Gold), Best Evangelistic Film (Gold), Best Drama over $250,000 (Gold)


Jere Davis
The story is thoughtful and intelligent. This film helps lead the way to higher standards of production in Christian cinema which is greatly needed. I highly recommend this movie. It has human drama, an interesting story line, and a Christian message in a quality production.

Jane Strickland
This movie was great! I saw it on TBN and I hadn't heard anything about it before I watched. This is a must see movie.

Jill Cain
It was profound and touches people at a very deep, universal level as a human being. Anyone (Christian or non-Christian) would find this movie both insightful and inspiring! I highly recommend it! Two thumbs way up! I loved it!


Audio : Brasilian Portuguese (Track 1) , English (Track 2)


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at 1/23/2010 09:17:00 PM
Categories 2006, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Evangelism, Movies

Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock. This man took his time and built a strong foundation for his house. When the rains came down, the man and his family remained safe. The foolish man was in a hurry and built his house upon the sand. When the rains came down, his house washed away. As Thomas listens to the words of Jesus, Josiah urges him to build his life on love, patience, and forgiveness, and all will be well. Thomas returns to ask forgiveness for speaking out in anger against his brother. When Thomas talks with Sahara about running the vineyards as his father would have wished, Sahara attacks him and throws him off the land. Thomas begins to doubt that Jesus' way of loving your enemies is right for him. Josiah reminds Thomas that Jesus never promised his enemies would love him in return. Thomas returns to Jesus to ask him to help him resolve the inheritance problem with his brother. Jesus warns Thomas about greed and envy. He tells him the value of a man's life has little to do with the things he owns on earth. To teach this lesson, Jesus tells another parable of the rich man who had an abundant harvest. This man had a choice in giving his extra crop to the poor or to build bigger barns to hold his extra wealth. The man decides to build bigger barns so he will have plenty of money for years to come. God visited the man that very night and told him he had been foolish and his life was over. The things he had gained on earth were worth nothing to his soul. A bit confused, Thomas thinks about what Jesus is trying to teach him. After talking with Josiah, he realizes he has been foolish like the rich man. Thomas visits Sarah again to tell him he no longer wants his inheritance. Sahara begins to gloat over his wealth. As he raises a glass to his lips, he has a heart attack and dies. The video ends with Thomas sitting at the feet of Jesus building salvation upon a rock.


Version 1 ((High Quality: AVI DVDrip | 720x480 | 700 MB)
Audio : English
Subtitles : English & Spanish

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Version 2 (High Quality: MKV DVDrip | 720x480 1100kbps | 225 MB)
Audio : English & Spanish
Subtitles : English & Spanish

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Version 3 ( .avi - 200 MB )
Audio : English
at 1/22/2010 12:55:00 PM
Categories 2004, Animated Stories, English, New Testament, Spanish

This movie is an adaptation of "The Book Of Ruth" from the bible. Powerful themes of tolerance and acceptance gained through love and understanding shine in this production.
The Book of Ruth, is an epic, triumphant love story in the face of adversity.
This selfless journey of love and devotion is seen through the eyes of a young widow. Choosing to leave her homeland of Moab, she follows her mother-in-law Naomi to Israel after the death of her husband. Upon reaching Bethlehem, she meets and marries a man named Boaz, who is of the Royal House of Judah. This chain of seemingly unrelated events, sets the stage for the future kings of the nation of Israel, and the glorious coming of the Messiah.
A Biblical Cinderella story from the archives of the royal Jewish bloodline, this story reveals the redemption of their inheritance through the child Obed, who was the grandfather of King David.
Starring: Dan Haggerty (Grizzly Adams), Lana Wood (Diamonds are Forever), Eleese Lester (Friday Night Lights), Carman of Carman World Ministries, and newcomer Sherri Morris as Ruth.


Angela Triplett
This movie is definitely worth your time. It depicts the story of Ruth and you will engage yourself into her world. There is not much Hollywood added to this film.

James Jones
It is not to often that you find a movie based on a bible character to be quality and extremely well written, for The Book of Ruth it excels on both accounts. The story of Ruth will capture your heart like never before with a superb performance by Sherry Morris. It was great to see her character interact with Boaz played by Carman and share some amazing chemistry on screen.




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Set in 411AD the Roman legions have departed from Britain and the Saxons begin their invasion.
On the eve of battle, the commander of a village (directly in the path of the marauding Saxons) called Pendragon says to his son Artos, “How do we follow our Master?” The answer Artos gives defines early the hero of the movie: “By following his purpose for our lives each day we glorify him.”
And so begins “Pendragon: Sword of his Father.” Using the weaponry of the day, including catapults with flaming missiles, the Saxons attack, and it becomes swiftly apparent that the village is outmatched. Despite valiant efforts by Pendragon’s forces, the fortress walls are breached, and the village is taken.
Artos, the Pendragon’s son, is barely allowed to mourn the loss of his family and the battle, before he is taken away to serve at the table of the Saxon’s leader Hengest. But the son of Pendragon is not captive for long; he escapes and finds help in the form of a mysterious wanderer who, sharing his faith, reminds Artos that our Savior “…was born under oppression, beaten, mocked, killed for you. That was the price for your freedom.”
This mysterious character can be considered an example of “deus ex machina,” but, as this is a Christian film, one might wonder if he represents something more. As Hebrews 13:2 suggests, “…some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Artos joins forces with King Ambrosius, as a minor commander, but his insight and battle prowess make of him a name, and soon the displaced villagers throughout the land rally to the cause and many to his growing cohort.
Second in command, under the king, is Cadeyrn. Both prideful and jealous, he will not accept the growing popularity of the son of Pendragon and will use his influence to drive a wedge between Artos and the King, if not his daughter, Weneveria.




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at 1/20/2010 06:55:00 PM
Categories 2008, English, Movies


Audio : Italian
Subtitles : English, Italian, Croatian, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian

The poor Italian peasant boy Francesco already has visions of Jesus and Mary as a child, but the Devil visits him too. He, Francesco, is quite certain that he will become a priest. After entering the Capuchin Order it becomes clear that Padre Pio (his new name) has powers which can not be explained rationally: he heals the sick, knows the names, problems and future of complete strangers. His prophesies the then unknown young Karol Wojtyla that he will become Pope one day. Padre Pio's charity and extatic prayers make an great impression on the people. In 1918 the Wounds of Christ appear on his hands and feet- Padre Pio carries the stigmata. His followers multiply, and the cult that grows up arround him makes his holy order and the Vatican uneasy. Many within the church consider him to be an hysteric or a trickster, since he only shows his wounds the one time when they first appeared. Padre Pio suffers reprisals, he is no longer allowed to carry out his role as a priest. The ordinary people however continue to believe in him and his miracles. Just before his death in 1968 there is a reconcilliation with the grand Visitator of the Vatican, who recognises him as a Saint.

at 1/19/2010 11:13:00 PM
Categories Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, English, Italian, Romanian, Saints, Spanish


Audio : English
Subtitles : Spanish

A lot can happen over 24 hours, especially in the life of one hurting teenager named Emily (Amber Brooke Wallace). Once a Daddy's girl, Emily tries to connect one last time with her divorced father (Mark Oliver) who has moved on with a new wife (Cynthia Evans) and child (Sophia Bairely). Emily is left alone to care for her bitter, struggling mother (Rhoda Griffis). Her life-long friend and soul mate, Christine (Susanna Lewis), tries to help, but her allegiances are split over new friends. But now Emily has a mysterious new friend, Amber (Mary Cobb), who seems to understand her better than anyone. Together they tempt death seeking a new home that exists only in the life on the other side of death. BLACK OASIS tells an authentic, dark and cautionary story of the forces that pull at today's teenagers and their families, and the conflicting choices presented in everyone's life and faith.



at 1/18/2010 06:34:00 PM
Categories 2005, English, Movies, Spanish


3 Versions
Audio : English, Spanish
Subtitles : English, Spanish

Bread from Heaven is an account of how Jesus has compassion for the multitudes that have come to hear Him minister. The story begins with a young street urchin named Jonas who is begging for each bit of food he can get. After an incident of trickery, he takes bread from the local bakers, Zeke and Jethro. He refuses to share his bread with an old man who is weak and clearly in need of nourishment. Later Jonas finds himself listening to the words of Jesus on the mountain. He is inspired by His message. When Jesus asks for food to feed the people, Jonas unselfishly offers the five loaves and two fishes. After Jesus prays over the food, the disciples feed the people. Zeke and Jethro are amazed at the miracle of feeding the masses and come up with a plan to make Jesus king. They want Jesus to perform miracles so they will no longer have to work. When Jesus tells them He is the Bread of Life, the bakers think He is joking and return to their ovens. Jesus goes to pray and soon sees that His disciples are caught in a storm. As the disciples fear for their lives, Jesus calms the waters by walking upon them. Peter proclaims his faith in Jesus as the Son of the living God. Jonas' faith has given him a new compassion, and he shares bread with the bullies in the street. In the end, Jonas returns to the old man who was denied the bread. He shares his bread and tells him of the man he met named Jesus, who is the Bread of Life.


Version 1 ((High Quality: AVI DVDrip | 720x480 | 700 MB)
Audio : English
Subtitles : English & Spanish


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Version 2 (High Quality: MKV DVDrip | 720x480 1100kbps | 225 MB)
Audio : English & Spanish
Subtitles : English & Spanish


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Version 3 ( .avi - 200 MB )
Audio : English

at 1/17/2010 12:25:00 PM
Categories 1996, Animated Stories, English, New Testament, Spanish


High school dropout and aspiring musician, Mike, spends his days hanging out with his friends and confronting the members of the church next door. Most members have learned to keep their distance, but Sister Thomas is determined to open Mike s mind to GOD and religion. Connecting through a love for music she convinces Mike to pick up the Bible and start reading. He quickly learns that the Bible truly is a book of songs and slowly starts to believe in himself again. With the help of Sister Thomas, Mike stands up to his friends and begins to choose a more righteous path.



at 1/16/2010 04:35:00 PM
Categories 2009, English, Evangelism, Movies


John Moore and Cameron Cavillo are buddies and aspiring filmmakers with the dream of winning the prestigious American Viewfinder film festival. When an acquaintance of Cameron’s, an elderly Widow, faces losing her home to the outrageous property taxes in her area (due to plans for a new highway), the Moore family takes action, along with their friends, the Morton family. Through political smears, on set mishaps, and a wild western ride, these families band together in a classic black hat/white hat tale of heroism.

The Widow's Might received the Audience Choice Award, and the Best of Festival award and the grand prize at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, beating films such as Fireproof and Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. It was also chosen as runner up for Best Feature Film.


pvroe from United States
Unfortunately, 21st century films rarely make movies that a family with a wide age range (young children to parents) can enjoy together. We are thankful, however, that The Widow's Might is just such a movie. Sometimes after a long, tiring week, we like to relax together as a family and enjoy a wholesome movie. As parents, we not only enjoyed the entertainment this movie provided, but we also liked the fact that it supported the wholesome and ethical values that we are seeking to instill in our children. Our children loved the movie for the humor, plot, and were motivated by the example that young people were using their gifts and talents for the glory of God.

Michael Hof from United States
The Widow's Might is a delightful and engaging story that captures the attention of the viewer quickly and holds it throughout the film. Garnished with light-hearted humor, wit, and song, the film brings home a powerful and important message that it is the responsibility of all godly people to defend those that can't defend themselves. This film becomes even more impressive in light of the fact that it is the first feature-length film HeuMoore Productions has released. While there is room for growth in regards to dialog and situational humor, The Widow's Might is a warm-hearted and Christ-centered film that will delight the whole family. I look forward to future projects from this promising group!


at 1/15/2010 07:16:00 PM
Categories 2009, English, Evangelism, Movies

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Spanish, Romanian

April (Taraji P. Henson), a selfish alcoholic singer, is performing at a nightclub where she works. On the other side of town, Madea (Tyler Perry) and Joe (Perry) catch Jennifer (Hope Olaide Wilson), Manny (Kwesi Boakye), and Byron (Frederick Siglar) breaking into their house. After hearing the children’s troubles, Madea welcomes them and feeds them. Jennifer tells Madea that they’re living with their grandmother, who they have not seen in four days. They tell Madea that their only other relative is their aunt April. April shares her home with her shady boyfriend, Randy (Brian J. White), who’s married with children. The next morning, Madea brings the kids to April's house, but April doesn’t want to be bothered. Meanwhile, Pastor Brian (Marvin Winans) sends a Colombian immigrant named Sandino (Adam Rodriguez) to her house for work and a place to stay. April puts Sandino in her basement and wants to lock him down there because she doesn't know him that well. While working around the house, Sandino surprises April by cleaning himself up and becoming very handsome. When Randy arrives, he sees April with the kids and Sandino and heckles him while making subtle advances at Jennifer.

Shortly after, Pastor Brian and Wilma (Gladys Knight), a church member, comes to inform April that her mother died from a fatal brain aneurysm while riding on a bus. April is devastated by the news and seeks comfort from Randy, however he is sleeping and shrugs off April's attempt to seek comfort. Later, Sandino comforts April as she tells him about her mother's death and the last time she spoke with her. Depressed, Jennifer goes to Madea wanting to know how to pray...



Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Spanish, Romanian
at 1/14/2010 07:19:00 AM
Categories 2009, English, Movies, Romanian, Spanish


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Romanian

A college aged Chinese girl begins seeking the Lord and learns the truth about what is happening within her country and what happened in her own family. This film has a penetrating message and is a well crafted drama that shows the true cost of following Christ.


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Romanian
at 1/13/2010 06:58:00 AM
Categories 1991, English, Evangelism, Movies, Romanian
JACOB (1994)

JACOB (1994)
Also Known As (AKA)

A Bíblia: Jacob Portugal
Die Bibel - Jakob Germany
I vivlos: Iakov Greece
Jacó Brazil

In the land of Canaan lives Isaac, son of Abraham, with his clever, strong-willed wife Rebekah and his twin sons Esau and Jacob. The first-born, Esau, is a strong and fearless hunter with a voracious appetite for sensual pleasures. Jacob is a shepherd, more tender and compassionate than Esau. Just as Esau is the pride of his father, so is Jacob the apple of his mother's eye. Rebekah is convinced that Jacob, though the second born son, is the chosen one and the rightful heir of Isaac and Abraham. And she tells him that when she was with child, God announced to her: "Two nations are within thy womb. Two manner of men shall be delivered to you. The one shall be stronger than the other and the elder shall serve the younger". One day Esau returns from a hunt to find Jacob preparing a lentil porridge. Famished, he asks Jacob for some food. Jacob agrees, but on one condition: that Esau sell him his birthright. Since Esau ascribes little value to its meaning, he readily agrees and they conclude the pact. Time has passed. Isaac has grown old and nearly blind. It is time to pass on his paternal blessing to the firstborn. He asks Esau to hunt and prepare some game for him, after which he will give him his blessing. Rebekah knows she must act now. Cornering Jacob, she pressures him into deceiving Isaac so that he obtains the blessing instead of Esau. Jacob resists, but when Rebekah vows to take the blame for this ploy, he finally consents. And thus does Jacob trick his father. When Esau returns from the hunt and appears before his father, he explodes in anger when he learns of the scheme. Having obtained only a lesser blessing from Isaac, he vows to kill Jacob as soon as his father passes away. Isaac, following Rebekah's suggestion, advises Jacob to flee to Harran, to the home of Laban - Rebekah's brother, and to ask him to marry one of his daughters. Laden with gold, silver, skins, spices and oils, Jacob sadly leaves his home and his loved ones. Soon, however, he realizes that he is being followed: a Canaanite, one of Esau's brothers-in-law, robs him of the treasure that was to be his dowry. One night, as he is asleep, Jacob has a vision of a stairway with angel-like figures on it. During this vision God promises him protection and prosperity. The next morning, Jacob swears to remain faithful and devoted to God. After an arduous journey, Jacob arrives in Harran. Haggard and drained of his strength, he immediately forgets his fatigue when he sees a pretty young girl at the fountain. The girl is Rachel, the youngest daughter of his uncle Laban. And Jacob falls head over heels in love with her. Though Laban greets his nephew heartily, he cannot conceal his disappointment that Jacob has arrived without any gifts. Laban's two sons, Morash and Be'or, are less delighted by Jacob's arrival. Jacob soon asks Laban to let him marry Rachel, and he even accepts Laban's rigorous conditions: that Jacob become his indentured servant for a full seven years. Jacob proves to be a singularly successful herdsman and contributes mightily to the welfare of Laban's people. Thus after seven years, Laban is unwilling to let him leave and devises a cunning scheme...

at 1/12/2010 11:34:00 AM
Categories 1994, English, Movies, Old Testament


Also Known As (AKA)
En el comienzo Argentina / Spain
Am Anfang Germany
Au commencement France
In the beginning - In principio era Italy
No Início Brazil
Stin arhi tou hronou Greece

Audio : English
Subtitles : Dutch

Miniseries that weaves together stories from the Bible. Focusing on the books of Genesis and Exodus, it begins with the story of Creation and ends with Moses delivering the Ten Commandments. It spans the biblical time when God's word is passed verbally from one generation to the next, from Abraham to Isaac through Jacob to Joseph and Moses. Bible tales, including Adam and Eve, Joseph and his coat of many colors, and Moses' struggle to free his people from Egyptian rule -- including his miraculous parting of the Red Sea -- are dramatized.


at 1/11/2010 09:58:00 AM
Categories 2000, Dutch, English, Movies, Old Testament


The Gospel of John, the best loved of the four Gospels, vividly comes to life in a faithful and powerful dramatization of the Biblical text. The Gospel of John meticulously re-creates the era of Jesus during a tumultuous period that changed the course of history. Starring Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus, and narrated by Christopher Plummer, and with a cast of over 2500, the Gospel of John has been adapted for the screen, word for word, based on the American Bible Society's Good News Bible, by Emmy-nominated John Goldsmith and is directed by acclaimed British director, Phillip Saville


jimmyboy13 from Arizona
The "Gospel of John" is truly a line-by-line presentation of the Gospel of John, and I thought the actors did an excellent job. The movie was top-quality in all aspects, which was a pleasant surprise. Anyway, the best part of this movie is that the spoken dialogue and the narration is actually what's written in the English translation of the Bible, and that is the most important thing here. God says that it's "his word that goes out and does the work it was sent to do", and that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Richardson (fdmak)
A long movie, with long dialogues. But those dialogues establish the claims of Jesus of Nazareth. For seekers of Truth, this is a must-see. For entertainment seekers, this film has a little for you. No drama is higher than when God became Man and walked among us, then died to buy forgiveness for our sins! Highest recommendation!

Henry Ian Cusick does a fantastic job of capturing the kindhearted, casual, loving Jesus any of us would want as our friend. It reminds me of that drawing of Christ laughing!In some of the older portrayals, Jesus comes off as wooden, isolated and somehow above everyone else. Not here! Jesus smiles at others' limited understandings, but with compassion, as if he wants to teach them something by his very presence.
The best special effect had to be the walking on the water. Beautiful photography throughout - Filmed in and near Malaga in Spain, it does Jerusalem and Israel proud!
Please consider inviting your friends to see this film. It has so much to offer and it gets the point across - Jesus is the Savior of the world!


at 1/10/2010 04:58:00 PM
Categories 2003, Movies, New Testament


Also Known As (AKA)
Conquista de Reis Brazil
Eine Nacht mit dem König Germany
Ester - Persian kuningatar Finland
Esther Queen of Persia Norway
La reina persia Mexico

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish

Hadassah, Esther’s real Jewish name (played by Tiffany Dupont), was born in Susa (Shushan), a city east of the Tigris River, into a loving and devout Jewish family whose roots lay in the esteemed tribe of Benjamin. When she was just a child her Mother and Father were killed by the armies of the decedents of the evil King Agag of the Amalakites.
It was a wonderful “history lesson” within this film to go back 500 years to the pivotal event which leads up to the massacre of many Jews down through these centuries, including Hadassah’s parents. The fact being that King Saul was not obedient to God’s instructions to destroy “utterly” the Amalekite King Agag and all his peoples, including all their possessions and livestock.
Hadassah’s older cousin Mordecai (John Rhys-Davies ), a scribe serving in the court of King Xerxes, has taken care of the orphaned girl since her parent’s death.
The love they hold for one another is truly more like that of a father and daughter. He is concerned for her safety and cares much that she is becoming a beautiful girl on the brink of womanhood. He regards her as a “young lady of purity,” setting the stage for her terrifying capture into the royal harem of the King.
King Xerxes (Luke Goss) has been advised to take a new, more worthy, Queen after the beautiful Queen Vashti publicly humiliates him by refusing to attend a great celebration. This refusal is a direct violation of royal protocol, which all his advisors back with unwavering regard. So King Xerxes orders his servants to launch a search throughout the empire for a new and more devoted Queen.
The king agrees with the edict of protocol and looks forward to the prospect of a beautiful wife who could become his new queen.
As the danger draws ever more near that Hadassah may be the next to be taken captive, Mordecai makes her swear to never divulge her Jewish linage for fear she may be slain. He changes her name to “Esther,” which is a Babylonian word for “star,” but having the double meaning for the Jewish “Star of David.”
Finally, Esther was presented before the king. Thus Esther became more than just queen of Persia, she and King Xerxes had a committed relationship based on true love.
Beneath the obvious love story is a wave of treachery and deceit. The king’s cousin, Admatha (a deliciously vile John Noble—perhaps even as evil as his LOTR roll as Denethor) is plotting with the captain of the king’s guard, Haman (James Callis) to overthrow the king and take the kingdom from Xerxes. And as the biblical account goes, Mordecai overhears a plot to poison the king, alerts Esther, who in turn saves her beloved’s life. She commands that Mordecai’s name be put on the royal record as the sole reason the king’s life was saved, for without the keen eyes and ears of Mordecai, the King’s fate would have been certain death.
Another chain of events then begin that will eventually threaten Esther and Mordecai and all of the Jewish nation, longtime enemies of the Amalakites, of which Haman was chief...


at 1/09/2010 10:15:00 AM
Categories 2006, Brasilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Movies, Old Testament, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish
THE CLIMB (2002)

THE CLIMB (2002)

Audio: English, French, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese, Chinese
Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak

Two free solo climbers, who meet each other during a rescue get a chance to realize a climb of a lifetime, but with an unexpected change: they have to work together. It is a special team, with totally different people, who have different life goals, different views, but use the same climbing technique. It is action filled, but also heart touching film about egoism, responsibility and forgiveness.


How many mountains can a man climb in one lifetime? How many mountains can one climb in one movie? Racial bias, pride, loss, hurt, pregnancy, corporate success, painful past, family dysfunction, unreached dreams... after watching this gospel presentation you'll understand how God can use each problem we face in life as a part of the climb home. Next time, take the high road.

sddavis63 ( from Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
Your appreciation of this movie will be directly related to your own interest in matters of faith. Those of Christian faith (such as myself) and those with an interest in Christian faith will appreciate the values contained here; those who are antagonistic to Christian faith will find the evangelistic emphasis of the movie distasteful.
I don't like movies that have a hidden agenda (even a hidden evangelistic agenda) but here the agenda is clear-cut and expected, so it didn't bother me. The story is interesting enough, focusing around two young mountain climbers (Jason George and Ned Vaughn) who suddenly find themselves with an unexpected opportunity to team up and climb the highest peak in the Chilean Andes. Derrick Williams (George) is an angry atheist, while Michael Harris (Vaughn) is a faithful Christian. The relationship between the two grows as they train and then climb together, culminating in the totally predictable religious conversion of Derrick. Of course, the real suspense in this kind of movie is not whether the atheist is going to convert; it's what the chain of events leading to the conversion will be, and that was a decent enough story.

cstakeland from Orlando, Florida
This is one of the best Christian films I have seen. It has a bigger budget than most and the actors are pretty good as well. It is also a good witnessing tool for non beleivers as well. Overall I would recommend this film.

misce_mail from United States
Contains real life scenarios that most people can relate to and is not at all preachy. They do give somewhat of a gospel message but are not at all in your face about it. Good acting, great production. Involves the lives of an unbeliever and a committed Christian forging a friendship based on a mutual goal. I really like that it portrays a relationship between the two men that is similar to relationships that I have had as a believer with unbelievers. This would be a great movie to watch with friends that you want to hear the gospel message without it seeming like you are showing them the movie just for that reason.



Version 1 ( format RatDVD - Best quality video)

Audio: English, French, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese, Chinese
Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese

The movie is in the best format for the DVD : ratDVD . With this format you have the same menu use as DVD original.

For player you can use
Media Player Classic
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Version 2
Audio: English
Subtitles: Romanian, Slovak
at 1/08/2010 07:15:00 PM
Categories 2002, Brasilian Portuguese, Chinese, English, Evangelism, French, German, Movies, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish


Also Known As (AKA)
Genesi: La creazione e il diluvio Italy
Bíblia Sagrada - Gênesis Brazil
Die Bibel - Die Schöpfung Germany
I vivlos - Genesis Greece
Raamattu: Maailman synty ja vedenpaisumus Finland

Audio: English, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles: English, Brasilian Portuguese

An all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness ... Among them, a very old man. He reassures the child, exhorting him to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world. Nature comes to life at the first light of dawn, recreating the seven days of the Creation. Adam appears, and is soon joined by Eve. Paradise could be theirs, but as time goes by, they grow restless, inquisitive... They approach the Tree of Knowledge - and discover pain, suffering and mortality. Their sons Cain and Abel play out a story that will continue to darken the Creation until the end of time. And angered by the corruption of Cain's progeny, by the lust and greed ruling the cities, God vows to wipe away his creatures and begin anew. With Noah and his family. The ark is built, the animals led into their pens, and the rain begins beating on the timbers, flooding the land, bringing fear and death. When the rains have devastated the world, the waters recede, the ark touches ground, and the dove sent out by Noah returns with an olive branch - the sign of new life and of a new pact with God.

at 1/07/2010 04:17:00 PM
Categories 1994, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Old Testament


Audio: English
Subtiles: Spanish

It's been ten years since his last fight, but fate is calling him back. Against his doctor's orders former Champion Boxer Orlando Leone (Carman) agrees to go back into the ring for a championship grudge match. With everything on the line, Leone's counting on faith to give him the strength to fight for his dreams.
His strength made him a boxer. His faith made him a champion. Former Champion Boxer Orlando Leone (Carman) is "The Preacher" at an inner-city youth center. Wanting to give something back to the community, he bought a large building for a church youth center. But the cash ran out before he could finish fixing it up and now, the mortgage company is about to foreclose. With his bills mounting, a troubled kid under his wing, and a beautiful woman reluctant to get involved with a preacher, a weaker soul might have lost hope. So he agrees to risk his life for one last fight. Carman is entering the ring, but he's not alone. He has faith in his corner.

Equally as exciting, the film also features real life Cruiserweight contender Jeremy Williams as Carman¹s opponent in the ring, causing many to describe the fight sequences as "Raging Bull in color," with some of the best boxing ever captured on film.

WOW! Where did this movie come from? Being a fan of Carman's, and I only just recently heard about this film. I was ACTUALLY entertained, and found myself getting into this story, and caring about the charactors. The audience I was with, actually applauded during the movie during the climax and cheered during the grand finish. The quality and acting was MUCH better than expected, the action was cool, and the story kept pumping and throwing those curves that kept us involved in the story. This movie has a little bit of everything to please everybody. There is NOT alot of boxing, so the girls can feel safe about coming. Yet, there is enough fighting and action to keep the guys into their seats, and not go out for popcorn. This is a movie that the world can come and see, be introduced to a Christian lifestyle.
It's a great movie full of drama, romance and comedy, and with a believable story the movie while having a clear Christian message does not get "preachy" but dispenses with the message while entertaining you and at times keeping you on the edge of your seats.

J.W. Allen (stormleader) from USA
The Movie Carman: The Champion is another step in the right direction.
Right on the heels of Left Behind the Movie, The Champion is definitely Christian, as you will understand as you watch the movie. However, the movie packs quite a punch. When you see this movie, do not go out to see senseless and stupid explosions and special effects, go and see Carman: The Champion, a story about heart, the right decision, and the Love of God.

Carol Anne Cook ( from Kerrville, TX
The movie had great action as well as a great story. Although it did seem to jump around a little and some things weren't fully flushed out, the overall was great!
I love going to movies that encourage and inspire me in my own life. It's great to see someone else having to hold onto their Faith in God's promises and even having to do things that seem impossible.
It's not just a boxing movie. It's a movie about Faith and courage. Everyone should be able to find something that they like about the film.



The movie is in the best format for the DVD : ratDVD . With this format you have the same menu use as DVD original.

For player you can use
Media Player Classic
( )
can convert ratDVD in a usual DVD with ratDVD Converter
( )
at 1/06/2010 06:14:00 PM
Categories 2001, English, Evangelism, Movies, Spanish
BEN-HUR (1959)

BEN-HUR (1959)

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish

Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) is a wealthy merchant of noble blood in Jerusalem. Preceding the arrival of a new governor, Ben-Hur's childhood friend Messala (Stephen Boyd), a military Tribune, returns as the new commanding officer of the Roman Empire garrison. At first Judah and Messala are happy to meet after years apart, but their differing political views separate them: Messala believes in the glory of Rome and worldly imperial power, while Ben-Hur is devoted to his faith and the Jewish people. Messala asks Ben-Hur to caution his countrymen about protests, uprisings, or criticism of the Roman government. Judah counsels his countrymen against rebellion but refuses to disclose dissidents' names, and the two part in anger.
Judah's family welcomes two of their slaves who arrive with a caravan from Antioch: Simonides (Sam Jaffe), their loyal steward, and Simonides's 24-year-old daughter Esther (Haya Harareet), who is preparing for an arranged marriage. Judah gives Esther her freedom as a wedding present, and the two realize they are attracted to each other.
During the welcoming parade for Valerius Gratus, the new Roman governor, a tile falls from the roof of Ben-Hur's house and startles the governor's horse, which throws him off, nearly killing him. Although Messala knows that it was an accident, he condemns Judah to the galleys and imprisons Judah's mother Miriam (Martha Scott) and sister Tirzah (Cathy O'Donnell), in an effort to intimidate the restive Jewish populace by punishing the family of a known friend. Ben-Hur swears to return and take revenge. En route to the sea, he is denied water when his slave gang arrives at Nazareth. He collapses in despair, but a then-unknown Jesus Christ gives him water and renews his will to survive.
After three years as a galley slave, Ben-Hur is assigned to the flagship of Roman Consul Quintus Arrius (Jack Hawkins), tasked by the Emperor to destroy a fleet of Macedonian pirates. The commander notices Ben-Hur's self-discipline and resolve, and offers to train him as a gladiator or charioteer, but Ben-Hur declines, declaring that God will aid him. Arrius questions Ben-Hur's will to live, while Judah in response asks why Arrius lost his—unknown to Ben-Hur, Arrius' son and sole heir had recently died, leaving him alone and embittered...


at 1/05/2010 09:54:00 PM
Categories 1959, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Movies, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish


The fading, isolated life of a diner owner and the dull routine of his late-night crowd are forever changed by the unusual proposition of a stranger. Based on a true story.
It's the same old, same old at the local diner. Jim, the owner, hides in the kitchen. The regulars retread old banter. And some new guy sits alone at the counter. Then, a simple idea shatters that dull routine. The same old, same old? Not tonight. Not ever again.

A bona fide film festival phenomenon, "The Least of These" is one of the most acclaimed short films in years...
2005 Crown Award Winner for Best Evangelistic Film (Gold), Best Drama Under $250,000 (Gold), Best Picture (Bronze), & Best Musical Score (Bronze)


khamilton39 from Dover, OH
This film is a great study of people interaction but it is an even better film with the message of how do we really live our faith. We premiered it to an audience of Jr and Sr High students in a youth ministry setting and they were so overwhelmed they were speechless. That is a pretty hard task and this film was so impactful it took them a moment to really verbalize their impressions and feelings.
I would, and do, highly recommend this film as a great tool for opening up discussion with youth about their faith and the responsibilities of living their beliefs. The fantastic thing about this film is that it also can, and should, be used with adults to open up dialog about the same topics. It crosses many age lines.

JOHN USHER from United States
This is almost too short of a film but actually it's just right for what it does. It's a great discussion starter on the nature of God. The action is realistic and feels authentic. The setting is a gritty sort of "diner" restaurant. The characters are typical of what you would find in a place like that. The plot unfolds very slowly but once you get the idea, it moves along with great anticipation. The main hero asks questions that leave the viewer pondering. What should we do with these new insights? How should we live differently as a result? The conclusions are sure to challenge your thinking and perhaps change your life. I highly recommend it.


The movie is in the best format for the DVD : ratDVD . With this format you have the same menu use as DVD original.

For player you can use
Media Player Classic
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can convert ratDVD in a usual DVD with ratDVD Converter
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at 1/04/2010 10:54:00 PM
Categories 2002, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio: English
Subtitles: English, Portuguese, Arabic

Samson, a Hebrew placed under Nazirite vows from birth by his mother, is engaged to a Philistine woman named Semadar. During a fight at their wedding feast, Semadar is killed and Samson becomes a hunted man. Shortly after the death of Semedar, the Saran of Gaza (Sanders) imposes heavy taxes on the Dannites, with the purpose of having Samson betrayed by his own people. Saran's plan works and frustrated Dannites hand over Samson to the Philistines. News of his capture reaches Saran and Delilah, Semadar's sister, and they are pleased to hear that the mighty Samson was captured.
Samson is taken by the high priest Ahur (Wilcoxon) and a regiment of Philistine troops. En route back to Gaza, Ahtur decides to taunt Samson. Ahtur stops his march in a valley. Here Samson prays to God, asking for strength against the Philistines. Then the wind starts blowing and thunder crashes. Samson then rips apart his chains and ropes and begins to combat the Philistines. At first he fights in hand-to-hand combat, killing a few Philistines and even toppling Ahtur's war chariot, breaking Ahthur's arm in the act. Samson then takes the jawbone of an ass and starts killing more and more Philistines. The sheer power of Samson and his strikes with the jawbone destroy the helmets of the Philistines, crushing their skulls. In the end the Philistine force is destroyed.
News of the defeat of Ahtur at the hands Samson reaches Saran. Saran feels embarrassed that the army that had conquered so many armies fell to one man with the jawbone of an ass as his weapon. Saran ponders how to defeat Samson. Delilah comes up with the idea of seducing Samson, thus having him reveal the secret of his strength and deliver Samson up for punishment. Her plan works; she cuts his hair, which he feels gives him his strength. Falling in love with him, Delilah regrets her act after Samson is blinded by his captors. He is brought to the temple of Dagon for the entertainment of the Philistines and of Saran. He is tortured and jeered at. Saran gives Delilah the opportunity to exact her punishment from Samson with a whip. Delilah tells Samson to take hold of the whip and she would direct him to where the two main support pillars of temple were. She does and Samson tells Delilah to run away because death would come to the temple. Delilah is reluctant to leave, but eventually does. Samson then prays to God asking for strength one last time...


at 1/03/2010 08:25:00 PM
Categories 1949, Arabic, English, Movies, Old Testament, Portuguese


But everyone wants to know - Is the novel really fact or fiction? Was Jesus really married to Mary Magdalene? Was she one of his disciples? Did they have a child together that became France's royal bloodline? Did Catholic secret societies hide these and many other secrets about Jesus? Were famous people like Leonardo DaVinci and Sir Isaac Newton in on the secrets? Did Leonardo try to warn us through his The Last Supper painting? Discover the answers.
Based on three best-selling books - The Da Vinci Deception, Breaking the Da Vinci Code, and Cracking the Da Vinci Code - this program solves a 2000 year-old mystery and sustains your faith in Christianity!
This docu-drama answers all the lingering questions and exposes all the deceptions in Dan Brown's novel - through interviews with book authors and the world's leading experts in theology, archeology, art history, philosophy and science.
Viewers will be fascinated by the new evidence that reaffirms the reliability of New Testament Christianity. This program will satisfy your curiosity, engage your imagination, and provide insights for strengthening your own faith in biblical Christianity.




Also Known As (AKA)
A Bíblia Brazil / Portugal
Bibelen... i begyndelsen Denmark
Bibeln... i begynnelsen Sweden
De bijbel, in het begin der tijden Belgium
Die Bibel West Germany
I vivlos Greece
La bibbia Italy
La bible France
La biblia Spain
La biblia en el principio Argentina
Peygamberler diyari Turkey
Raamattu... alussa loi Jumala Finland

An elaborate Hollywood retelling of the Bible stories narrated by the film's director John Huston. We open with the Creation of the World and arrive at the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve (Michael Parks and Ulla Bergryd) and continue on to Cain (Richard Harris) and the murder of Abel (Franco Nero). Next, we visit Noah (John Huston) and his ark with its spectacular flood sequence. Then we come to the story of Nimrod, King of Babel (Stephen Boyd), the emergence of man's vanity and the heights to which it could aspire if unchecked. Finally we cover Abraham (George C. Scott), a mystic who spoke personally with God, a leader of men, a builder of nations, a pioneer and a warrior and Sarah (Ava Gardner). At the time she conceived her first child, the event being forecast by an Angel of the Lord. Three such Heavenly Messengers (all portrayed by Peter O'Toole) appeared in the course of events which befell Abraham and Sarah.



VERSION 1 (Best Quality)
Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese

Audio : English
Subtitles : English
at 1/01/2010 06:32:00 PM
Categories 1966, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Old Testament


The Final Events of Bible Prophecy DVD unlocks the amazing Bible truth of earths last days. Discover what the Bible really says about the rapture, the millennium, the second coming and more! Stunning visuals and special effects lead viewers through the last days to when the earth will be restored to its Edenic wonder!

at 12/31/2009 07:18:00 PM
Categories Documentary, English, Prophecy/End Times


Also Known As (AKA)
A Morada da Sexta Felicidade Brazil
A Pousada da Sexta Felicidade Portugal
Die Herberge zur sechsten Glückseligkeit Germany
El albergue de la sexta felicidad Spain
Kuudennen onnen majatalo Finland
L'auberge du sixième bonheur France
La locanda della sesta felicità Italy
Sjette lykkes kro Denmark
To pandoheion tis 6is eftyhias Greece
Värdshuset sjätte lyckan Sweden

Audio: English
Subtitles: English, Italian, Spanish

The story begins with Aylward being rejected as a potential missionary to China because of her lack of education. Dr. Robinson, the senior missionary, feels sorry for her and secures her a position in the home of a veteran explorer with contacts in China. Over the next few months, Aylward saves her money to purchase a ticket on the Trans-Siberian railway, choosing the more dangerous overland route to the East because it is less expensive.
Once in China, she settles in the town of Yang Cheng, where she secures a post as assistant to a veteran missionary, Jeannie Lawson (played by Athene Seyler), who has set up an inn for traveling merchants, where they can get a hot meal and hear stories from the Bible. The film follows Aylward's acculturation, culminating in her taking over the inn when Lawson dies in an accident.
The local mandarin appoints Aylward, a stubborn but endearing woman, as his Foot Inspector to ensure that the ancient practice of foot binding is eradicated in the region he governs. She succeeds in this, and manages to put down a prison revolt as well, winning her the esteem of the local population as well as of the mandarin. Meanwhile, however, China is being invaded by Japan, and Aylward is encouraged by Lin to leave. She refuses, and as the town of Yang Cheng comes under attack, she finds that she has fifty orphans in her care...

at 12/30/2009 01:38:00 PM
Categories 1958, English, Evangelism, Italian, Movies, Spanish


Also Known As (AKA)
Damiaan Belgium
Molokai Austria
Molokai - isä Damienin tarina Finland
Molokai: The Forbidden Island UK

Audio: English
Subtitles: Dutch, Romanian

Based on Hilde Eynikel’s biography of Blessed Fr. Damien de Veuster, tells the edifying, at times wrenching story of the 19th-century “Apostle to the Lepers,” who for fifteen years lived and finally died in a leper colony on the Hawaiian island of Moloka’i.
A native of Belgium, ordained in Honolulu, at the age of 33 Fr. Damien volunteered to become the first and only priest serving the leper colony. There he spent himself attending as best he could to the people’s needs, both spiritual and physical, offering the sacraments but also dressing wounds, helping to shelter them from the elements, even constructing coffins and digging graves.
Exile to Molokai was the means with which leprosy was dealt with in the Hawaiian Islands during the late 1800s. Molokai was an untamed isle located between the islands of Oahu and Maui. Abandoned for all extents and purposes, the lepers attempted to scrape out a living in their squalor without outside aid or care. Enter the courageous Father Damien. He was the first priest to go to Molokai. And even though his bishop strictly warned him that "he must not touch anyone," Father Damien risked his life and health to reach out to the suffering.
Gradually, Father Damien was able to gain the trust of the lepers. Additionally, and more importantly, his cries for additional help were heard and heeded by others. The success of his appeals was unbelievably dismaying to superiors who were more interested respect and riches than reaching out to the suffering.
Eventually, as expected Father Damien was also afflicted. This, however, only seemed to provide him with an even greater drive to ameliorate the conditions of his now "fellow" lepers. After collapsing during Mass, he was carried to the very hospital that he himself had established where he died. There is a touching seen when all gather to pray for him at the hospital's entrance.


at 12/29/2009 01:55:00 PM
Categories 1999, Dutch, English, Evangelism, Movies, Romanian
ON THE EDGE (2006)

ON THE EDGE (2006)

Audio : English, Spanish
Subtitles : Romanian

Vince bets his college roommate he can prove that God exists. There’s only one problem: he has no idea how. His only hope is to take him on a camping trip with friends from church. Thus begins this adventure shot on location in the spectacular Yosemite National Park.
Amidst the hiking, campfires, and storytelling, they talk about the tough questions people ask in life. Laughter, sorrow, and plenty of action will definitely keep you "On The Edge" of your seat.

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at 12/28/2009 12:03:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, Evangelism, Movies, Romanian, Spanish
BOYS TOWN (1938)

BOYS TOWN (1938)

Also Known As (AKA)
Adespota neiata Greece
Con los brazos abiertos Venezuela
Drengebyen Denmark
Forja de hombres Spain
Han som tänkte med hjärtat Sweden
Jugend am Abgrund Austria
La città dei ragazzi Italy
Miasto chlopców Poland
Teufelskerle Germany
Tulevaisuuden miehiä Finland

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, French, Spanish

True story of Father Flanagan's fight to build a home for orphaned boys.The story is based upon a real man and a real place. Boys Town is a community outside of Omaha, Nebraska.
Father Flanagan believes there is no such thing as a bad boy and spends his life attempting to prove it. He battles indifference, the legal system, and often the boys themselves, to build a sanctuary which he calls Boys Town. The boys have their own government, make their own rules, and dish out their own punishment. One boy, Whitey Marsh (Mickey Rooney) is as much as anyone can handle. His brother is in prison for murder, and Whitey himself is a poolroom shark and sometime hoodlum. Father Flanagan takes him to Boys Town. Whitey runs away three times, the third time because he hears his brother has escaped. Whitey joins his brother, but Father Flanagan rescues Whitey and helps capture the gang in the act of robbery. Whitey and Father Flanagan return to Boys Town.

at 12/27/2009 01:18:00 PM
Categories 1938, English, Evangelism, French, Movies, Spanish


Love brings a shiftless young man in touch with the Lord, which proves more than a bit confusing to his family in this independent comedy drama. Joey Vitello (Vincent Pagano) is a guy in his mid-twenties who still lives with his extended Italian-American family and his trying to get his life in order. One day, Joey unexpectedly crosses paths with Mary O'Callahan (Marley Shelton), a girl who was one of his classmates in grade school. While Mary was homely as a child, she grew into a beautiful woman, and as Joey gets caught up on what she's been doing, he learns Mary survived a bout with cancer and credits her survival to a miracle from God. As Joey becomes deeply infatuated with Mary, he finds himself embracing her spiritual beliefs, but as he tries to share his enthusiasm with his family, they seem more than a bit suspicious, and in time decide that maybe they should be able to have a miracle of their own.

at 12/26/2009 09:24:00 AM
Categories 2006, English, Evangelism, Movies


He Shall Keep Them And Deliver Them From The Wicked
David Marshall stands accused of his cousin's murder. As he awaits the jury's deliberation, memories of his past flash before his eyes.
He risks losing everything forever. In this, his darkest hour, only a strong faith in God can bring him salvation.

at 12/25/2009 01:58:00 PM
Categories 2005, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio ; English
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Finish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish

The Last Sin Eater is a story that takes place in 1850s Appalachia in a settlement community of Welsh Americans. Ten-year-old Cadi's grief over the death of her beloved grandmother, the only person who seemed to love her unconditionally, is compounded by a previous family tragedy for which she believes her family blames her. During her grandmother's funeral rites, Cadi sees the face of the village sin-eater, a person who absolves the deceased, at death, of their sins in this tiny Smoky Mountain community.
About the same time, a preacher comes to the isolated valley and camps outside the village. Through dialogue with the holy man, the young girl slowly realizes that the sin eater is false and learns of Jesus and Christianity. Cadi's baptism leads to a reconciliation with her family.
But Cadi's new found faith leads to tragedy and confrontation as the close-knit community must finally face the horrific secret on which their village was founded.


josbornegdr from United States
Fox Faith has released a Christian movie that is interesting, compelling, educational and yet based on the Christian faith. Michael Landon Jr. did an excellent job of directing The Last Sin Eater that appears in theaters throughout the Lewisville-Denton-Sherman triangle. Try to get to see it if you can, it's worth the 2-hour investment. I googled (is that a verb?) sin eater and found the practice was Welsh and defined as, "A person actually making his living as an outcast who eats food from the chests of the dead, taking those (persons) sins upon himself, to leave pure the departing soul. Usually each village had its official sin-eater to whom notice was given as soon as a death occurred. A groat (a small coin), a crust of bread and a bowl of ale were either handed him or placed upon the breast of the departed, and after he had eaten and drunk he rose and pronounced the ease and rest of the dead person, for whom he thus pawned his own soul."
I can tell you right now to not expect the usual. It starts out creepy — filled with historical, religious and superstitious overtones — turns into a mystery — while you puzzle out the protagonist's (Cadi Forbes portrayed very well by Liana Liberato) problem — whips back to when the Welsh first came to the Appalachian Mountains for the reason for the creation of the sin eater, throws in a romantic triangle then segues to a happy ending.

A movie about life and about death, about love and about hate, about peace and about sacrifice, about the Holy Truth, absolutely stunning and impeccable acting, extraordinary soundtrack, amazingly original script, I'm giving it my vote for the best film of the year!
I recommend this movie with all the warmth in my hearth, especially if you are a Christian and believe in God and in His sacrifice for us all!


at 12/24/2009 05:18:00 PM
Categories 2007, Brasilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, English, Evangelism, Finish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Movies, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish


Audio : English
Subtitles : Portuguese

This is the true story of the heroic Ten Boom family who, during the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands. asked themselves the question, "If not us...who; if not now...when?" They answered it, and ultimately their response cost most of them their lives. This is their story, as told from the perspective of the sole survivor, Corrie Ten Boom.
The Ten Booms were devoutly Christian and lived a simple life, working in their watch shop that had been in their family for over a hundred years. When the Nazis occupied Holland, they were appalled by the treatment of their fellow Jewish citizens at the hands of the Nazis. Initially, the seventy year old patriarch of the family, played to perfection by Arthur O'Connell, took to wearing a Jewish star himself in sympathy with their oppressed Jewish friends.
As time went on, members of this heroic family began working with an underground, partisan group. When it became clear that Jews were being targeted for death and deportation, however, the family also began to hide terrified Jews in their home, after constructing a false wall in one of their bedrooms, thereby creating a secret room.
Eventually denounced by someone to the Nazis, they are arrested in their home which is then torn apart by the Gestapo, in their search for the Jews they believe to be hiding there. At the time of their arrest, the Ten Boom home was filled to capacity with Jews in hiding. So well concealed was the hidden room that had been created by the erection of the false wall, that these poor, terrified Jews managed to escape detection.
The five Ten Booms, however, did not fare so well and were sent to the notorious Ravensbruck death camp, where Corrie and her sister, Betsie, managed to stay together. It is here that they learn the true depths of man's inhumanity to man, and Corrie's Christian faith is sorely tested.
Betsie, affectingly played by the superb Julie Harris, does not survive the rigors and deprivations of Ravensbruck and dies. Within two weeks of her beloved sister's death, Corrie is miraculously released from Ravensbruck. It is years later that she learns that her release was a result of clerical error and that shortly after her release, middle-aged women, such as she, were systemically being put to death.
Corrie was the only member of the Ten Boom family to survive the concentration camp experience. She told their story in a book upon which the movie is based. At the end of the film, the real Corrie Ten Boom, in her eighties at the time of the filming, appears and, in a profoundly moving way, tells why she told the story of her family. She is a stark reminder of the innate goodness to be found in humanity and is a strong counterpoint to the cruelty of the Nazi regime.


at 12/23/2009 08:06:00 PM
Categories 1975, English, Evangelism, Movies, Portuguese


Also Known As (AKA)
La pasión de Cristo Argentina / Chile / Peru / Spain
Die Passion Christi Germany / Switzerland (German title)
Страсти Христовы Russia
A Paixão de Cristo Brazil
Kristuksen kärsimyskertomus Finland (TV title)
Kristuse kannatused Estonia
La passion du Christ France
La passione di Cristo Italy
Muka Kristova Croatia
Pasja Poland
Passió Hungary
Passion Japan
Ta pathi tou Hristou Greece
Tutku - Hz. isa'nin çilesi Turkey

Audio : Aramaic , Latin , Hebrew
Subtitles : English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

The film opens in Gethsemane in medias res as Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter, James, and John sleep. After receiving thirty pieces of silver, one of Jesus' other apostles, Judas Iscariot, approaches with the temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss. As the guards move in to arrest Jesus, Peter cuts off the ear of Malchus, but Jesus heals the ear. The temple guards arrest Jesus and the apostles flee. John tells Mary and Mary Magdalene of the arrest, and Peter follows Jesus at a distance. Caiaphas holds a trial of Jesus over the objection of some of the other priests, who are expelled from the court. When questioned by Caiaphas whether he is the son of God, Jesus replies "I AM." Caiaphas is horrified and tears his robes, and Jesus is condemned to death for blasphemy. Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus, but then runs away sobbing. Meanwhile, the remorseful Judas attempts to return the money to have Jesus freed, but is refused by the priests. Tormented by demons, he flees the city and hangs himself with a rope from a dead donkey.

Caiaphas brings Jesus before Pontius Pilate to be condemned to death, but after questioning Jesus, Pilate sends him instead to the court of Herod Antipas, as Jesus is from Herod's ruling town of Nazareth. After Jesus is returned, Pilate offers the crowd that he will chastise Jesus and then will set him free. Pilate attempts to have Jesus freed by giving the people an option of freeing Jesus or the violent criminal Barabbas. To Pilate's dismay, the crowd demands to have Barabbas freed and Jesus killed. In an attempt to appease the crowd, Pilate has Jesus brutally scourged and mocked with a crown of thorns, yet the crowd continues to demand that Jesus be crucified. Pilate is left with no choice but to reluctantly order Jesus' crucifixion.
As Jesus carries the cross along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary, Veronica wipes Jesus's face with her veil. Simon of Cyrene is unwillingly pressed into carrying the cross for Jesus. Jesus is then crucified. As he hangs from the cross, Jesus prays forgiveness for those who did this to him, and redeems a criminal crucified next to him. After Jesus gives up his spirit and dies, a single drop of rain falls from the sky, triggering an earthquake which destroys the Temple and rips the cloth covering the Holy of Holies in two, to the horror of Caiaphas and the other priests. Satan is then shown screaming in defeat in Hell. Jesus is lowered from the cross to his mother Mary, who looks directly at the audience in this Pietà. The movie ends with Jesus's resurrection and exit from his tomb, with the holes in his hands from the nails visible as he walks, having triumphed over Satan and his Temptation.


at 12/22/2009 11:00:00 PM
Categories 2004, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament, Russian, Spanish, Turkish


Audio : English, French
Subtitles : Brasilian Portuguese

The classic story of two brothers who turn against one another out of selfish greed. Colleen Dewhurst stars as Rebekah, who gives birth to twin boys, Esau and Jacob. Though Esau is the first-born and entitled to the family's fortune, Jacob is Rebekah's favorite. Through a cunning and devious scheme, Rebekah helps steal Esau's birthright from his aging father, Isaac. The deception tears the family apart for twenty years, but just as reconciliation brings Jacob and Esau together, a new generation of envy is born. Jacob's sons, who also envy their brother Joseph, sell him as a slave to a passing caravan. Joseph is taken in chains to Egypt, but he astonishes all with his talents and becomes the Pharaoh's chief advisor. But Joseph cannot forget his family, and his forgiveness of their cruelty is a lesson in morality that will live forever.


daddytolman from United States
One of the finest Bible story adaptations ever made, this little- remembered movie tells the story of the last half of Genesis (it could almost be a companion piece to Huston's "The Bible") in two parts: Part One depicts the rivalry of Esau and Jacob--how Jacob cheated his brother Esau, fled to Haran and was himself cheated into marrying a woman he didn't love. Eventually Jacob has twelve sons by four women. In Part Two the sons have grown up. Ten of them are jealous of Joseph (whose "technicolor dream coat" here is rather ordinary) and sell him into slavery. In Egypt Joseph rises out of slavery by his wit and divine interpretation of dreams. During a famine he brings about reconciliation with his brothers.
"Jacob and Joseph" is top-notch. The characters speak and act like real people, not cardboard cutouts. The writing tells the stories faithfully, without unnecessary additions, yet in a refreshing way that even after over three decades is enjoyable to watch. A must-see and must-keep.

rjentz312 from United States
This is one of the best Bible story movies I've seen. It captured my interest throughout. The story is dramatic and powerfully portrayed. Costumes and acting are very good. Even the locations seemed authentic. Sensitive situations were handled tastefully, but realistically and well dramatized. I loved Coleen Dewherst's portrayal of Rachel and the characters of Rebecca, Leah and Laban were excellent. Laban was such a scoundrel, wasn't he? The drama of Joseph's life was very authentic.

at 12/21/2009 09:01:00 PM
Categories 1974, Brasilian Portuguese, English, French, Movies, Old Testament


Also Known As (AKA)
A Maior História Jamais Contada Brazil
Die größte Geschichte aller Zeiten Germany, Austria
En büyük hikâye Turkey
I oraioteri istoria tou kosmou Greece
La historia más grande jamás contada Spain
La più grande storia mai raccontata Italy
La plus grande histoire jamais contée France
Mannen från Nasaret Sweden
Mies Nasaretista Finland
Najwieksza historia, jaka kiedykolwiek opowiedziano Poland

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Romanian, Serbian, Arabic

George Stevens' epic production. "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" It is towards this climactic crossroads that the story of Jesus of Nazareth leads, and to which, at the final moment, it again looks back in triumphant retrospect. It is the anguishing crossroads where the eternal questions of faith and doubt become resolved. Star-studded cast includes Max Von Sydow (as Jesus), Dorothy McGuire (as Mary), Robert Loggia (as Joseph), Charlton Heston (as John the Baptist),


at 12/20/2009 08:55:00 AM
Categories 1965, Arabic, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament, Romanian, Serbian


Also Known As (AKA)
Das Kreuz und die Messerhelden Germany
La croix et le poignard France
La cruz y el puñal Spania
Risti ja linkkuveitsi Finland

Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese

Based on a true story, David Wilkerson (Pat Boone) is the small-town preacher who gets caught in the shadows of a crime-ridden neighborhood in New York City. He encounters a gang led by Nicky Cruz (Erik Estrada), and David brings a message of hope to the angry youths. Guided by the street-wise Little Bo (Jo-Ann Robinson), David quickly learns about the neighborhood and how to approach the cynical juveniles. This moralistic family film attempts to give hope to those who walk in the shadows of darkness. Despite the preachy nature of the plot, it is a well-done film and Pat Boone's character relates well to the targeted white, middle-class audience. Nicky Cruz would go on to become an ordained minister, preaching the gospel due to the initial efforts of David Wilkerson.


sauron256 from Australia
This film is based on a true story, and although minor parts have been changed, the story about David and Nicky is true.
This film's a picture of what a messed up life on drugs is truly like, and the solution is Christ.

heavenzkiss777 from United States
I met Nicky Cruz not long ago & I believe meeting him & hearing the story from him made the movie a lot more meaningful & I really enjoy it. I suggest that if you get a chance meet the man. I believe his story can really change lives, something definitely changed in me when I met him. If you haven't seen it yet I suggest you do.

Sindaannuniel from Colorado
Due to the fact this is a true story, these are real people, and this truly did happen, I believe it is a film every Christian needs to see. The acting was utterly heartfelt on the part of everyone, and is a storyline I will never be able to forget. David keeps on with the same message "Jesus loves you", even when he's threatened by thugs and hoodlums, it doesn't change his love for them and his desire to help them. There's no better love then what David Wilkerson shows for these young people, and he brings God's love right to their doorstep when no one else was willing to even try to breach the barrier.

Graciela Ventura Valdes from Estado de Mexico, Mexico
I am Mexican and the first time that I saw this movie was when I was 14. Now, I am nearly 21 and I have just watch it and I founded really interesting because it left me the idea that everything can change if you allow Him.


at 12/19/2009 06:03:00 PM
Categories 1970, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Evangelism, Movies
JESUS (1999)

JESUS (1999)

Jésus Canada (French title) / France
Die Bibel - Jesus Germany
I vivlos - Iisous Greece
Iisous Greece (DVD title)
Iisus Romania
Jesús Argentina (video title)
Jesus - A Maior História de Todos os Tempos Brazil
La bibbia: Jesus Italy
Raamattu: Jeesus Finland

Jesus (1999) is a Biblical telefilm that retells the story of Jesus of Nazareth. It was shot in Morocco and Malta.
It stars Jeremy Sisto as Jesus, Jacqueline Bisset as Mary of Nazareth, Debra Messing as Mary Magdalene and Gary Oldman as Pontius Pilate.
The film is notable for presenting a more human Jesus, compared to more solemn portrayals in earlier films; here Jesus laughs and cries much like anyone else. Among other things, he weeps at Joseph's funeral, throws stones in Lake Galilee when meeting Simon Peter and James son of Zebedee for the first time, dances at the wedding at Cana, and starts a water-splashing fight with his disciples at a well.
Satan is portrayed as a man in modern dress (and as a woman in red, but the former guise is more prominent). During his temptation of Jesus, he shows him the Earth from the vantage point of space.

at 12/18/2009 06:28:00 PM
Categories 1999, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament


This story features a newspaper woman who is writing anti-God editorials.
One day a mysterious visitor comes to her office with a message from the Lord.
He tells her that on September 19th at 6:05pm she is going to die.
Is this a hoax? Or the truth?
She has eight days left...and the suspense begins.
This film gives a powerful presentation of the gospel and is very evangelistic!


slc_225 from United States
If I were not already a Christian, after seeing this film, I would have *run* to Jesus and thrown myself at his mercy for the forgiveness of my sins and eternal salvation.
I liked the Way Of the Master type interviews "Liz" conducts as she tries to find the way to heaven. Over and over again (except for one person who answers correctly), she gets the same responses to her question: Being a good person, living a moral life, even, "Who cares?", instead of trusting in what Jesus Christ did for us when he shed his blood and died on the cross as full payment for our sins. Typical, just as in real life. Typical of *myself* before my own conversion recently.
God was gracious to "Liz", and gave her something that people in real life (though I could be mistaken) never get: Being told the exact day and time of our death--not to mention the extra time to come to our senses and repent of our sins. But like people in real life, she blew it. She blew off her one chance to be reconciled to God and to receive his grace and free gift of eternal life. And it's in *this* life we get that one chance. After (physical) death, comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

moviewatcher2006 from U.S.A.
I was able to view this on The Inspiration Network. It really kept me on the edge of my chair!
This film deals with a news reporter who writes an article dealing with hypocrisy in the Christian community. After it appears in print, she receives a "visitor" in her office, telling her the specific date and time she is going to die.
This was one excellent film! This film was packed with so much truth, it is definitely WORTH a look!


at 12/17/2009 09:07:00 AM
Categories 1991, English, Evangelism, Movies
THE LIST (2007)

THE LIST (2007)

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Greek, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Brasilian Portuguese, Spanish, Serbian, Slovak

A sudden death tied to a list from the past leads to unimaginable evil. Fresh out of law school and full of hope for the future, Renny Jacobson is stunned by his father's sudden death--and then by the terms of the will: the elder Jacobson has left the bulk of his estate to charity. For his only son, he has left nothing more than the contents of a deposit box and interest in a company no one has heard of--the Covenant List of South Carolina, Ltd. When Renny encounters lovely Jo Johnston, meets the members of "The List," and discovers the staggering value of his father's mysterious bequest, his hope is resurrected. But why is Jo, to whom he is deeply attracted, so reluctant for him to claim his rightful share? Renny feels the supernatural power of the 140-year-old covenant--feels it and wants it for himself. But when his life and Jo's begin to unravel, he is forced to face the truth about "The List." And nothing short of a miracle will save them from its grasp.


Jim Ridley from United States
The List is the type of movie that stays with you. It continues to make you think and ponder certain aspects of life. After viewing this movie I mostly wondered about the true power of prayer and how much effect it can really have on your surroundings. The List focuses mainly on the power of prayer and choices one has to make and overcome. I loved the way these two subjects were woven into the plot. They are not easy things to put into a film without coming across as preachy. The List takes characters that would naturally speak of Christianity rather than use a character that makes you throw your hands up and say, "Where did that come from!" The List sets out with a very specific goal and accomplishes it with greatness. If you are looking for a solid, well made Christian film then this one is for you.

ruffinpete from United States
I rented this film to watch with my family. It was really refreshing to watch something together and not worry about language or content.
The kids loved the film too and particularly liked Hilarie Burton. Malcolm Mcdowell was great as well.
I thought the direction and cast were great and the message - we all need to believe in the power of prayer - was timely.

tinyft10 from Lancaster, SC
I had the incredible opportunity to see an advance screening of "The List" this morning.It is the story of a man who finds himself at a cross-road when he learns of his fathers' death, and the secrets he left behind. Renny Jacobsen has some hard lessons to learn in love and life on his incredible journey to the Lord.
The writing was RIVITING, Robert Whitlow is an incredible writer, and in the tradition of John Grisham his book has been adapted for the big screen with all the passion, and attention to detail that you would expect.
The music was Great, as was the cinematography.


at 12/16/2009 10:31:00 PM
Categories 2007, Brasilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, Greek, Hungarian, Movies, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish
THOMAS (Gli amici di Gesù - Tommaso) (2001)

THOMAS (2001)
Gli amici di Gesù - Tommaso

Also Known As (AKA)
Close to Jesus (USA - DVD box title)
Jesus-Legenden: Thomas (Germany)
Konta sto Hristo: O Thomas (Greece)
The Friends of Jesus - Thomas (USA)

When Jesus is taken off the cross at Golgotha, THOMAS arrives there. Like most of the other disciples, he had worriedly taken refuge with friends in Jerusalem after Jesus's arrest. After Jesus's burial, the disciples decide to leave Jerusalem quickly, but Thomas refuses to leave Jesus' body behind, as he fears that the tomb may be desecrated. When MARY MAGDALENE tells the disciples that the resurrected Jesus has appeared to her, they are all convinced of his god-like nature apart from Thomas. He sets off to look for the corpse. Thomas still has his doubts even when the disciples tell him that Jesus appeared to them, too. Therefore, he meets a legionary who pretends to know where the body can be found. The man leads Thomas into the catacombs for money # but the corpse he shows him is someone else's. Thomas is told to announce to the others that he has seen Jesus's corpse, and put an end to the belief in resurrection once and for all. When Thomas refuses to do so, a life-or-death struggle ensues. Torches fall from the walls, transforming the underground labyrinth into a sea of flame, and Thomas saves the soldier's life. Out of gratitude, the man sends him to see his superior LONGINUS, who was rejected from the army as a "madman" and almost beaten to death. Longinus now tells Thomas how he witnessed the resurrection. This doesn't convince Thomas either. In despair he starts to reproach himself to Joanna, saying because of his doubts he can no longer be a worthy disciple of Jesus. But Joanna takes him back to the disciples. Then Jesus appears to all of them and convinces Thomas of the resurrection. Overjoyed, Thomas is now prepared to spread the Christian faith.

at 12/15/2009 06:25:00 PM
Categories 2001, English, Movies, New Testament, Saints


Journey with Pilgrim, as John Bunyan's famous allegory leaps from its pages to a movie starring Liam Neeson and Maurice O'Callaghan. You'll experience the Slough of Despond, Hill of Difficulty, Vanity Fair, Meet Pliable lots more. A powerful visualization of the Christian life. Along the way, the man meets with dangers and challenges, encounters the Worldly Wiseman and Giant Despair, and must cross the Valley of the Shadow of Death as he journeys to the ultimate destination -- the Celestial City.

at 12/14/2009 06:21:00 PM
Categories 1979, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles : Brasilian Portuguese, Hungarian, Romanian

An incident occurs in a small Texas town. A man, while driving at night home on a back highway, claims to have encountered a UFO.
Two reporters from a national magazine are sent to investigate; their editor wants to publish a story on the controversial subject of UFOs. Brad (Josh Adamson) thinks they're a hoax but Keith (Jonathan Aube) senses that something is out there. What follows is a quest by each man to prove the other wrong. Are UFOs real? A hoax? Is there an explanation?
From Rich Christiano, the director of Time Changer, and featuring Christian singer Rebecca St. James in a supporting role, Unidentified is a thought provoking film that goes beyond the UFO debate and challenges viewers to consider life's most important question!


Steve from United States
This film will appeal to Christians, more than sci-fi fans. The movie focuses on it's main characters, and their own inner struggles to accept the faith and belief in Christianity, as an explanation for the strange events that are happening around them. These events seem to be "classic UFO encounters" on the surface, but the writers of this film choose to take the storyline in a different direction. The "UFO encounters" turn out to be possible "direct contacts" from demonic spirits who tell the "victims" there will be a great "cleansing" coming. One of the main characters of the story is a Christian who tries to convince the victims, and some of his coworkers, that they need to accept Christ as their Savior. The story idea is intriguing, and I happen to be a Christian who is also a sci-fi fan, but this movie is a low-budget attempt at scaring unwitting moviegoers into rethinking their own beliefs. The world is a scary, evil place, and we all need to have a personal relationship with Christ.

sharsemail2002 from United States
This movie attempts to tell you the real hidden truth.The cover-up within the cover-up!The truth is that many UFO sightings and Alien Abductions are demonic in nature. I knew where this movie was going but as a non-Christian, I can see where it would be a bit of a unpleasant shocker! At You can view testimonies of people who have stopped the Alien Abduction nightmare by calling out the name"Jesus" or "JESUS HELP ME"! So whats up with that?
The truth is still where it has always been!


at 12/13/2009 03:12:00 PM
Categories 2006, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Hungarian, Movies, Romanian
THE WAGER (2007)

THE WAGER (2007)

Audio : English
Subtitles : Hungarian, Romanian

The movie, based on the novel by best selling author Bill Myers, of whom I am also a fan, tells the story of actor Michael T. Steele (Randy Travis). Known for instilling some family values into the roles he plays on the big screen, Steele is thrilled to learn that he’s been nominated for an Academy Award.
Plagued by a series of dreams, Steele has the distinct feeling that God and Satan are up to something. God continually reminds Steele of the Sermon on the Mount, which forces Steele to evaluate where he is in life and the things that still need to be done. While Satan tempts Steele with fame and power and lust, forcing Steele to see endless possibilities of pleasure yet in front of him. Eventually, either God or Satan will win. Who wins can only be determined by Steele.
Although being up for an Academy Award should have been one of the happiest times in his life, when his wife, Tanya (Nancy Valen) files for divorce, Steele finds that the high he should have felt is almost cleanly erased. To make matters worse, when Cassandra (Candace Cameron Bure), the co-star from his latest film, shows up at his house hoping to help him forget his troubles, Steele’s life spirals completely out of control. The media—once rooting for him to win the Award—turn on him. The tabloids, like sharp teeth, begin to tear and gnash away at his career, his chance at winning the award, and slowly work at eating away his soul.
Aside from one bright spot left in his life, Steele’s sister, Annie (Nancy Stafford), his only other source for advice comes from his agent (Jude Cicollola) who has his an agenda of his own—success and riches...





The film to introduce today's youth to Jesus.
The glorious story of the life and ministry of Jesus is powerfully portrayed in this edition of The Revolutionary: Epic Version, which combines The Revolutionary Parts I and II, with new additional footage. From His birth to His death and ascension, you will retrace Jesus’ footsteps and see His miracles and ministry depicted as never before on film. Shot entirely on location in Israel, this epic version of The Revolutionary will take you back, almost 2,000 years, to relive the dramatic events that changed the course of human history —and mankind’s eternal destiny — forever.
This fast-paced new film on Jesus, shows his life and teaching in a way that arrests the attention of audiences.

John Kay Steel ... Jesus
Mosko Alkalai ... Simeon
Sergio Barcala ... James
Ezra Dagan ... Leper
Yehuda Efroni ... Nicodemus
Hedva Feigenblatt ... Martha
Irit Frank ... Mary Clopas
Yoram Gal ... Peter
Udi Gil ... Healed Servant
Yossi Graber ... Annas
Tamar Hanegbi ... Mary
Yuval Hod ... John
Jerry Hyman ... Priest
Saul Kaiserman ... Andrew
Nir Kaleff ... Judas
Dror Keren ... Thomas
Alon Margarlit ... Joseph
Pazit Nuni ... Mary Magadalene
Johnny Philips ... Caiaphas
Chris Sanders ... Pilate
Tuvia Tavi ... Jarius
David Tysall ... John the Baptist

at 12/11/2009 05:22:00 PM
Categories 1995, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament


This is an excellent evangelistic film about a young man who comes back from the dead to show his friend the great love of Christ and truth about the cross. This film has one great scene in it which shows what Christ did with our sins when He died. Very visual! A good cast and production makes this movie one of the best.

Briana Morey from United States
This movie is directed towards those who are either very much interested in Christianity or who are not offended by the highly religious. I would recommend this movie to church groups, and it is ideal for retreats and the like. For those who believe in God and are looking for a short, faith-based film, this is awesome. It is moving and explains the central beliefs of Christianity and a life in Christ with clarity

at 12/10/2009 05:14:00 PM
Categories 1994, English, Evangelism, Movies

Also Known As (AKA)
The Inquiry International (English title) / Netherlands / Sweden
A nyomozás Hungary
Das Ende der Götter Germany
En busca de la tumba de Cristo Spain
Ieri anazitisi Greece (DVD title)
Inkvisitio Finland
Inkvisitionen Denmark
Misión Jerusalén - La investigación Argentina
Missão Jerusalém Brazil

It is the year 33 of the Vulgar Era. The Emperor Tiberius is troubled by strange phenomena, an earthquake and the sky turning black as an eclipse. His astrologers give him fair warning: their omens indicate that the world is in the throes of a great upheaval and that old gods have been annihilated. A new kingdom is about to rise in the East. The Emperor calls Tito Valerio Tauro, the most prominent investigator in Rome, back from his exile. He was ostracized years earlier because he had discovered too much regarding the death of the great Emperor Augustus, the predecessor of Tiberius. Tiberius entrusts Tauro with a mission that will require all his talent; should he conduct it successfully, his good name will be completely restored. He must discover the truth regarding the death sentence of a poor Judean rabbi. His name is Jesus of Nazareth and they say he has resurrected from the dead. Tiberius is convinced that it has something to do with the prophecies and the celestial omens that shook the world some months earlier. Tauro is a skeptic and the only thing he believes in is reason, but a series of mysteries that will put his intelligence to the test awaits him in Judea. Nothing is as it seems in Jerusalem. Governor Pilate is an ambitious man, both discredited and treacherous, who weaves his way among the opposing Pharisee and Zealot factions. During his inquiry, Tauro comes face-to-face with individuals he has never met before: Saul of Tarsus, a valiant defender of Mosaic tradition and an unshakable prosecutor of Christians; the mysterious and nearly insane Judas of Iscariot, who is presumably one of the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth; and the alleged leader of the Christians, a poor fisherman named Simon Peter. They are humble and powerful men, belonging to one faction or the other, but who share one obsession: an idea of faith that the Roman eyes of Tauro seems to be simply incomprehensible and quite dangerous. He withstands this idea with all his might. He believes that Jesus is only a quack, some kind of impostor and his presumed resurrection must be a public hoax staged in order to exploit the credulousness of the poor lot, the first to be converted to the Christian sect, the followers of Jesus, nearly all of them belonging to the lowest social levels of society: fishermen, farmers, even slaves - all of them treated as free men. And the same holds true, more surprisingly yet, for women - equal to men in the eyes of the Christian God. One of these women who believe in Jesus will finally offer Tauro the key to understanding the mystery of Jesus of Nasareth's death and conclude the mission that the Emperor has entrusted him with. Her name is Tabitha. She is not yet twenty years old and she will unveil the mystery of love to the cleverest and most disenchanted Roman investigator.



Version 1
Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Finish, Portuguese, Polish, Slovak, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Arabic

Version 2 ( Best Quality Video)
Audio : English
Subtitles : No
at 12/09/2009 10:51:00 AM
Categories 2006, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Finish, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish


Audio: English
Subtitles : English, Czech, Dutch, Polish, Spanish

In 1952 American poet Joy Gresham travels to England with her young son Douglas to meet with Oxford University professor C.S. Lewis, author of the Narnia books. They hit it off quite well and become good friends even though they are a contrast of opposites: Jack quiet and studious and Joy being talkative and never hesitating to speak her mind. After Joy gets a divorce from her husband and returns to England Lewis, known to his friends as Jack, even agrees to marry her to allow her to stay in England. Jack is a religious man and doesn't consider their civil ceremony to a true marriage. After Joy falls seriously ill however, he begins to realize just how much he does love her and in 1956, they are married before God. Joy's illness is serious however and while they get to spend a few years together, that time is all too short.


at 12/08/2009 01:19:00 PM
Categories 1993, Czech, Dutch, English, Movies, Polish, Spanish


Also Known As (AKA)
König der Könige Germany, Austria
Rey de reyes Argentina, Spain
Il re dei re Italy
Kongernes konge Denmark
Konungarnas konung Sweden
Kuningasten kuningas Finland
Le roi des rois France
O Rei dos Reis Brazil, Portugal
O vasilefs ton vasileon Greece
Rei de reis Spain

Audio: English, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian

When the Romans under General Pompey conquer Judea in 63 BC, an era of despair and fear begins for the Jewish people. In the trials and persecutions that the Jews suffer under the Romans and under King Herod, they take hope in the promise that the Messiah someday would come. In the reign of Augustus, when Jesus is born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph, there are some who recognize him as the future king of the Jews. Later, when Jesus reaches adulthood and begins to appear in public, there are many different responses to his message, and there are also those who wish to use him for their own purposes.
As Jesus becomes an active preacher and healer, his activities are contrasted with the political stance of Barabbas and his insurgents who battle against the Roman occupiers.
Barabbas, rather than being shown in only one scene as the murderer whose freedom is offered to the mob in exchange for Jesus' life (as is usually done in film versions of the life of Christ), plays a major role throughout King of Kings. He is depicted as an incendiary figure fighting Roman domination, and a good friend of Judas Iscariot. Judas believes that he can persuade Barabbas to embrace Christ as a liberator, and that he can influence Christ to literally take up arms against Rome, but Barabbas becomes disillusioned after listening to the Sermon on the Mount. It is then that Judas decides to betray Christ to the Romans.

at 12/07/2009 04:10:00 PM
Categories 1961, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian

The Gospel of Matthew

Audio : English
Length/Run Time: 265 Min.
Produced By: Robert Marcarelli
Directed By: Regardt Van Den Bergh

Experience The Visual Bible's Matthew. This powerful and entertaining film is taken word for word from the text of the New International Version translation. This multi-million dollar production appeals to all ages, and it offers educational, spiritual and entertainment value.


Yes, Christ was probably somebody like this movie shows.Loving people, loving life, very accessible, feeling sorry for the people when when criticizing them. Word by word,the Gospel of Matthew.

agent_js03 from tx
This is the BEST Jesus movie I have ever seen. Everything said by Jesus and the narrator in this movie are exact words that come directly from the Bible. This also greatly portrays the actual character of Jesus Christ I highly recommend this movie.

siri-3 from Quebec, Canada
I don't know how often I have watch this movie over the last few years. Bruce Marchiano's portrait of Jesus was inspired. His Jesus is wonderfully human, you can literally feel his love, anguish, pain, etc. He heals people and then is not above sharing their joy by rolling in the dust with them, hugging and kissing. Non-Christians who watch this movie might not understand, but he certainly helped to strengthen my faith. The crucifixion scene is very powerful and real and left a lasting impression on me as to what crucifixion was like, the pain, humiliation, filth etc. The cast was well chosen and complimented the movie; after all the people it depicts where mostly simple people, fishermen, farmers etc. and I don't believe that more well-known actors could have brought the characters to life the same way, especially Simon Peter. from United Kingdom
THIS is the film to view if you really want to know more about who Jesus is, and His life here for 33 years on this planet. Unlike any other version I've watched, the producers, directors, most of the main actors and supporting staff of this film were ALL Christians themselves, who prayed regularly over every single scene AND again unlike any other edition, they held EXACTLY to what scripture said as the ultimate script - absolutely nothing was added in - some occasions required a voice over where to reenact the scene may have proved somewhat inappropriate (e.g. the Angels at the Tomb), but other than that, this is absolutely categorically the best one in my view.

Scott A. Birman from Ohio
By far the best biblical movie I have ever seen. The strict adherence of the script word for word with the Bible was unique and wonderful. Bruce Marchiano's portrayal of Jesus was amazing and truly brought out the magnificence of the Lord.

toffe-2 from Örebro, Sweden
This movie is amazing. Absolutely amazing. It's easy to tell that the actors and the people that worked on this movie really have a heart for the message. It's a great idea to only use the Bible-text. They used the NIV (New International Translation) for this movie, and I believe it must have been a true challenge to make the words come alive so much. But they REALLY do it. I love the way Jesus is showed here. The way he laugh with people, and the way he cries when he speaks of the ones who will not hear the call. It is a Jesus that is close to the people. See it!


at 12/06/2009 12:01:00 PM
Categories 1993, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament


This motion picture portrays the unique and heartfelt story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991. It also contrasts two Christian girls and their different outlook toward purity and dating. All of Pamela's friends were dating. She was not. And it seemed unfair that her father insisted on such a high standard of purity. Yes, it seemed unfair...until the day she married.


antaraxia16 from Romania
I like the movie. It has great teachings... I won't say it is legalistic, because I don't find it like that. It says only what the Bible says. Nothing more or less. But we, "modern" people, don't like the idea of purity, not when it comes against what we are taught by society. Yes, kiss is a big deal. Satan wants to steal the value of it, but we are called to put value back into kiss, into sex.Don't stir up something you can't fulfill, isn't this what the Bible teaches? And one thing i am not => legalistic. But yes, I do want to be what God called me to be.

Author: Nolan Price from Shawnee, OK
Excellent message for teens about abstinence or having sex
This is a Christian film and is promoted that way. The story is about a teenager named Pamela who likes a young man and her personal turmoil of peer pressure as well as the normal pressures that teens put on their own personal beings. The young man knows of her beliefs and desires, but he still pushes for his own personal desires without carrying for her feelings.
We highly recommend this film to any parent, Christian or not, simply to help open the doors for life altering discussions.

slc_225 from United States
STD's, unplanned pregnancies, and the abortions that usually follow, are no laughing matter. "Pamela's Prayer" is about living right in a world living wrong. The parameters in Pamela's life, put there by her father, are no different from the parameters the heavenly Father sets before those he adopts as his children. God wants only the best for his children (as any human parent would), and so those rules are there to protect, not only the adopted child of God, but their future marriage as well. Today, 80 to 85 percent of people who engage in premarital sex, divorce later on compared to those who don't.
If this movie can keep just one young person from making the same mistakes I did, then this wonderful piece of celluloid has done it's job. Kudos to Rich Christiano and "Pamela's Prayer"!

marychapin30 from United States
I feel that Pamela's Prayer is a very valuable movie and is thought provoking. In a world where it's become almost routine to have premarital sex, for a movie to be made that treats the idea of who you give yourself to physically in a serious fashion, it bold and radical. I am glad that I saw the movie, it's given me food for thought about how we have taken something that is so emotionally important and exposed how our society treats it as no big deal. Forget the acting....focus on the point that the movie is attempting to make. Your body is a thing of value and who you give yourself to will have an effect on how you will feel about life.


at 12/05/2009 02:07:00 PM
Categories 1998, English, Evangelism, Movies


Athens is a little town on its last legs. The town's high school is about to be closed down and their once mighty football team hasn't had a winning season in twelve years since a tragedy struck and the coach retired. But when that same legendary football coach returns for one final season, he brings a glimmer of hope to the Crusaders.
Now, as the team rekindles its will to win, a rebellious young player and the girl he loves will discover the power of faith, and an entire town will get one last chance at redemption as the action races to its breathtaking, down-to-the-wire finish!

at 12/04/2009 01:55:00 PM
Categories 2002, English, Evangelism, Movies, Romanian


Audio: English (Ver.1),Spanish (Ver.2)
Subtitles : Romanian

One night, three factory workers are enjoying a meal at a diner. Before closing, a man comes in at sits at the counter. One of the workers named Larry tries to strike up a conversation with the man. Larry finds out that this man is a Christian. After discovering this, Larry taunts the man by calling him Jesus and questioning why other Christians are fakes.


ricapsalm18 from Winter haven, Florida
One of the best Christian movies I've ever seen.
Believers will love it. The real treasure is not in how good the acting was or the special effects but in the storyline and message behind it. I really did enjoy it and would recommend it to all believer or not. But it is your choice to watch or not.

Adam Graham ( from Boise, Idaho
The film is incredibly powerful. Aside from the Christian message, the dialogue is crisp and fresh. The film moves quickly with believable characters and a good story line, as well as great performances by Gaffga and Heller.
Whether you like the message or not (and I do), it's a fine piece of film-making that brings home the power of God's mercy and grace with amazing clarity and unquestionable style. It should serve as an example to wannabe Independent filmmakers on how to do this right.


Version 1
Audio: English
Subtitles : Romanian


Version 2
Audio: Spanish
at 12/03/2009 09:55:00 PM
Categories 2001, English, Evangelism, Movies, Romanian, Spanish
THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC (La passion de Jeanne d'Arc) (1928)

Original Name : La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (France)

Subtitles : French(included), English, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish,Portuguese, Brasilian Portuguese, Spanish, Serbian, Turkish

La pasión de Juana de Arco (Argentina / Spain)
A Paixão de Joana d'Arc (Portugal)
Die Passion der Jeanne d'Arc (Germany)
Die Passion der Jungfrau von Orléans Germany
En kvinnas martyrium Finland (Swedish title)
Ioanna tis Lorrainis Greece (reissue title)
Jeanne d'Arc Greece
Jeanne d'Arc's Lidelse og Dod. Denmark
Jeanne d'Arcin kärsimys Finland
Johanna von Orléans Austria
La passione di Giovanna d'Arco Italy
Meczenstwo Joanny d'Arc Poland
Sabakaruru Jannu Japan
To pathos tis Jeanne d'Arc Greece (reissue title)

The sufferings of a martyr, Jeanne D'Arc (1412-1431). Jeanne appears in court where Cauchon questions her and d'Estivet spits on her. She predicts her rescue, is taken to her cell, and judges forge evidence against her. In her cell, priests interrogate her and judges deny her the Mass. Threatened first in a torture chamber and then offered communion if she will recant, she refuses. At a cemetery, in front of a crowd, a priest and supporters urge her to recant; she does, and Cauchon announces her sentence. In her cell, she explains her change of mind and receives communion. In the courtyard at Rouen castle, she burns at the stake; the soldiers turn on the protesting crowd.

at 12/02/2009 08:01:00 PM
Categories 1928, Brasilian Portuguese, Czech, English, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Movies, Polish, Portuguese, Saints, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish


Audio : English
Subtitles : Arabic

Ten years have passed. Nikki's daughter Sarah, now 19 and heading West for college, is at her own spiritual crossroads. To make matters worse, her mother has recently revealed that, nearly a decade ago, she was the dinner guest of the Almighty himself. Thinking her mom is certifiably insane, Sarah strikes up an unlikely friendship with a travel companion who shares her disdain for religion.


Marianna Lawson
This is a terrific movie. And Jesus always has the right answers for this young lady in the movie because HE IS (ALWAYS) THE ANSWER!!! A great movie to see. And once you do, you will realize that we can always trust our Savior.

Gynthia Wagner
This is a fantastic movie! It brought tears to my eyes as I watched it. I realized that no matter how difficult life becomes and the many obstacles that come our way, Jesus will always pick us up. We need to acknowledge him and trust in his word. from United States

The movie Another Perfect Stranger is GREAT. It is entertaining and could be very useful in sharing your beliefs with your friends and also to get people really thinking about what they believe and does their immediate reaction to an idea hold valid when really thought through. In fact I want to buy a copy of this film for my own family to watch together. I would also like to see this movie aired at a time slot during the day so more people could view it. I look forward to more films like Another Perfect Stranger.

at 12/01/2009 06:46:00 PM
Categories 2007, Arabic, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese

In the film, everyone must receive the mark of the beast, consisting of three rows of "0110" written on their forehead or hand, or they will not be allowed to use money in any way, including food or water. This number in binary is six, hence having it repeated three times suggests the biblical number attributed to the end times. The use of the number 666 as a mandatory marking of service to the Antichrist is a common interpretation of Book of Revelation 13:17-18.

The film deals with Patty, a young woman who knows and has heard the Christian gospel but dismisses it due to her satisfaction with secular life. Another reason for Patty's rejection of the Gospel is her belief that by doing good works, going to church regularly and trying her best to follow the Ten Commandments she will be saved. Her pastor, Reverend Matthew Turner (played by Russell Doughten), preaches liberal theology, claiming that people do not have to personally give their lives to Jesus to be saved. Patty, a nominal Christian, trusts her pastor more than the Bible or the born-again Christians whom she meets, such as Jenny. One morning she wakes up to discover that her husband, a Christian, and millions of others have disappeared. Gradually, Patty realizes that the Rapture, mentioned in the Bible, has happened and she is living in the last days of the Antichrist. A government system called UNITE (United Nations Imperium for Total Emergency) is set up and those who do not receive the mark identifying them with UNITE will be arrested.


at 11/30/2009 04:09:00 PM
Categories 1972, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese

Patty is lying awake one night in a church basement, distraught and scared. She is to be executed the next morning for refusing to take the Mark of the Beast. Patty knows what lies ahead if she takes the mark but can still not believe in Christ. When those around her try to comfort her and encourage her to accept the Lord, she lashes out at them, too scared to think straight. They are able to calm her down, however, and learn her story of how she got to the point she is at tonight.
A horrified Patty has just learned that her husband and millions of others have disappeared in the Rapture, an event she has heard of, but never believed in - until now. Patty desperately seeks to find her friends and family members but they have all disappeared.
Patty and two of her friends, Wenda Johnson and Sandy, Wenda's sister, hide out at Patty's grandmother's and watch devastating events unfold. Drought, famine, and earthquakes become the norm and Patty and her two friends barely manage to eke out an existence. Even through all these circumstances, Patty refuses to put faith in God, instead blaming God for all the terrible things that have happened to her.
In one illustrative exchange of words about these awful end-time events, Patti blames the humbled Reverend Matthew Turner for never preaching the Gospel or mentioning prophecy before the Rapture, and thus for being responsible for also Patti's being left behind at the Rapture. At first, Turner tries to defend himself by arguing that Patti could have been saved when an evangelist preached at their church and asked people to give their lives to Jesus. Moreover, Turner reminds Patti that she had a Bible and that she had a duty to challenge his unbiblical preaching and to seek a Bible-believing church...

at 11/29/2009 06:09:00 PM
Categories 1978, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Audio : English

Patty Myers (played by Patty Dunning) is faced with the decision to either accept the mark of the beast or lose her head. The soldiers strap her to the guillotine, Patty screams that she wants the mark--and dies as the blade falls on its own due to a sudden earthquake which has caused the soldiers to flee. Nearby, a woman named Kathy (played by Susan Plumb) and David Michaels (played by William Wellman Jr.) have just escaped a government detention center during the earthquake along with Kathy's young son Billy, and another woman named Leslie (played by Wenda Shereos). They evade the soldiers of the government, UNITE (United Nations Imperium for Total Emergency), become separated from Leslie (with whom David reunites later) when a UNITE soldier shoots her below shoulder and David leaves her lying on the ground because she appears to be dead, and eventually meet up with the Rev. Matthew Turner (played by Russell Doughten). By this time Rev. Turner's church has been forced closed by the government and he is living underground as a survivalist. Kathy and David attempt to use their knowledge of computers to create a fake "mark of the beast" which will allow them to move about freely in society; David rationalizes this by saying they are not taking the real mark. Rev. Turner disagrees and does not use the fake mark himself, but remains in his hideout where he has been living off the land as a small farmer. Kathy also finds the mark morally questionable, but David convinces her that they have no choice.

at 11/28/2009 07:14:00 PM
Categories 1980, English, Evangelism, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Audio : English

During the final years of the reign of the Antichrist, a nuclear war has devastated the earth and the Antichrist and his world government find their grip on power slowly slipping away as the return of Christ draws near. One of the lead characters from the previous film, David Michaels (played by William Wellman Jr.) is now part of a growing underground movement of Christian believers trying to stay out of the hands of the government and thus escape execution. The government is using underground agents to infiltrate this movement. David's mission is to travel across a nuclear-devastated landscape to Albuquerque where he will meet with other underground believers to await the final return of Christ. The earth by this time is populated by doomsday people, mutants as a result of the nuclear exchanges. After rescuing one of them, Jimmy, David leads him to Christ. Jimmy later dies to save the others from Jerry, bravely, leaving Jerry their temporary captive. Connie Wright (played by Terri Lynn Hall) is a government agent pretending to be a Christian, who tries to get David to reveal the believers' secret hideout. Along the way, they rescue Linda and her daughter, Jody. Jody is a spoiled brat who, after being told off by Jimmy, begins to change...

at 11/27/2009 09:24:00 PM
Categories 1983, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times
7 WOMEN (1966)

7 WOMEN (1966)

Audo : English
Subtitles : French, Spanish

The story takes place in China in 1935 on a remote missionary post.The mission, made up predominantly of women, is threatened from within as well as from outside. Everything is calm on the surface as the head of the mission, Miss Agatha Andrews (Margaret Leighton) runs things fairly rigidly, self-righteously believing her idea of Christian piety is the only correct way to live. The other women at the mission are Miss Argent (Mildred Dunnock), her loyal assistant; Miss Binns (Flora Robson) and Mrs. Russell (Anna Lee) from the nearby British mission, who are seeking safety from the war atrocities; Mrs. Florrie Pether (Betty Field), whose husband, Charles Pether (Eddie Albert) is a mission teacher and the only male there; Miss Ling (Jane Chang), the demure Chinese mission teacher and translator and Emma Clark (Sue Lyon), a member of the staff and the youngest girl at the mission.
Neurotic tension is brewing and Miss Andrews soon turns out to be a repressed lesbian, the object of whose affection is Emma. The arrival of an elegant, humanistic, cynical, atheist doctor, Dr. Cartwright (Anne Bancroft), soon disrupts the fragile peace, especially when Emma becomes the doctor's admirer. Cartwright stands apart from the group of women and she and Andrews clash over Cartwright's attitude, her profane speech, her smoking, and her total lack of interest in participating in the daily prayers. Florrie is pregnant but fears she is too old to give birth without problems. Cartwright has to deal with the pregnant woman giving birth in very primitive conditions, then a cholera outbreak, and finally an attack by Mongol marauders who commit atrocities, gross indignities, and acts of barbarism. She inspires the women to great bravery and they manage to cope with extremely dangerous situations, but in the end Cartwright is forced to offer herself up to the Mongol leader, Tunga Khan (Mike Mazurki), as a concubine to save the group. This sets a rift among the missionaries with Agatha appalled by Cartwright's decision, while Miss Binns applauds her courage and spirit. Each member of the group offers a different response to the danger, which gives the film a certain depth and diversity.

at 11/26/2009 06:33:00 PM
Categories 1966, English, Evangelism, French, Movies, Spanish


Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Arabic, Estonian, Finish, Icelandic, Dutch, Brasilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian

Morris Chestnut is Dave Johnson and Taraji P. Henson is his wife Clarice Clark. After opening with their wedding perhaps 15 years earlier, we see them in modern times, not totally happy. He spends a lot of his spare time coaching young boys, partly because she still doesn't want children because she is too busy furthering her career.
While driving someplace and she non-stop bad-mouthing him yet again, they get broadsided by a pickup truck, she almost dies but has to endure a lot of P.T. to walk again. Jenifer Lewis as her mom Mary 'Mama' Clark moves in to help but she inserts herself too much into their lives and ends up trying to kick Dave out of his own house.
There is a side story about a young swimmer and his mom but that is not integral to the resolution of the story, which requires the couple to return to their religious orientation to gain their happiness again, and to move forward to establish their own family..

Morris Chestnut ... Dave Johnson
Taraji P. Henson ... Clarice Clark
Maeve Quinlan ... Julie Sawyer
Kevin Hart ... Tree
Wood Harris ... Darnell Gooden
Eddie Cibrian ... Brock Houseman
Jenifer Lewis ... Mary 'Mama' Clark
Niecy Nash ... Michelle
Cannon Jay ... Bryson Sawyer
Albert Hall ... Bishop Wilkes
Jeff Krebs ... Trauma Doctor
Nathaniel Carter ... Deshawn Brendon
Terrell Ferguson ... Marcus (as Brendon Terrell)
Kwame Boateng ... Darius
Henry Brown ... Mr. Reid


TxMike from Houston, Tx, USA
Based on a book by T.D. Jakes (who also has a role here) the title comes from the concept that in a marriage there is an invisible cord loop, not easily broken, which represents God in the relationship. Further, if the partners attempt to live their lives without involving God then they will have difficulty remaining happy.
"Not Easily Broken" has been enjoyed by a good cross-section of viewers, and is a pretty well made movie.

whocanfind from United States
This movie was truly touching! I saw so much that could be learned regarding marriage and family. The leading characters really played their parts well. I often felt bad for Morris's character because "Clarice" was a trip. :) I'm thankful for movies like these and would love to see more. My eyes welled up at different parts and the story line was not as predictable as I thought it was going to be. I recommend this movie for any and everybody that want to see a real picture of marriage and how different things can come in and douse whatever flame a married couple once had. Thank you TD Jakes for making such a hearty movie. I look forward to seeing more like these!

Jbrown0170 from United States
Not Easily Broken is based on a novel written by T.D. Jakes. The movie shows the power that true loves hold when the going gets tough. The movie was touching, gripping and very realistic. The feelings of regret, hurt, frustration, anger, even the urge to go astray were so real I felt as if I were a part of the movie. It also showed what could happen when you assume how another person may think or feel; and what could happen in your life when God is integral. I love seeing roles where our Black men are depicted as strong men that positively handle their struggles. I definitely like movies that cast our men in similar strong roles (especially if Morris Chestnut is involved). Although the movie had its serious moments, the serious moments had interludes of lightheartedness when Kevin Hart (Tree) came onto the scene. That little dude is so funny to me. This movie was definitely worth watching, especially for those who need a reminder that God is always the Way.

at 11/25/2009 10:06:00 PM
Categories 2009, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, Estonian, Evangelism, Finish, Icelandic, Movies, Portuguese, Romanian
LUTHER (2003)

LUTHER (2003)

Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Croatian, Danish, Estonian, Finish, French, Greek, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Biography of Martin Luther, the 16th-century priest who led the Christian Reformation and opened up new possibilities in exploration of faith. The film begins with his vow to become a monk, and continues through his struggles to reconcile his desire for sanctification with his increasing abhorrence of the corruption and hypocrisy pervading the Church's hierarchy. He is ultimately charged with heresy and must confront the ruling cardinals and princes, urging them to make the Scriptures available to the common believer and lead the Church toward faith through justice and righteousness.

Directed by
Eric Till

Written by
Camille Thomasson and Bart Gavigan

Joseph Fiennes .... Martin Luther
Jonathan Firth .... Girolamo Aleander
Alfred Molina .... Johann Tetzel
Claire Cox .... Katharina von Bora
Peter Ustinov .... Frederick the Wise (as Sir Peter Ustinov)
Bruno Ganz .... Johann von Staupitz
Uwe Ochsenknecht .... Pope Leo X
Mathieu Carriere .... Cardinal Jacob Cajetan
Benjamin Sadler .... Georg Spalatin

at 11/24/2009 08:20:00 AM
Categories 2003, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, Danish, English, Estonian, Finish, French, Greek, Movies, Romanian, Saints, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish


Audio : Turkish, Arabic, Indonesian, Farsi, Hausa
Subtitles : English

From Dreams to Reality
Five Remarkable Testimonies

Khalil (Egypt) (in Arabic * 28:51 minutes)
- A radical Egyptian terrorist changed from a murderous “Saul” to a forgiving “Paul” after Jesus Christ visited him in a soul-penetrating dream. This hater of both Christians and Jews set out to discredit the Bible, but instead, he was transformed when Jesus appeared to him and changed his heart.

Khalil started memorizing the Qur’an at a very early age and developed what he called a love for the word of God. As he grew older, he started reading books on Islam and the interpretation of the Qur’an. By sorting out Muslims from non-Muslims according to the Qur’an’s teaching, he ended up considering his own parents infidels. Little things such as a woman not wearing a veil would make her a non-Muslim according to the way he understood the Qur’an. If a man didn’t grow a beard he would be considered a non-Muslim. He considered the Christians his worst enemies and started getting involved in attacks against Christians and churches. The Islamic Group, dedicated to the overthrow of the secular government of Egypt and the installation of a strict Muslim government, recruited him into their ranks, appointing him as a local leader. ...

Mohammed (Nigeria) (in Hausa * 45:50 minutes)
- This Fulani herdsman in Nigeria found the deep love and lordship of Jesus Christ through a series of remarkable dreams. Jesus’ appearance in those dreams altered the course of his life. Though his father tried to kill him in the wake of his conversion, he survived the various attempts on his life and eventually led his father to faith in Christ.

Mohammed grew up in a Fulani tribe and started rearing cattle when he was six years old. He did this for almost 10 years until he went to an Arabic school to study the Qur’an. Prior to this, Mohammed had learned about Islam from his father.
After several years of schooling, he returned home. One night he had a frightening dream. He saw people along the roadside who were suffering. He entered a gate and people took him and beat him. Then he was locked in a room that was very hot. It was so hot that his flesh began to peel off his body. As he began screaming and trying to kick the door open, he woke up. He couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. The next night, he had another dream. This time he was on a different road and he saw decaying bodies. He came to the same gate, was beaten and taken to the same room. His flesh was melting off his body when a man dressed in white appeared. Suddenly, the room became cold and the people who were beating him disappeared. The man stretched his hand out and held Mohammed’s hand, saying, “My son, what are you doing here? Do you want me to take you home?” Mohammed says, “Within a second I was back home and he said to me, ‘I love you, my son.’” ...

Dini (Indonesia) (in Indonesian * 42:17 minutes)
- An Indonesian teenager let down by family, friends and society, became a Christian the night Jesus appeared to her in a vision. That special night was Lailatul Qadar when Muslims individualize their prayers to Allah. From the moment she saw Jesus, His peace filled her heart and stayed with her even as persecution began.

As the oldest child in her family, twelve-year-old Dini had always been close to her father; so when he died suddenly, she was devastated. Her devastation turned to anger when she learned that her father had an affair with her aunt who was now pregnant. She also learned that her mother was pregnant from her father.
As a struggling widow, Dini’s mother decided to place her three youngest children in an orphanage. She also had to sell valuables in the house just so the family would have money to buy food. About four years later, a relative told Dini that her mother was getting remarried. Dini was very hurt by this and didn’t understand why her mother hadn’t told her. She felt like she didn’t have anyone she could depend on since her father had disappointed her, and now her mother had done the same.
Dini became friends with the troublemakers at school and went through a rebellious period. She skipped classes, didn’t wear the school uniform and got into fights. When several of her friends faced serious problems, Dini began to ask questions: “What is it that I’m looking for? Religious rules don’t make me happy. But a free life without the rules of religion isn’t something I want either.” ...

Khosrow (Iran) (in Farsi * 29:30 minutes)
- A young Iranian man, depressed and without hope, met Jesus Christ in a vision. The Savior extended His hand and invited him to take hold, promising that his “life would change forever.” He took Jesus’ hand and, as he describes it, “waves of electricity flowed through my body over and over again. I wept for the first time since I was a child and joy filled my heart.”

Even as a small child, Khosrow questioned the “meaning of life.” Everything around him raised questions. Why do flowers have color? What’s beyond the stars? Where do we go when we die? Who are “those people” inside the TV set? Where do they go when the TV is shut off? When no one could answer his many questions satisfactorily, his sensitive nature gave way to a growing depression.
One day as a young man, he passed by an Assyrian Christian church and decided to go inside, thinking he might find answers to some of his “questions.” There were only a few elderly women there and an elderly pastor who gave him a box of books. The books were all in Farsi and among them was a copy of the New Testament, which Khosrow read from cover to cover. But the experience of reading alone was not enough to satisfy his search for answers. He threw the book across his room in despair. Just then, the form of a man came to him in a vision. This man extended his hands toward Khosrow and told him: “Take my hands and everything will change forever.” Khosrow took the man’s hands and a wave of what he describes as “electricity” flowed through his body. Kneeling, he began to weep, making such a noise that his parents rushed to the room. They were flabbergasted to see their son crying for the first time in many, many years. ...

Ali (Turkey) (in Turkish * 40:04 minutes)
- This Turkish man in bondage to alcohol saw Jesus in a dream and his life was changed forever. Desperate, he moved to Saudi Arabia — a place where alcohol is forbidden. However, upon his arrival, he found liquor there. He then made the pilgrimage to Mecca, hoping to be freed of his addiction and to be led in the way of a true Muslim. To his surprise, he met Jesus Christ instead.

Ali is the oldest of nine children but he doesn’t have many warm memories of being part of such a large family. They teased him and said that he looked different than everyone else in the family. His mother said she hated him and that he was the child who resembled her the least. He always felt rejected by his family and cried a lot as a child.
For four months every year, Ali worked as a shepherd. This began when he was eight years old and continued until he was 18. He took the sheep to the mountains and since he spent a lot of time alone he wanted someone to talk to so he “created a god” in his heart. This god was like a friend to Ali. Ali would have lengthy conversations with him saying things like, “How beautiful are your creations,” as he looked at the flowers, the sun, the rocks and the grass. He would also ask this god questions like, “Where does an apple’s sweetness come from?” because he believed that there was a God who made everything good. ...

at 11/23/2009 06:46:00 PM
Categories 2006, Arabic, Converted from Islam, Documentary, English, Evangelism, Farsi, Hausa, Indonesian, Movies, Testimony, Turkish


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Spanish

The story is based on the experiences of real-life Rev. Charles Dismas Clark (played here by Murray), a Jesuit priest devoted to working with young ex-convicts who face uphill battles in trying to re-integrate into a society that discriminates against them. At focus is the struggle of Billy Lee Jackson (Keir Dullea) with his personal demons as he gets involved in crimes which are not of his doing alone. His case illustrates the nature of the majority of cases, and like the majority, he pays in spades for his "mistakes." A powerful argument for looking at the horror of the death penalty and society's responsibility for crime, this well-wrought story is compelling and consistently effective.


JADA (2008)

JADA (2008)

Jada is the faith based story of a woman whose life becomes chaotic when her husband is killed in a questionable car accident. Her once-comfortable middle-class lifestyle comes crashing down when an insurance company labels the accident a suicide and refuses to pay her benefits as the survivor
As a result, Jada (Sienna Goines) and her two teenage children Jasmine and Jamal, become homeless and have to live in their car until the pastor of a local church, the Rev. Terrence Mayweather (Clifton Powell), comes to their aid. The family finds shelter in a low-income housing project, but Jamal becomes entangled in the neighborhood gang. Throughout the ordeal, Jada's unwavering faith in God keeps the family together. An unlikely savior arrives in the person of Simon Williams (Rockmond Dunbar), who has been released from prison on the Reverend Mayweather's strong recommendation. Simon becomes a mentor to Jamal in an attempt to steer him away from the gang, but tensions are high between Simon and the head of the gang and Jamal is faced with a life changing decision. Will he choose the streets or will he choose God?

at 11/21/2009 11:05:00 PM
Categories 2008, English, Evangelism, Movies
MOSES : PRINCE OF EGYPT (2008) - Series : Bible Stories For Children

Series : Bible Stories For Children

2 Stories :

Prince Moses
The Pharaoh orders all newborn Hebrew boys killed. One mother places her baby in a basket and sets him afl oat on the Nile. Will the baby survive?

Fire in the Desert
God speaks to Moses from a burning bush and gives him a mission. How will Moses lead his people out of Egypt?

at 11/19/2009 10:40:00 PM
Categories 2008, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
MOSES : THE EXODUS (2009) - Series : Bible Stories For Children

Series : Bible Stories For Children

3 Stories

The Nile Turns to Blood
God promises to deliver the children of Israel to the Promised Land, but Pharaoh
will not allow it.

Night of the Lamb
God threatens to kill all the fi rst-born in Egypt.

The Exodus
Trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s
army, will the people of Israel escape?

at 11/18/2009 10:49:00 PM
Categories 2009, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS (2008) - Series : Bible Stories For Children

Bible Stories For Children

3 Stories :

The Sons of Jacob
Jacob's sons become very jealous of their younger brother, Joseph, their father's
favorite. The brothers hatch a plot-what will they do to Joseph?

Joseph and the Pharaoh
The Pharaoh of Egypt is having bad dreams. Joseph-with the help of God-can interpret dreams, but will the Pharaoh like what he has to say?

Twelve Tribes, One People
Joseph's brothers come to Egypt looking for food during the famine, but don't recognize him. Will Joseph forgive his brothers?

at 11/18/2009 07:14:00 PM
Categories 2008, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament

Audio : English, Spanish

If veteran Tulsa cabbie Cliff Edwards would look in his life's rearview, he'd see a string of wrecked relationships and missed opportunities. But, Cliff's not looking back if he can help it. He's too busy trying to track down a legendary stash of Civil War gold.
What he digs up instead is the very past he's tried to bury. He thought he was ready to give anything to find real treasure. But, that was before he discovered what it would cost him.


Audio : English


Format: RatDVD
Audio : English & Spanish

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at 11/17/2009 04:05:00 PM
Categories 2008, English, Evangelism, Movies, Spanish
DAVID (1997)

DAVID (1997)

Audio : English, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese

The tribes of Israel need to defeat the superior might of the Philistines: "Now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have." (I Samuel, 8:5). And so the prophet Samuel gives the Hebrews their first king, Saul, a simple farmer, who with God's help becomes a brave and mighty warlord who leads the united tribes of Israel against their enemies. Saul, however, has incessant doubts about his mission. Not trustful enough of divine wisdom, he acts of his own accord and thus sins against the Lord. The influential prophet Samuel turns away from Saul in order to select a new king according to God's will: David. He is still a young boy, tending sheep in the fields, when, secretly Samuel oints him as the next king of the Israelites. When David - as courageous as he is intelligent - emerges victorious from his encounter with Goliath, the Philistines' most powerful warrior, he becomes a hero. His fame arouses the jealousy of King Saul, who senses that David is going to dispute his right to be king - and tries to kill him. David flees from Saul, and finds many supporters and loyal companions who believe that he is destined to be king. In exile, David waits for his time to come, since he does not want to take the place of Saul by violence. He is young and in the prime of his strength, while King Saul is a broken man. When Saul falls upon his sword after losing a battle, David's hour is at hand. The new King David conquers Jerusalem. The magnificent city is to become the royal residence for the glorious hero, who now plans to leave the business of war to others in future and to become a King of Peace. However, this temperamental man, with so many years of battle behind him and still in the bloom of youth, is not predestined for a quiet, orderly life at all. Very soon he plunges into an illicit love affair with Bathsheba, a married woman - an affair that threatens to become the king's undoing when it turns out that she is expecting his child. To conceal his adulterous fatherhood, the king sends Bathsheba's husband Uriah - one of his best and most loyal soldiers - to his death, and then marries her. The prophet and royal adviser Nathan announces to David that his act will result in divine punishment: the Lord will not countenance such an outrage. Violence and evil will continue in David's own family and bring disaster upon the heads of the numerous sons born to David from his wives and concubines. Then the child of David and Bathsheba dies. She gives him another son, Solomon, but very soon David suffers another sharp blow of fate: his grown-up son Absalom kills one of his brothers for the latter's rape of his sister. David is far too mild in response to this: not only does he fail to bring the incestuous seducer to justice, he also leaves the fratricide unpunished. The king does not realise that he is gradually losing control over his family, and that his hold on the people is also growing weaker. For David is obsessed with his plan of building the finest and largest temple in the world in Jerusalem. He demands immense sums from the populace for this project, even though God has commanded him to leave the completion of the building to his successors. David's ambitious son Absalom thus finds it very easy to drum up support for a conspiracy against his father. After a fierce battle, culminating in Absalom's death, David makes it back to Jerusalem.

at 11/16/2009 05:14:00 PM
Categories 1997, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies


'A Good Man is Hard to Find' is a story about three women struggling with love and relationships. Rachel, an astute woman, who has a good man, trades him for career advancement. Monica, is a single woman who is struggling to find a good man and Charlene is a virtuous woman, married to the wrong man with the hope that God will change him.Clarence is the right man, and Rachel is the right woman. They are in the right relationship but can't see it. Clarence has worked very hard to put Rachel through school. Rachel, now with the big important job, frequents a fancier lifestyle than Clarence is accustomed to and wants him to acquiesce. Her aspirations lead her into the adulteress space of another man. As their relationship deteriorates, so does the relationship between her son and Clarence. Charlene, a faithful Christian and Bruce her cheating, alcoholic, abusive husband are in the worst relationship imaginable. Charlene found God and Bruce found another women and the bottle. The verbal and psychological abuse has escalated to physical abuse. But Charlene, old school, believes if she stays committed to the relationship Bruce will change for the better.

at 11/16/2009 12:41:00 AM
Categories 2008, English, Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Romanian, Russian

The story takes place in Israel on the FIRST Passover following Christ’s death, giving us a glimpse into the birth of Christianity. The Gospel is clearly revealed.
This drama shows how one Rabbi (Nick Mancuso) becomes a true follower of Jesus Christ (Yeshua of Nazareth). After the resurrection, being filled with the Holy Spirit, Rabbi Yehudah zealously embarkrs on a journey to share the Good News with his people. He arrives in his hometown, precisely one year after the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of the Messiah. Now, his greatest challenge is to convince his own family (father, mother, brothers and sisters) that the long awaited Messiah Son of David has finally come.
Now, his greatest challenge is to convince his very skeptical Jewish parents and brothers that the long awaited Messiah, Son of David, has finally come.
Through the Feast of Passover (the Seder dinner), spoken of in “Torah” by Moses, the Rabbi powerfully presents its prophetic nature and fulfillment in Yeshua of Nazareth.

at 11/15/2009 03:13:00 PM
Categories 2004, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament, Romanian, Russian
SCARS ( Cicatrices ) (2005)

SCARS ( Cicatrices ) (2005)

Audio : Spanish
Subtitles : English, Romanian

Rodrigo Abed ... Julián
Leonor Bonilla ... Thelma
Joana Brito ... Sagrario
Susana González ... Diana
Bryan Rangel ... Juliancito
Nora Salinas ... Clara


vaquerar from United States
This Mexican movie is very realistic, I thought it goes so deep into the marriage problems, how the couple deal with really bad problems. I watched and I remember I stopped eating because some parts are really strong, I felt so bad when I watch some scenes. I think, and like I said, I heard that in Mexico just like in many countries it is very common to see marriage problems, especially for violence, it was all about respect, that was the key why these two persons hurt each other so much, and they had to have a bigger problems or really bad thing happened to them to can realize they had to try harder to be good with themselves and to each other, I think this movie is pretty hard core, not for kids definitely. Watching it you can see what is wrong and what is worst.

douwant_me28 from Canada
This movie caused such an impact on mine and my husband's lives. It shows how quickly a relationship can deteriorate. Once you start disrespecting each other and start competing against each other, things can get out of hand too quickly. It was such an eye-opening experience to see what type of a future awaits if one loses respect and lacks communication in a marriage. Such tragedy to see something so dramatic happen to these two people to make them realize what they were doing to each other and to their child. Kids are so sensitive to what parents are going through and one should never underestimate their role in all of this. Get out your Kleenex box and get comfortable, you are in for what could be... a life changing experience!

cuquisarod from Colima, Mexico
Cicatrices is definitely a different Mexican movie... Fist of all, it tries to deal with Mexican common problems such as domestic violence, divorce...but it goes deeper into personal and spiritual growth with a Christian focus.
Nevertheless, even if you are not Christian it could still make you think. At the end, I liked the main characters performance and sometimes I felt their emotions and even cried.
I went to see the movie with my parents and when we left the theater, we had a nice conversation about its topics which later on, turned into us... it made us reflect about our personal lives and troubles and made us think in possible solutions.
It gave us much more than just entertainment for 2 hours.

at 11/14/2009 05:28:00 PM
Categories 2005, English, Romanian, Spanish


Audio: English
Subtitles: English

"What am I doing here?"
It is a question that has haunted Jason (Josh Odor) ever since he heard his dad utter it prior to his death several years ago. Now, fresh out of law school, and with an upcoming bar exam to prepare for, the highly motivated and strictly disciplined Jason returns to the small Southern town he grew up in to spend the summer studying. He reconnects with Paul (Craig Luttrell)- a "shoulda been" actor who has just returned from Los Angeles, and Layla (Jaclyn Friedlander)- an old friend whose childhood crush on Jason returns with his sudden reemergence, sending her engagement into a tailspin. But it is a chance-encounter with David (Craig Morris)- a pastor at a local church- that changes his life forever. David offers Jason a part time summer job as a youth director, and he reluctantly accepts it- caving into the pressure from Layla and the need for some extra summer cash. But as he gets to know the kids and their individual struggles, he gradually discovers a passion that he didn't know existed within him; and he soon realizes that his dad's life-long question has now become his own.
The River Within is the feature film debut of writer/director Zac Heath. Shot on location along the Spring River in beautiful Northeast Arkansas, it explores the idea that each of our lives has a purpose; whether we know it or not.

Josh Odor ... Jason (as Josh Lauri)
Craig Luttrell ... Paul
Craig Morris ... David
Jaclyn Friedlander ... Layla
Maurice Mejia ... Marcus
Thomas Moore ... Michael
Jan Falk ... Cindy
Geoff Falk ... Mr. Blayton
Lydia Ditto ... Melinda
Sarah Hill ... Amanda
Natalie Smith ... Nicole
Jan Ainley ... Alli's Mom
Fred Hollywood Moore ... Mr. Jenkins (as Fred Moore)
Staci Harmon ... Alli
Harold Williams ... Mr. Collins

at 11/14/2009 04:56:00 PM
Categories 2009, English, Movies
ABRAHAM (1994)

ABRAHAM (1994)

Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian

Abram (pronounced "Ahv-rahm") lives in Haran, a rich city. His wife Sarah is childless, and their only heir is Eliezer of Damascus. One day Abram hears the voice of God, who says that Abram must leave Haran and travel to an unknown land. God promises to make a great nation from Abram, now Abraham (pronounced "Ahv-rah-hahm"). The pattern for the plot is Genesis chapters 11-25.

* Richard Harris as Abraham
* Barbara Hershey as Sarah
* Maximilian Schell as Pharaoh
* Vittorio Gassman as Terah
* Carolina Rosi as Hagar
* Andrea Prodan as Lot
* Gottfried John as Eliezer
* Kevin McNally as Nahor
* Simona Ferraro Chartoff as Lot's Wife
* Tom Radcliffe as Serug
* Jude Alderson as Mikah
* Evelina Meghangi as Reumah

at 11/14/2009 10:49:00 AM
Categories 1994, Brasilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, English, Movies, Old Testament, Romanian
SAMSON AND GIDEON (I Grandi Condottieri) (1965)

I Grandi Condottieri

The heroic tales of Samson And Gideon are told, as Gideon (Ivo Garrani) defends the Israelites against the Midianites, and Sampson (Anton Geesink) achieves glory only to fall prey to the charms of Delilah (Rosalba Neri). Also with Fernando Rey.


* Sergio Ammirata
* Barta Barri
* Giorgio Cerioni ... Gideon's son
* Consalvo Dell'Arti
* Lucio De Santis
* Beni Deus
* Mirko Ellis
* Maruchi Fresno ... Gideon's wife
* Ivo Garrani ... Gideon
* Anton Geesink ... Samson
* Piero Gerlini
* Paolo Gozlino
* José Jaspe
* Luz Márquez ... Gaza
* Rosalba Neri ... Delilah
* Ana María Noé ... Samson's mother
* Fernando Rey ... The stranger


( All RS links are checked and work well )
at 11/13/2009 11:33:00 AM
Categories 1965, English, Movies


What if your deepest secret were suddenly exposed? Nine friends discover just how explosive it can be when their past becomes their present.
Reunited at the funeral of hometown hero Chris Hayden, the friends find tensions escalating rapidly as their darkest secrets are revealed. Jeremy (David A.R. White), struggling with his calling as a former youth pastor, is caught in an awkward love triangle between his new fiancée and his old flame Sherry (Tracey Melchoir). As the embers of the past relationship reignite, Jeremy’s fiancée Rachel (Stacey Keanan), who is determined to solidify their relationship, demands he affirm his commitment to her.
Meanwhile, Gary (John Schneider) questions everyone’s beliefs as this close-knit group of friends disputes world views, lifestyles, and personal passions. Pastor Wexler (Reginald Vel Johnson) encourages them not to give up but to follow the truth that Chris Hayden lived.
Hidden Secrets is a story of love, friendship, redemption and ultimately faith. Humorous, touching and always entertaining.


( All RS links are checked and work well )
at 11/12/2009 05:27:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles: Serbian

This very well produced dramatic film follows the story of Samir Majan, a young man born and raised a Muslim in the Middle East who attended college in America. After receiving a degree from a university in Chicago, he begins his trip back home to see his family. But something has drastically changed in the young man's life since coming to the States. As his welcoming committee awaits his arrival, the young man's fear and concern is overwhelming. Samir knows trouble and persecution lie ahead because he has done the unthinkable. Samir has become....a Christian.


Caroline Pier
This is ONE OF THE BEST CHRISTIAN movies! I've lend this movie to non-christian friends and the reviews have been excellent. We really don't have a clue as to what Christians are experiencing in other countries. We take for granted our right to freely worship our faith in the USA! Let's pray for all of our brothers and sisters in other lands. May God sustain and protect them! Let's continue to put our faith in God and in his Son, Jesus and in our everlasting hope of salvation.
The movie is well acted and well produced. Exciting to watch. I highly recommend it to all!

Sara Ahmed
This brought me to tears. It made me think more seriously about:
a) How everything Jesus spoke about is true
b) How other believers must live under persistant persecution from the enemy.
We must never forget to pray for our church around the world.
God bless

Scott Cates
INTENSE! This is not a "B" film. It is very well done. It keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the film. It also gives some insight into the muslim religion and the hostility that is created when a muslim directs his faith to Jesus Christ. It is a must have for my library, and seems to be the most borrowed film in my DVD collection. I highly recommend it!

Colleen Baxter
This is a film I will NEVER forget - saw it years ago. Living under persecution like this tests a Christian's faith and prompts us to pray like never before. A very moving exciting film I recommend every Christian view.


( All RS links are checked and work well )
at 11/11/2009 01:09:00 PM
Categories 1995, English, Movies, Serbian


Audio: English & Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles: English, Croatian, Brasilian Portuguese, Hungarian, Macedonian, Brasilian Portuguese, Polish, Romanian

The young Jeremiah grows up in a priest's family in the village of Anathoth, near Jerusalem. God appears to Jeremiah in different human guises on several occasions, and makes it clear to him that he has been selected to announce God's message to the people of Jerusalem: a mighty ruler from the north will attack the Kingdom of Judah if the people there continue to worship false idols, and fail to remember the One God. No-one in Anathoth believes Jeremiah's prophecy, however. Instead, he is accused of blasphemy and is physically attacked - and not even his family comes to his aid. Nevertheless, with the help of Baruch, a temple scribe who hears Jeremiah's first sermon and becomes his disciple, Jeremiah succeeds in announcing the word of God. The prophet's message of impending doom incurs only the wrath and rejection of the ruling classes, the priesthood and the King. Jeremiah can find no audience, and lands up in captivity again - but even though he even has to leave his true love for Judith to fate, he still sticks firmly to his mission. It is only when war with the enemy forces from Babylon seems inevitable that the people of Jerusalem start to grow restless, and Jeremiah gradually starts to win support. However the King, who is taking the advice of the false prophet Hananiah, is certain that the country's powerful neighbours, the Egyptians, will come to his assistance. Shortly afterwards, however, the Babylonians lay siege to the Holy City. Although the King now believes Jeremiah, he still finds it impossible to make the decision to surrender the city. Jerusalem goes up in flames, and the people are led off into exile in Babylon.


( All RS links are checked and work well )
at 11/11/2009 01:08:00 PM
Categories 1998, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, English, Hungarian, Macedonian, Movies, Old Testament, Polish, Romanian
THE RIDE (1997)

THE RIDE (1997)

Smokey Banks is a washed up bull-riding champion, who became a heavy boozer and after a punch up trying to get his trailer back is sentenced to community service at a ranch camp for disadvantaged kids. One of the kids, Danny, who knows Smokey's biography, asks Smokey to teach him how to ride bull. and gets his life turned around in the mean time.

Michael Biehn ... Smokey Banks
Charles Young ... Honeycut
Clarence Felder ... Mike Stillwell
Brock Pierce ... Danny O'Neil
Coy Huffman ... Announcer #1
Jennifer O'Neill ... Ellen Stillwell
Chris Owen ... Steve
Martin Spanjers ... George
Marco Savittieri ... Dennis
Christian Gallego ... Rocky

Director: Michael O. Sajbel
Writers: David Bowen & Michael O. Sajbel


Joyce Leonard
Great movie! We rented it this week and I'm online this morning to buy it, and there are very few movies I will pay the money for to have in our video library. Great theme--wonderful acting--and cowboys to boot! What more could you ask for?

Karen Harrell
This is a great movie a must see. It will make you laugh and cry.

Elisabeth Hodges
The Ride is a Must to have to add in your Christian Movie Collection ! Smokey Bans is a former world champion bull rider who has spent the past few years messing up his life with drinking and gambling . But through the Grace of God he is assighned to community service at the Saguaro Boy's Ranch where the Real Venture Begin's . He is to teach Danny how to ride a bull but he has no idea how serving this time at the Ranch will change his Life ..... An Excellent Film pick up your copy today ! You will be glad you did ! God Bless


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at 11/10/2009 11:15:00 AM
Categories 1997, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles : Brasilian Portuguese

The film is set in Persia in the 4th century BC. After the King’s wife is murdered, Esther (a Jewish woman) comes to the attention of the recently widowed King Ahasuerus. The king has been trying to stifle and defeat the campaign of hatred against the Jews by his evil minister Haman (Sergio Fantoni). Before the King can pair off with Esther and defeat the villainous Haman, there are several intervening adventures and an additional, attractive woman who competes for attention.


* Joan Collins - Esther
* Richard Egan - King Ahasuerus
* Denis O'Dea - Mardoch
* Sergio Fantoni - Haman
* Renato Baldini - Kildrates
* Gabriele Tinti - Samuel
* Rosalba Neri – Keresh
* Daniela Rocca - Queen Vashti
* Folco Lulli - Tobiah
* Rick Bataglia – Simon


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at 11/10/2009 08:49:00 AM
Categories 1960, Brasilian Portuguese, Classic, English, Movies, Old Testament
THE APOCALYPSE (2002) ( San Giovanni - L'Apocalisse )

San Giovanni - L'Apocalisse

Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, Turkish,

It is 90 AD, and the Roman Empire is being run by the Emperor Domitian, who has declared himself to be God and ruler over heaven and earth. The Christians, who do not recognize his divinity, are a thorn in his side # and he is having them cruelly persecuted. The small village in Asia Minor to which the aged apostle John has withdrawn is also attacked by Roman soldiers. As if by a miracle, John is the only person to escape the slaughter # and he receives divine orders to write down the visions he will have and communicate them to the Christian communities in the Roman provinces of Asia. The voice tells him that they should discover what is and what will happen thereafter. Among the Christians of Asia Minor, who believe that John is dead, everyone is deeply worried about being persecuted. Gaius, the community elder in Smyrna, is concerned that only a few believers still dare come to the ritual supper. Under these circumstances, Christianity can no longer exist! But at this point the young Irene appears at the secret meeting. She is convinced that John, who could give the Christians back their courage, is still alive, because a certain Theophilus, who is being held captive by the Romans on the island of Patmos, is in contact with him and had a letter sent to her. In it, John describes his vision of Heaven: And behold, a throne was set in Heaven, and one sat on the throne...and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne... and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. ... And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book...


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at 11/09/2009 09:40:00 AM
Categories 2002, Arabic, Brasilian Portuguese, Croatian, English, Movies, New Testament, Saints, Turkish


Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English, Brasilian Portuguese, Czech, Hebrew, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovenian

Same faith. Same city. Different worlds.
The Second Chance is a film about two men - one from a white church in the well-to-do suburbs and one from a black church in the inner-city projects. Although founded by the same man, each church manifests its mission in a very different way. This film authentically tells the story of how a rebellious son and a street-smart pastor struggle to bridge the gap between their respective churches and cultures. More importantly, at its core, The Second Chance is about being willing to step outside your comfort zone and serve where you are called.
Jeremiah Jenkins (J. Don Ferguson) founded Second Chance Community Church amid the turbulence of the civil rights demonstrations in the sixties. He has since moved from the inner city to the suburbs where he founded The Rock, a now mega church where community service often takes the form of large donations to the collection plate. He continues to travel the world establishing new churches, but he's lost sight of the place where his journey as pastor began.
His son Ethan Jenkins (Award-winning performer Michael W. Smith in his first leading role in a feature film) recently left his wayward lifestyle as a West Coast musician to serve as associate pastor at The Rock. He's busy, affluent and caught up in the big business of a big church. His ministry is more about Sunday simulcasts than service to others. He's rocking the pulpit and the boat at The Rock, and the church board decides Ethan needs to take a little sabbatical…. to Second Chance.
Jake Sanders (introducing jeff obafemi carr) is the Pastor of Second Chance Church. He is street tough and a committed servant to his community. He works hard to keep his church together, and he resents the arrival of Ethan with his fancy car and his "cash can solve anything" attitude. Sparks fly from day one when Jake takes Ethan on a tour of the "hood," and the various situations they encounter lay bare Ethan's misconceptions and insecurities. He resented Jeremiah's decision to move to the suburbs, and now he resents being saddled with his son.
Over the next few weeks Ethan tries gamely to fit in at Second Chance, but even his best efforts end in frustration and failure. Forced to work side by side with Jake, he discovers there is no boundary between the streets and the sanctuary. When the youth pastor from Second Chance takes a beating so that a young man can leave a gang, it shakes Ethan to his core. He questions his own courage and the depth of his Christian convictions.
Jake and Ethan struggle to find common ground as they face street gangs, their own shortcomings, and those who would destroy the community church for political gain. Can the faith Ethan and Jake share overcome the prejudices that divide them to give themselves and a struggling urban church a second chance?


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at 11/08/2009 10:15:00 AM
Categories 2006, Brasilian Portuguese, Czech, English, Evangelism, Hebrew, Hungarian, Movies, Serbian, Slovenian


Audio : English, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese, Serbian

Though David has all the wealth, power, wives & children inherent for the King of Israel he does not have what he craves most: the true love of a woman who loves him as a man instead of as King. He is attracted to Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers who is more devoted to army duty than to his wife. David & Bathsheba succumb to their feelings. Their affair, her resulting pregnancy, & David's resolve to have her husband killed so Bathsheba will be free to marry, bring the wrath of God upon the kingdom. David must rediscover his faith in God in order to save Bathsheba from death by stoning, his kingdom from drought & famine, & himself from his many sins.


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at 11/07/2009 10:46:00 PM
Categories 1951, Brasilian Portuguese, Classic, English, Movies, Old Testament, Serbian, Spanish


From the best selling novel and stage play, WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED (WTAL), comes the film adaptation of Bishop T.D. Jakes’ tale of dysfunction, isolation and finally, inspiration. WTAL tells the story of Michelle Jordan (Kimberly Elise), a young woman who grows up in an environment of abuse and molestation by the hands of her mother’s boyfriend Reggie (Clifton Powell); while her mother Cassie (Loretta Devine) looks the other way. These circumstances lead young Michelle into the dark abyss of drugs, prostitution and prison. <>While incarcerated, Michelle sends Bishop Jakes (Bishop T.D. Jakes, playing himself) a letter seeking a visit. With the prodding of her mother, Jakes visits Michelle and through a series of flashbacks he uncovers the dark past that has lead to Michelle’s drug abuse, association with abusive men and finally murder. Jakes talks to the warden and is successful in getting Michelle an early furlough with one stipulation, that she attends Bishop Jakes’ upcoming three-day revival. <>When Michelle, now a hardened inmate, is released from prison she opts to stay at a halfway house rather than be under the same roof as Reggie. Still bitter and distrusting of the church community, her mother in particular, Michelle is forced to do some soul-searching that takes her on a journey to recovery and resolve.
While out on furlough, Michelle runs into a colorful bunch of past suitors, friends, and family members each who’ve played a part in defining the Michelle of today. At the halfway house, Michelle reunites with her childhood friend and ex-strip club co-worker Nicole (Idalis Deleon). Nicole has waged her own battle with drugs and wild living. In the halfway house the two rekindle their friendship and give one another much needed support. Twana (Debbi Morgan) is a family friend who had knowledge of Michelle’s childhood abuse and now serves as point of inspiration to Michelle. Also, Michelle reconnects with Todd (Michael Boatman), an old beau, who still loves Michelle and tries to steer her on the right path.
What takes place at the church altar on the final night of the revival closes the chapter on the desolation felt by a young girl two decades prior, heals a relationship between mother and daughter, and ends a destructive relationship that should have stopped years before.


* Kimberly Elise as Michelle Jordan
* Loretta Devine as Cassey Jordan
* Debbie Morgan as Twana
* Michael Boatman as Todd
* Clifton Powell as Reggie
* Idalis DeLeon as Nicole
* T.D. Jakes as Himself
* Sean Blakemore as Pervis
* Jordan Moseley as Michelle as age 6
* Philip Bolden as Todd at age 8


The film was nominated for two Image Awards : won the award for Outstanding Independent or Foreign film;
Elise and Devine also received nominations at the Independent Spirit Awards for Best Lead Female and Best Supporting Female, respectively.
Woman Thou Art Loosed was also awarded at the American Black Film Festival for Best Film.


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at 11/06/2009 10:03:00 AM
Categories 2004, English, Evangelism, Movies
THE ROBE (1953)

THE ROBE (1953)
Audio : English & Spanish & Brasilian Portuguese
Subtitles : English & Spanish & Brasilian Portuguese & Greek

The action takes place in Ancient Rome, Capri and Judaea in 32 AD.
Marcellus Gallio (Richard Burton) is a Roman military tribune who antagonizes Caligula (Jay Robinson), nephew and heir to the emperor Tiberius (Ernest Thesiger), and his rival for the love of Diana (Jean Simmons), by buying the defiant Greek slave Demetrius (Victor Mature) on whom Caligula had set his sights. To punish him, Caligula arranges the transfer of Marcellus to the garrison of Jerusalem. Before Marcellus’ ship sails, Diana comes to pledge her love and states that she will intercede on his behalf with Tiberius. Much to his surprise, Marcellus returns her feelings and asks her to wait for him.
Marcellus arrives in Jerusalem, and Demetrius notices Jesus entering the city and feels an urge to follow him. Marcellus serves under the governor Pontius Pilate (Richard Boone), who is troubled and haunted by a recent legal case. Marcellus' is informed by Pilate that he will return to Italy-to Capri. Before he leaves however Marcellus will command the crucifixion of Jesus. He wins Christ's robe at dice and takes it with him. A rainstorm begins and Marcellus orders Demetrius to cover him with the robe but, as soon as the cloth touches him, Marcellus cries in agony that it is burning him. Taking back the robe, Demetrius calls Marcellus a murderer and curses him, then runs away.
Marcellus is haunted by nightmares and mental instability that arise from that event. He returns to Italy and visits the aging Emperor Tiberius in Capri and tells him of his ordeal. Tiberius concludes that the teachings of this mysterious Jesus pose a threat to Roman supremacy, and his soothsayer Dodinius (Francis Pierlot) theorizes that Marcellus has been bewitched by the robe, and that only by destroying it will he be freed. Moved by his affection for Diana, Tiberius gives Marcellus an imperial commission to find and destroy the robe and to discover everyone who became followers of Jesus.
Marcellus returns to Galilee disguised as a merchant and searches for Demetrius and the robe. In the village of Cana, he finds followers of Jesus and meets Justus, a local leader. Trying to gain Justus' trust Marcellus gives a donkey to his grandson. Invited by Justus for dinner he learns more of the surprising ways of the followers of Jesus. On the next day Marcellus is stunned as the little boy gave the donkey to a crippled friend. Eventually he finds out that a certain Simon is bound to arrive. This Simon was re-named Peter aka "the Big Fisherman" by Jesus and now travels in the company of a Greek. Guessing that this Greek is none other than Demetrius, Marcellus finds him and the robe but is unable to destroy it.
At a later gathering of the villagers Justus proclaims that while all other had renounced Jesus Peter was with him till the end. Suddenly Justus is killed by a Roman archer as a detachment of Roman soldiers enters the village and begins to slaughter the villagers.
Marcellus orders them to stand down, but the commanding centurion Paulus (Jeff Morrow), a former acquaintance, refuses. Tiberius has died and Caligula is the new emperor. Marcellus argues that his imperial commission has to be obeyed until personally revoked, and challenges the centurion to single combat. He wins and spares the centurions life, and with grudging respect Paulus removes his troops from the village.
Later Peter speaks with Marcellus and invites him to join their cause. Marcellus refuses at first. Peter asks Marcellus if there is anything he wants to tell him. Peter even reveals his three-time denial of Christ. Marcellus tells Peter of his role in the crucifixion. Peter tells Marcellus that he already knows. Demetrius had told him. Furthermore, Peter tells Marcellus that Jesus forgave him from the cross and he can do no less. Marcellus becomes a Christian himself, subsequently travelling throughout the Mediterranean provinces with Peter and Demetrius, and eventually to Rome itself. .....


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at 11/05/2009 06:11:00 PM
Categories 1953, Brasilian Portuguese, Classic, English, Greek, Movies, Spanish
NOELLE (2007)

NOELLE (2007)

This story begins with Father Jonathan Keene, a Robert Redford-looking church killer, who arrives in Cape Cod to end the life of a local congregation that the Catholic authorities deem no longer profitable. He is a conflicted person who must come to terms with his life’s calling and simultaneously execute the immediate task at hand. Upon arrival, he encounters various townspeople until he catches up to the parish priest, Father Simeon Joyce (Sean Patrick Brennan) who he convinces to stage a living Nativity with the clinging church members on Christmas Eve. This was to be the congregation’s last chance at drawing public attention with the hope of saving the declining church, before Fr. Keene officially pulled the plug.

Noëlle, the feminine variant of the French word for Christmas that literally means “Nativity,” is the name of Fr. Keene’s imaginary child specter that intermittently makes appearances throughout the film. She is a haunting memory and the cause for his current unhappy course in life. The actors that play Fr. Keene, Noëlle, and Marjorie Worthington, the theatrical candidate for Mary in the upcoming Nativity, are all members of a single family of actors; the Wall’s (David Wall, Brennan Wall, and Kerry Wall, respectively). All perform with excellence and lend quality to the film.


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at 11/04/2009 08:08:00 AM
Categories 2007, English, Evangelism, Movies


Audio : English, Spanish, Brasilian Portuguese

This movie is based on the true stories of Reverend Daniel Ekekuku also known as Daniel Eke and Ian McCormack who after his experience became a Pastor with the Assembly of God Church. Both men had an NDE (Near Death Experience) and their glimpses of Heaven and Hell.
The Lazarus Phenomenon is about a phenomenon that has been growing about people who have died and have been clinically pronounced dead and who have mysteriously come back to life from being just minutes dead,hours dead and in the Reverend Ekekuku's case a couple of days dead.When both came back from the dead they had two glimpses of afterlife. One incredibly beautiful and the other horrible by description. The film is not just about the afterlife. It also deals with the fact that forgiveness also plays a large part on where a person will spend eternity. This film would be enjoyed also by the Bible Prophecy Endtimes crowd.


duboisekecia from United States
I thinks it's one of those movies all need to see. I loved the movie. I just recently gave my life to Christ and want my older children to see this. It really makes you think, where are you in life and where your going in the after life. The first time i saw it i was unsaved but knew i was on my way to giving my life to god. It can be kind of scary to others who had no belief in god or heaven or hell. It all boils down to your belief, faith and how your living. In the end all of us will be judged in judgment day. I really thank TBN for showing this outstanding movie. It really shed's some light on what can really happen. I particularly liked the atmosphere of heaven and the showing of what's to come in hell. The best part still remains ,,,, the forgiveness.. The young man had no idea he would not go on with god for the simple reason he never asked his wife for forgiveness before he got in the accident. I'm sure we've all did something we regret we never said I'm sorry for and wished we had . Thanks for such a wonderful film..

FromBookstoFilm from United States
The acting is decent and the special effects are good especially for a low budget Christian film (It's not a DeMille,Lucas,Spielberg Epic or HBO or Hallmark Hall of Fame production). I don't recommend this film for children 14 or younger because of the graphic depiction of Hell.Now if the youngster is into Atheism,Agnosticism or the Occult then by all means they should see this film. High School age-Yes. This film should be seen by any Bible Believing Judeo-Christian whether they be of a traditional,evangelical,charismatic or fundamentalist denominational background. I would also recommend this film to skeptics,hedonists,liberal Christians and backsliding or carnal Christians.
To anyone who liked the movies and the messages from Escape from Hell and Final Exit you will like this movie and with one big difference-THE LAZARUS PHENOMENON MOVIE IS NOT FICTION THE PEOPLE AND EVENTS ARE DOCUMENTED CASES! My favorite quote in the movie is from Ian McCormack "I WOULDN'T WISH HELL ON MY WORST ENEMY". After seeing this film a person will think twice on joking about Hell or using the word Hell loosely. Some people who might not be happy with this film are the people known as hellfire insurance Christians who accept Christ as savior only as a way to get to Heaven but do not live a life that is pleasing to God. I'm talking about the once saved always saved I can do what I want bunch.Spoiler:Watch and listen to what the Angel said to Daniel Ekekuku when he got his glimpse of Hell. The film is disturbing so much so it is thought provoking. The punchline WHERE WILL YOU (GENERALLY SPEAKING) SPEND ETERNITY?


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JOAN OF ARK (1996)

The year is 1429. France clings desperately to independence as English invaders advance into French territory. Just as the city of Orleans seems certain to fall, a 16-year-old maiden from Lorraine rises out of nowhere and through sheer, bold faith rallies her countrymen to a surprising victory. Yet the celebration is short-lived; through treachery the English kidnap the girl, brand her a witch, and burn her at the stake.
And so is born the astonishing-but-true tale of Joan of Arc. A terrific way to teach a child this story of history. Order now for that special child, family, or friend.


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at 11/02/2009 12:01:00 PM
Categories 1996, Animated Stories, English, Saints

The Very First Noel (2006)

Long Before The World Began Celebrating Christmas, A Baby Was Born In A Manger
History's beloved story of the Three Wise Men is now an all-new animated Christmas classic. From the producers of the hit DVDs Boz, The Green Bear, comes The Very First Noel, a beautifully animated holiday special that will joyfully draw families together every Christmas for years to come!
Join Melchior, one of the Three Wise Men, as he narrates the story of his travels in search of a magnificent star pointing to a newborn King.
It's the journey of a lifetime ...


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at 11/01/2009 02:45:00 PM
Categories 2006, Animated Stories, English

Maccabees - The Story of Hanukkah

Young athletes are engaged in a wrestling match as the story begins. There is competition not only for the title but also for the culture. The Jews are being humiliated by the Greeks as the Greek government tried to overthrow the people and force the Jews to turn to the Greek religion. There is only one thing that a Jew can do. He can bow down and submit to the Greek authorities or he can run and hide and hope not to be caught as he practices the religion of his fathers. Mora is an old woman who has faith that all will be right in the end, and her long time young friend, Huron, gives up his Jewish heritage and pledges his loyalty to the Greeks. Mora and others of her belief run and hide in fear of being found and destroyed or punished. Huron becomes one of the Greek soldiers but cannot turn in the Jews when he has a chance. The Maccabees are leaders in the overthrowing of the Greeks. They take a group of Jews to the mountain to escape from the Greek overthrow of the temple. While in the mountain, they begin to build a retaining wall for the river water. When the Greeks feel threatened by the "mountain encampment" they decide to go up and take the mountain. The talks and negotiations are not successful; in fact, the Greeks are overthrown by the rushing of the water as the Maccabees open the floodgates. The Jews are now free to return to Jerusalem and restore the temple to its original beauty and use as a place of worship. There is not oil enough for the 8-day feast so the candles are lit with just one day supply of oil. The miracle of this victory is that the oil was sufficient to keep the candles burning for the entire 8-day celebration.


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at 11/01/2009 02:36:00 PM
Categories 1996, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament

The parables of Jesus

"The disciples came to him and asked, 'Why do you speak to the people in parables?' 'This is why I speak to them in parables: Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.'" – Matthew 13:10, 13 (NIV)
Jesus often taught His followers using stories called parables. Three of the best-loved parables—the Parable of the Talents, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, and the Parable of the Two Sons—are presented together to reinforce important principles. They teach us how to be good stewards of our time and of the things that we have been given. In a world of self-centeredness, these timeless truths help us to focus on our faith in God and on His power to help us live our lives in accordance with His teachings.
Did You Know? The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus has been called the most vivid account of the afterlife to be found in the New Testament!


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at 11/01/2009 09:31:00 AM
Categories 2003, Animated Stories, English, Jesus Christ, New Testament
QUO VADIS (1951)

QUO VADIS (1951)

Audio : English
Subtitles : English & Greek

The action takes place in ancient Rome from 64-68 AD, during the reign of the Emperor Nero. The subject is the conflict between Christianity and the corruption of the Roman Empire, especially in the last period of the Julio-Claudian line. The characters and events depicted are a mixture of actual historical figures and situations and fictionalized ones.
The film tells the story of a Roman military commander, Marcus Vinicius (Robert Taylor), returning from the wars, who falls in love with a devout Christian, Lygia (Deborah Kerr). Commander Vinicius becomes intrigued by her and her religion. Their love story is told against the broader historical background of early Christianity and its persecution by Nero (Peter Ustinov). Though she grew up Roman as the adopted daughter of a retired general, Lygia is technically a hostage of Rome. Marcus persuades Nero to give her to him for services rendered. Lygia resents this, but still falls in love with Marcus.
Meanwhile, Nero's atrocities become increasingly more outrageous and his acts more insane. When he burns Rome and blames the Christians, Marcus goes off to save Lygia and her family. Nero captures them and all the Christians, and condemns them to be killed in the arena. Marcus is also arrested for trying to save Lygia. In prison, Peter (Finlay Currie), who has also been arrested, marries the couple; eventually, Peter is crucified upside-down, implicitly at his own request ("To die as Our Lord did is more than I deserve'," he says, and the Praetorian guard sneeringly answers, "We can change that").
Poppaea, Nero's wife, who lusts after Marcus, devises a diabolical revenge for his rejection of her. Lygia is tied to a wooden stake in the arena. A wild bull is also placed there, and Lygia's bodyguard giant, Ursus (Buddy Baer) must try to kill it with his bare hands, otherwise Lygia will be gored to death. Marcus is tied to the spectator's box and forced to watch, much to the horror of his officers, who also attend the spectacle. When all seems hopeless, Marcus exclaims "Christ, give him strength!", whereupon Ursus is able to break the bull's neck. Hugely impressed by Ursus' courage, the crowd exhorts Nero to spare them, which the emperor is not willing to do. However, Nero's four court retainers Seneca (Nicholas Hannen), architect Phaon (D.A. Clarke-Smith), Lucan (Alfredo Varelli), and Terpnos (Geoffrey Dunn) vouch for the mob's demands by putting their thumbs up as well. Marcus then breaks free of his bonds, leaps into the arena, frees Lygia with the help of his loyal troops, and announces that General Galba is at that moment marching on Rome, intent on replacing Nero.
The crowd, now firmly believing that Nero, and not the Christians, is responsible for the burning of Rome, revolts. Nero flees to his palace, where he strangles Poppaea to death, blaming her for forcing him to make martyrs of the Christians. Then Acte, a Christian woman who was once in unrequited love with Nero, appears. Because he lived like a monster, she begs him to die like an emperor by committing suicide before the mob storms the palace. The cowardly Nero cannot bring himself to do it, so Acte drives the dagger into his chest.
Marcus, Lygia and Ursus are now free and leave Rome. By the roadside, Peter's crook has miraculously sprouted flowers. The radiant light intones, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."


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at 11/01/2009 09:25:00 AM
Categories 1951, Classic, English, Greek, Movies


Audio : English
Subtitles : English , French , Spanish , Greek

The true story of a group of Christian missionaries in Ecuador who set out to reach the Wadani tribe (a violent Ecuadorian tribe defined by revenge killing). When the 5 men from this group are speared to death by Mincayani and others in the tribe (who believe all foreigners are cannibals), the wives and children of those men move into the Wadani tribe to teach them about God. End of the Spear is an amazing story of Truth, Love, and Forgiveness.

Mincayani (Louie Leonardo) is born into the most violent society ever documented by anthropologists, the Waodani in the eastern rainforest of Ecuador. As he grows he learns what every Waodani understands, he must spear and live or be speared and die. Mincayani's world changes when he and his family kill five missionaries, Nate Saint (Chad Allen), Jim Elliot (Sean McGowan), Ed McCully (Stephen Caudill), Pete Fleming (Matt Lutz) and Roger Youderian (Patrick Zeller). This incident propels Mincayani's family group down an extraordinary path that culminates in them not only departing from violence, but also caring for the enemy tribe they had once violently raided. Nate Saint's son Steve (also Chad Allen) was a boy when his father and friends were killed. He returns to the Waodani as an adult and finally learns from Mincayani what happened during the last minutes of his father's life. Together Mincayani and Steve find what Nate accomplished in his death gave them both a new life and Steve's family becomes part of Mincayani's family.


Philip Lindquist from United States
End of the Spear is a beautifully crafted movie about one of the great missionary stories of the 20th century, but it is not a preachy kind of movie. The story is simply told and allowed to stand on its own. The story is one of those that would not be believable on the big screen if it were not true in all of its essential points. The beautiful jungle scenery (the movie was shot in Panama) is well worth the price of the ticket. But the story will make you think about how self-giving love is more powerful than violence. The story also shows that extraordinary risks taken for peace can pay dividends beyond imagination. This will be a movie that people will be talking about, and watching again and again, far into the future.

ricroc-1 from United States
I had a chance to view this film at the National Missionary Convention. All I have to say about it....IT ROCKS! A great film. Very inspiring. I will see it again and I will spend top dollar to see it. When it is available to purchase, I will be the first in line. The film was beautifully made, and was true to the actual story of the five missionaries who gained their lives by reaching the Waodani. I was moved, shocked, brought to tears as I viewed this realistic portrayal.

PScott Cummins from Seattle
What Mel Gibson "risked" in bringing "The Passion of the Christ" to the screen, so did Mart Green to realize the story of "End of the Spear" - a truly inspiring must-see film that outlines the interaction of American missionaries with isolated people in the jungles of Ecuador in 1956. In an era when Americans - and particularly Evangelical Christians - are subject to stereotype and ridicule around the world, this movie has another perspective on what is in the hearts of those who follow Christ. See this movie, and bring friends, particularly people who do not know this kind of faith in their lives. This is a story of transformational love which will not be lost on anyone.


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at 10/30/2009 10:41:00 AM
Categories 2005, English, Evangelism, French, Greek, Movies, Spanish
BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON (Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna ) (1972)

(Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna)

Audio : English
Subtitles : English

This is a dramatization of events in the life of St. Francis of Assisi from before his conversion experience through his audience with the pope, including his friendship with St. Clare.
The beginning of the 13th century, the town of Assisi in Italian Umbria. The son of a rich merchant, Francesco Bernardone, comes back ill from war. In his delirium, he goes back in his memories to the days when he spent time on parties and carnal pleasures. Yet, the shadow of the cross that he sees in fever brings an end to his old life. The armor which he calls "my death mask" appears to be his final clothing of the old human. He slowly recovers but after the illness there is not the Francesco that was known to everybody any longer. Instead of spending hours in taverns, he spends them on meadows, instead of drinking, he meditates the beauty of God's creatures. Once, he encounters a ruined little church. There, from the old cross, Christ changes his life forever. Francesco renounces the riches, his family and starts to rebuild the Church as "il Poverello - the poorest of the poor." Soon, he gathers many people who are willingly built into a powerful new Spiritual Temple. Will the kingly pope accept a new order of beggars and the poorest of the poor? Will the shining gold accept the inner treasure?


( All RS links are checked and work well )
at 10/30/2009 10:39:00 AM
Categories 1972, English, Evangelism, Movies, Saints
AMEN. (2002)

AMEN. (2002)

Dual Language : English & Russian

Kurt Gerstein, a brilliant German scientist, is recruited into the SS during the opening years of the Second World War. Assigned as a sanitation engineer, Gerstein is sent to the Eastern Front to supervise water purification for the German Army. Soon after, however, he is asked to help with a "special project" involving fumigation of "vermin infested" areas behind the front lines. Gerstein develops Zyklon-B, a deadly chemical gas which Gerstein believes will be put to use killing rats, lice, and other disease carrying creatures. However, when Gerstein realizes that his invention will be used to kill not animals but people, he begins an emotional search of his Christian values and ultimately decides to betray the SS by attempting to expose the Holocaust by way of informing the Catholic Church.

Two systems: the Nazi machine versus the Vatican and Allied diplomacy. Two men struggling from the inside. On one side, Kurt Gerstein, a real-life chemist and SS officer, supplied the death camps with zyklon B while he tirelessly denounced the crimes and alerted the Allies, the Pope, the Germans and their churches at his family's and his own risk. On the other, Ricardo Fontana, a young Jesuit, a fictitious character who represents all the priests who had the heart to struggle against savagery, often paying for their courage with their lives. Countless priests, some known, others anonymous, who simply were not content to live with the silence of their church's hierarchy.


( All RS links are checked and work well )

English, French, Greek, Dutch, Brasilian Portuguese :
at 10/30/2009 10:36:00 AM
Categories 2002, Brasilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, Greek, Movies, Russian

The Ultimate Gift (2006)

After the death of the oil tycoon Howard 'Red' Stevens, his greedy family is gathered in the office of his lawyer, partner and friend Mr. Theophillis 'Ted' Hamilton and his associated Miss Hastings for the reading of the will. For his reckless and selfish grandson Jason Stevens, who hated him, Red assigns twelve apparently simple tasks called "gifts" - of work, money, friends, learning, problems, family, laughter, dreams, giving, gratitude, a day and love - challenging the playboy Jason to a journey of discoveries. When he meets the leukemic girl Emily and her mother Alexia, Jason changes his perspective of life and money, superseding the expectations of Red, improving and becoming a better man and receiving the ultimate gift from his wise grandfather.

at 10/28/2009 02:20:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, Evangelism, Movies
JOSHUA (2002)

JOSHUA (2002)

Dual Language : English & Brasilian Portuguese

The town of Auburn was always normal, to say the least. True, the people there weren't really a "community", but they never noticed...until a stranger named Joshua rolled into town one morning. In small ways, Joshua began to help out around the town-helping a teen play guitar, helping save a marriage in danger, or teaching a bumbling priest how to speak about faith. An old Baptist church that came down in a storm is his next big project. With the help of stuttering Theo, who dreams of being a preacher, he brings the town together to restore the old building. In this way, the whole town unites and becomes a community. This attracts the attention of Father Tordone, who is a bitter man due to the fact that he lost a position in the Vatican. When the mysterious Joshua begins to show up in two places at once and miraculously cures a blind woman, Father Tordone believes Joshua is a false prophet, trying to cheat people. When his next huge miracle-reviving Theo from death after he falls from the roof of the newly completed church-overwhelms the town, Father Tordone seeks out an official condemnation from the Vatican. But Joshua melts his icy heart, and the reformed Father becomes a Vatican member. Joshua sees the Pope himself and reveals himself as Jesus! After his meeting, Joshua leaves-but the people of Auburn, with their dreams fufilled and their happiness increased.

at 10/28/2009 02:10:00 PM
Categories 2002, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Evangelism, Movies
GONE (2002)

GONE (2002)

"Gone" is set in present time Manila and chronicles 3 high-profile American Attorney's an their journey to the Philippines to defend a multi-national corporation accused of spilling hazardous waste into the Pasig River; but instead they meet their fate in the last days of the earth. One by one, cataclysmic events begin to take place as the 3 attorneys attempt to escape the island and return to the states. Chaos ensues when the Rapture strikes, causing the trip to size up the world, humanity and finally God in this powerfully-thought provoking feature length film.

Comments from IMDB
pismire from California
Brilliantly made, and keeps you on your toes. At first I just thought it was a typical film about Christianity and the rapture. Once I started watching it though, it was very entertaining. But it also made me think too since I am a Christian. The emotions portrayed in this film was Also the director of this film really has a heart for God. This film was such a blessing in my life.

honoringgod02134 from Pasadena
Good film - we need the message of the Lord returning in all movies - it's that important. Good acting, good special effects, great location. Even better ending. The one thing that could be improved is the sound. There was one or two scenes where the lips were out of sync. But this is ticky-tack compared to the overall message. Loved the Bible verse at the end: 'If we seek Him, we will find Him, if we seek Him with all of our hearts'. How true.

at 10/28/2009 01:55:00 PM
Categories 2002, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times

The Legend Of The Three Trees (2001)

Thoughtfully written tale that teaches children and adults the significance of God's plan in their life.
The Legend of The Three Trees is a timeless retelling of the classic folktale of three distinct trees, each with its own hopes, dreams and aspirations. We follow a beautiful olive tree blossoming in the valley, a knotty oak tree clinging to the shore and a strong pine standing high on the mountainside. They each dreamed of becoming great - perhaps a majestic treasure chest, or a magnificent sailing ship or maybe the tallest tree in the forest.
But their dreams didn't seem to come true. Disappointed and dejected, the trees despair about their existence until they each finally interact, in their own unique ways, with Jesus Christ in His birth, ministry and ultimate sacrifice. In these experiences, they learn that God has a special purpose for each of them in His kingdom.
Thoughtfully written and beautifully animated, The Legend of The Three Trees teaches children and adults alike the significance of their role in God's plan for the world.

at 10/28/2009 11:24:00 AM
Categories 2001, Animated Stories, New Testament

The Truth as You've Never Seen it Before
This 78-minute film takes you on an unforgettable journey, showing the biblical account of the creation of man and the entrance of sin into the world.
See why Jesus Christ came to earth and how He dealt with the sin issue once and for all. Follow the Lord's life, from His miraculous birth to His agonizing crucifixion and glorious resurrection. Lost people will suddenly realize the horrible price Christ paid for their sins, and understand why He is the only way to heaven.

The Bible Comes to Life
Thanks to more than 360 breathtaking oil paintings, you will feel like you are actually there, watching the Bible unfold. Your emotions will soar as you hear David Jeremiah's moving narration rise above composer John Campbell's magnificent original musical score. Add the unforgettable sound effects and you will experience the Bible as never before. Many who have seen advanced screenings of this film have been moved to tears.

No Punches Pulled
In a day when many Christians are producing watered-down, politically-correct films, The Light of the World provides exactly what you would expect - a straightforward, biblically accurate, no-punches-pulled presentation of the gospel with a compelling salvation appeal.


"I showed 'The Light of the World' to my youth group. At the time, I didn't know there was an appeal to receive Christ at the end. I was surprised to hear most, if not all, of the kids repeating the sinner's prayer with the narration. I even saw one kid praying before the movie was over." — F B

"I played 'The Light of the World' in the prison yard. At the crucifixion scene every eye was on the cross and Christ. One man burst out in tears. Many men prayed for forgiveness and salvation." —Arizona

"My 6 year old son reads Chick tracts all the time, and has received the Lord Jesus. He loves the movie "The Light of the World" and it has been a tool to help us in raising hhim up in the love and fear of the Lord." —L C

"We received the DVD "The Light of the World" and it is awesome! I will show it tonight at our church's HALELUJAH NIGHT SERVICE. While the devil is wrecking havoc in the streets our young people will be in church lifting up the name of Jesus and watching the DVD." —D H

"I received the DVD "The Light of the World" today and my wife and I both watched it in its entirety. It was more than a masterpiece, and all Biblical. Thank you, God Bless and I will always support you." —Wheelus 56

"My father got saved about two weeks ago by watching "The Light of the World." Before he passed away he watched it about 5 times a day. He would fall asleep and wake up and have someone play it again over the course of 5 days. Thank you very much for making this film." —SRH Voice


at 10/28/2009 11:10:00 AM
Categories 2003, Animated Stories, English, New Testament, Old Testament

On the way home from a conference, Don Piper's car was crushed by a semi-truck that crossed into his lane. Medical personnel said he died instantly. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music.
90 minutes after the wreck, while a minister prayed for him, Piper miraculously returned to life on earth with only the memory of inexpressible heavenly bliss. His faith in God was severely tested as he faced an uncertain and grueling recovery. Now he'd like to share his life-changing story with you.
90 Minutes in Heaven offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of God's reality. This New York Times bestseller encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. The experience dramatically changed Piper's life, and it will change yours too.

at 10/28/2009 10:48:00 AM
Categories Documentary, English

Empires - Kingdom of David - The Saga of the Israelites (2003)

Originally intended as a four-part miniseries, narrated by Keith David, with character voices provided by an impressive lineup of prominent actors, the program is dedicated to the thesis that the Israelites and the Jewish faith changed human history "as much as any empire that ever existed." Persecuted and slaughtered for practicing monotheism at a time when the prevailing belief was in multiple gods, the Kingdom of David kept itself united and solvent by passing along the history and traditions of its elders in written form (the "religion of the book"). Among the subjects explored are the formation of the laws of the Jews, the origins of their customs, and their strongly held and strictly enforced moral values. Individual episode titles include "By the Rivers of Babylon," "The Book and the Sword," "The End of Days," and "The Gifts of the Jews." As often as possible, Kingdom of David was filmed on the exact locations where the historical events described herein occurred.


1 - By the Rivers of Babylon
2 - The Book and the Sword
3 - The End of Days
4 - The Gift of the Jews

at 10/27/2009 08:49:00 AM
Categories 2003, Documentary, English, Old Testament


Bronson Pearl and Helen Hannah are two news broadcasters who are covering the impending war in Israel. Yet, suddenly millions of people disappear, then a new leader performs an incredible miracle. These are astounding media events. Helen soon comes to the realization that these times are fulfilling biblical prophesy... and she was left behind.

at 10/23/2009 04:35:00 PM
Categories 1998, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Dual Audio : English & Brazilian Portuguese

This is the sequel to Apocolypse. In this movie Thorold Stone is still looking for his family. The Christians, whom the rest of the world has started to call The Haters, are being framed for many murders and terrorist acts. Thorold and his partner go to investigate the location of the detonator of one of these acts. They find a group of Christians holding a service. He arrests them and one of them hands him a disk from O.N.E. , One Nation Earth. He finds men in the building who aren't Christians. They chase them around and one of them is killed. Then he meets with Mr. Parker who works for Franco Malacousso. Parker shoots them both but Thorold doesn't die. He is then framed for the shooting of his partner and he goes to a computer programmer with the disk. Virtual Reality is used to bring the Day of Wonders to fruition. There is something odd about the cd that the woman gave Thorold because the programmer can't get access to it and they take it to the Christians headquarters. Further things develop and throughout the film there are repeated attempts to convert Thorold to Christianity. It isn't until he meets up with the Anti-Christ that he makes up his mind one way or the other. When they find out what the day of wonders is they try to destroy the program that will run it.

at 10/23/2009 04:29:00 PM
Categories 1999, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Tom Canboro is a police detective with a Christian sister, Eileen, a brother, Calvin, a wife, Susan, and eccentric brother-in-law, Jason. One night, Jason seemingly goes insane and tries to kill Eileen, calling her a "hater". Tom soon realises this may be a conspiracy going as far as devil worship, but as he speeds in his car to get help, he suddenly looses control and crashes. Waking up in a strange hospital, he finds years have passed and people all over the world are wearing the mark of 666 on their right hands, and all those who don't are being killed off. Franco Macalusso, the believer in world peace Jason was fond of, now controls the world, and is trying to bring the world together as it was at the tower of Babel. Meanwhile, the "Haters" or Christians are hiding out and airing TBN tapes on the air for people to realise the Messiah is really the Antichrist, but their leader, Helen Hannah, is arrested...

at 10/23/2009 04:27:00 PM
Categories 2000, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Dual Audio : English & Brazilian Portuguese

It is the end times foretold in the Bibical book of Revelation. The Antichrist, Franco Macalusso, has most of the world bearing his mark. Helen Hannah, arrested for her Christianity in "Tribulation", is being put on trial in the O.N.E. court of justice. Councilor Mitch Kendrick (whose father, Seth, was an executed hater he defended) is irritated to find, not only that his ex-lover Vicky will be the prosecutor but, like in his father's trial, the whole thing will be fake. Meanwhile, Helen's band of believers want to rescue her, but J.T. Quincy, husband of Selma Davis' daughter, Sherry, wants to use violence to do it. Meanwhile, Helen soon learns that the mark of the beast on Mitch's hand is a black market fake.

at 10/23/2009 04:21:00 PM
Categories 2001, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


A prophetic code hidden within the Torah. A sinister plot sealed until the end of the Age. Two men caught up in an ancient supernatural struggle to determine the fate of the next millennium...
For thousands of years, mystics and scholars alike have searched for a key to unlock the mysteries of our future. The key has been found. The end is here.
Never before has our distant past so collided with our coming future. Never before has modern technology uncovered such profound mathematical complexities as revealed within the Bible Code. Never before has the world seen so many ancient prophesies falling into place.
grabs hold of these elements, combining recent discoveries of the Bible Code phenomenon with the edge of your seat suspense and psychological horror to weave a millennial tale of international intrigue.
Shot on location all over the globe, and filled with cutting edge special effects, the film paints a world reshaped by the Code's treacherous web. It is a world on the brink of supernatural terror, where ancient forces of light and dark wage battle over men's souls. It is a world where the difference between truth and myth grows ever more so thin...
Dr. Gillen Lane is a world famous motivational speaker and mythology expert who joins European Union Chairman Stone Alexander in a quest to unite the world in an era of global peace. But when a revolutionary Bible Code program falls into the wrong hands, unseen forces begin scouring the code for an even darker secret--the key to the ancient city Jerusalem. For it has been foretold in the apocalyptic books of Daniel and Revelation that he who controls Jerusalem in the last days will control the world.
As Lane becomes entrapped in the Omega Code's treacherous web of terror and deceit, he finds his world and everything he believes turned upside down and himself on the run to save all he loves from a power-crazed madman who may just be the "Beast" from the book of Revelation...the incarnation of Satan himself.



English & Greek & Italian & Polish & Spanish :
at 10/22/2009 03:13:00 PM
Categories 1999, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Greek, Italian, Movies, Polish, Prophecy/End Times, Spanish

Duak Audio : English & Brazilian Portugal

In the beginning...the end had a name!

A gifted youth, Stone Alexander inherits his father's media empire, eventually becoming a power-driven international leader and political genius ...the anti-Christ. At the same time, Stone's younger brother rises to the position of President of the United States. When Stone's true hatred of God and humanity emerge to wreak violence upon all who oppose him, the president attempts to foil Stone's strategy for world domination. But even the forces of America's military are no match for the Beast. In the end, on the plain of Megiddo, only God's miraculous power is able to overcome Satan's plan .

"Megiddo" is a supernatural ride into a world teetering on the edge of the Apocalypse. It follows the rise of a Machiavellian leader bent on amassing the armies of the world for the battle of Armageddon while calamities of Biblical proportion pummel the Earth. Though both a prequel and a sequel to The Omega Code, Megiddo works also as a stand alone story for anyone who missed its predecessor. For at its emotional core, Megiddo is the Cain and Abel story of the two men enamored with the same woman, raised as brothers, who grow up to find themselves pitted against each other over the fate and souls of the entire world.


English :

May attention, In this movie many things are not from the Bible and there are many Hollywood fantasy and demagogy of USA politic
at 10/22/2009 03:09:00 PM
Categories 2001, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times

Dual Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese

Do you believe in life after death? Dr. Eric Robinson wants to believe and experience that infinite love and warmth that near death testimonies claim is on the other side of life. His colleague, Dr. Marissa Holloway, is on a crusade to alleviate the fear of death and suffering by proving to the world that heaven awaits everyone. In a moment of desperation, Dr. Robinson faces death and discovers the reality of hell – a place the Bible portrays – a hell from which we must all escape.

This new evangelistic movie challenges viewers to confront the inevitable…death and judgment. In action-packed drama we get a glimpse of what heaven and hell may be like. It is a wonderful tool to share Christ with unsaved family and friends. Don’t miss this action packed movie that uses state-of-the-art special effects to take us to Heaven and Hell.


Greg Miletti
Riveting!!This film sent chills down my spine and covered me in goosebumps.
It may seem like another scary movie to some but the message here is clear.
Good deeds won't cleanse your soul. We have a choice to accept, or reject, God's mercy thru the sacrifice of His Son at the cross. This film brings the potential results of our choice into focus in a way that is inescapable.BRAVO!

Maria Gavrilova
Whatever someone might say... No matter what quality the special effects are! Guys, how can people show heaven in the movie if only heaven is soooo beautiful and wonderful? I think in the movie it is shown normally! Just so that people would understand thats it is heaven. Showing heaven here is not the point of the movie! Here we have a man who doesn't want believe blindly! Trust me I know men like this and they are very good people. They need to watch movies not with the best special effects in the world, but the man's journey of discovering the truth and struggling. And he finally gets to make the most important decision in his life -- to accpet Jesus Christ!! I think this movie is a good present for anybody!

LeeAnne Landeros
This is a movie everyone must see. It will make you think and make choices that need to be made. An absolute MUST SEE!

Daniel Smith
This movie is a must see, very powerful. If you don't have it I advise to get it or find someone that does have it. The last time a saw a movie this graphic and Bible based was the classical Burning in Hell.

Andrew and Sandra Melton
My wife and I enjoyed Escsape from Hell. Christians have a obligation to help those who are unsaved to give their life to Christ. If not, they will spend eternity burning in hell. I plan on sharing and showing this movie to those that are still compromising. Great movie!!

Patricia Gordon
I watched this movie and learned more about near death experiences for believers and more importantly, for the unbeliever. I hope to rent the movie again to show to my daughter who needs to be saved.

Leighann Harris
My husband and I saw this movie when a friend brought it to our house one night. For days afterward my mind was filled with thoughts of what hell is really like. I've always know it was real, but since I've been a Christian most of my life and I've always know I'm not going there, I never really thought about what it is like. This movie deffinately put a burn in my heart for the unsaved people in this world. Buy this movie! It just might change your life!

Elisabeth Hodges
Escape from Hell is One Great Film that you will be Glad you Purchased . Its Strong , Truthful and Action Packed . As a Christian of 20+ yrs. When I purchased this film 5 mouths ago and watch it for the first time I knew this film Could bring those hard to convince people in my life see the Truth that Hell is Real and God Is the ONLY way Through Jesus that you will be Saved from this horrible place . Trust me You will be back to purchase this Film again like I have so save on shipping and pick up more than one copy keep one for yourself and Pass one the copys . Jesus will be coming soon We a Christains Need to do our part to spread Gods Word . This Film Is Bold and Straight Forword and its Wirth it !!

Phyllis Rice
I bought this movie last year at the Movie theatre when they were showing free christian movies in my area. I took it home and watched it. I thought it was real good. I just watched it again when I got it on DVD and I sat in the living room and weeped asking God to change me and everyone that comes to my house gets to watch it, it is one of the best movies to show people that aren't saved so that they can see that there really is a heaven and a hell. You will be blessed watching this movie.

at 10/21/2009 01:05:00 PM
Categories 2000, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Evangelism, Movies


Dual Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese

The Gathering is a powerful portrayal of Christ's return and the coming tribulation. In this film, Michael Carrie, a successful marketing executive is having visions that convinces him the "Second Coming" could happen at any time and does his best to warn his family and friends. Your church and community will enjoy this action filled drama with spectacular special effects.

The Gathering is designed to:

* Create thought and discussion on preparing one's heart for Christ's imminent return
* Be an evangelistic tool
* Encourage people to heed the warning signs of prophecies being fulfilledThe Gathering is a powerful portrayal of Christ's return and the coming tribulation. In this film, Michael Carrie, a successful marketing executive is having visions that convinces him the "Second Coming" could happen at any time and does his best to warn his family and friends. Your church and community will enjoy this action filled drama with spectacular special effects.

The Gathering is designed to:

* Create thought and discussion on preparing one's heart for Christ's imminent return
* Be an evangelistic tool
* Encourage people to heed the warning signs of prophecies being fulfilled


"I highly recommend The Gathering for Christians and non-Christians. The story is compelling and sends a strong message. Further, it serves to provoke conversation and inquiry from viewers regarding the detailed meanings of end-time events and salvation. It is refreshing to see the actions and the plan of God, working thru his people on the silver screen. It was convicting to see Christians, not made to look stupid or compromised (as often the case), but portrayed in realistic everyday situations, holding fast to the `profession' of their faith --Hebrews 10:23. We witness the character Michael, responding to an environment that is no longer even self-conscious of its deliberate anti-Christian bias. A very post-Christian environment indeed. Film media by its very nature, often bases reality on what can be seen and envisioned. The `visions and dreams' segments of the film where at times esoteric, and dramatic. This could have been somewhat de-emphasized by the use of more detailed scriptural reference, with dialogue between the characters stemming from from that foundation. That being said, it is a blessing to see the fruits of long hard work to make the movie. The Gathering is an excellent family film, which can be used as a evangelical tool as well. Tell friends and family about this film"
- Juststand from USA

"The Gathering is one of the finest Christian dramas about the rapture and its impact on individuals I have ever seen!"
– Jack Van Impe Ministries

"The most powerful ‘End Times’ film in recent decades! Superb acting and high quality technical style won't leave you embarrassed to show this to friends and family."
– Ken James, editor of Christian Spotlight in the Movies

at 10/19/2009 03:43:00 PM
Categories 1998, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times

Dual Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese

In the twinkling of an eye, a mass disappearance has occurred. Moments after the turmoil and confusion, the FBI is called in to investigate and locate the missing persons. For Agent Adam Riley (David White), it is personal. For Agent Charles Baker (Kevin Downes), it doesn’t matter, it’s just a job. Before long the investigation turns toward a mysterious man (Brad Heller) who seems to be raising up a para-military organization. Does this man hold the key to the truth to which the world is searching?
Crown Award Winner for Best Evangelistic Film (Gold)
Crown Award Winner for Best Drama Under $250,000 (Bronze)


Bernadine King
A great movie,igive it 2 thumbs up. 5 star rating it is one of the best movies about the tribulation period that i have seen,and i've seen most of them.the story flows smoothly and is biblely accurate. while the judgements (seal,trumpet and bowl) are not shown,there is a great deal of suspence and action. A GREAT MOVIE. I will watch it again.

Michele Armstrong
I saw this movie on TBN. I loved it! I just had to have this movie to go with The Moment After 2 DVD I got, which I also saw on TBN. This movie really hits home and gives you a look at how things are coming to pass now in our lifetime. All you have to do is look at the news, the world and relationships between people and their families and friends now compaired to 10 or 20 years ago. Everything has changed and it's all proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back, He's standing at the door knocking just waiting for God the Father to say," Okay Son, Go get my children."

Fernando Pena
I thought it was a great movie, thumbs up. I'm going to buy it and pass it on to my family, and friends so that they too may come to know the Lord before it's too late. It's good for us Christians who know the Lord and are already saved, but I feel it's better for non-Christians, this way they may know what to expect after the rapture. One of may favorite parts was the song at the end of the movie, it's a tear jerker. Just the thought that I am saved and have eternal life with Christ is awesome. Praise the Lord!

Christine Packard
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! An excellent movie about the end times! Also, for the crucial ending of the story, watch number 2!! I HIGHLY recommend Six, The Mark Unleashed as well for another JESUS infused end-times movie. (It's funny, now that the animals have the mircrochip, the possiblity that humans are going to get it is slowly becoming reality, I can't help but wonder....)

Elisabeth Hodges
The Moment After is one of the Most Excellent Christian film's made to date . This film has Very Strong message that you better be ready for the second coming of Christ . If your not you will see in this film what is to come for those left behind . Excellent acting from all actors . What a Fantastic way to share Jesus Christ . I Pray you will share this film with your family and friends . Peace and Joy I pray for you .

Estevan Gutierrez
I realy thought it was a great change of pace by using the F.B.I. as the basis for the whole movie. The two agents butting heads through the whole movie shows what life is like from both sides of the spiritual realm. People who don't take life seriously should really see this film because THE MOMENT AFTER could be sooner than we think, and not being ready is the FATAL MISTAKE.

Sonia Romero-Fuentes
It is a movie that makes you think about how you are currently living your christian life. Are you firm in your belief, or are you being a hipocrite? It showed me that I want to be into the Lord 100%, not a Christian at church and a fool in the streets. Helps you examine your life. One word to describe it: ASTONISHING

Chelena Perkins
This movie is excellent! The movie not only addresses the issue of the rapture, but also challenges the viewer to really evaluate what he or she believes about end times. This is a definite must see for anyone who needs some encouragement!!!

at 10/19/2009 03:41:00 PM
Categories 1999, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


In The New World Order, who can you trust? The government? Ragtag militia? Religious "fanatics"?
After a dramatic escape from death row, former FBI agent Adam Riley (David White) reunites with his friend and mentor Jacob Krause (Brad Heller) leader of The Way, and his small remnant of Christians. Little do they know the forces out for their destruction. Global Alliance leader Commander Fredericks (Monte Perlin) has forced Adam's former partner Charles Baker (Kevin Downes) to hunt them down while a ragtag militia, led by "Captain" Jackson (Lonnie Colon), spy on them for their own gain. As events lead to an explosive confrontation, all will be forced to an awakening of the real struggle... for their very souls.

The Moment After won Crown Awards for Best Evangelistic Film and Best Drama and was awarded the Dove Foundations Family Approved seal. The Moment After 2: The Awakening brings higher production value and the same strong evangelistic message.

Directed by Wes Llewellyn
Writing by Amanda Llewellyn
Produced by Bobby Downes, Kevin Downes, Amanda Llewellyn, Wes Llewellyn, David A.R. White
Original Music by Tim Williams
John Gilbert ... Peter McCullum
David A.R. White ... Adam Riley
Kevin Downes ... Charles Baker
Dr. Asad Farr ... Global Chairman
Logan White ... Carissa (as Andrea Logan White)
Don Parker Decker ... President of the United States (as Don Decker)
Brad Heller ... Jacob Krause
Bree Pavey ... Audrey Thomas
Monte Rex Perlin ... Commander Fredericks (as Monte Perlin)
Lonnie Colón ... 'Captain' Robert Jackson (as Lonnie Colon)
Christopher Greer ... Rex
Jason Brock ... Howey
Ron Hughart ... Global Driver
Kim Estes ... Marcus 'Doc' Brewer
Wes Llewellyn ... Global Patrol Leader


Carron King, 09/03/2009
I have seen both The Moment After movies and they are great. Considering what is happening in our world today, they are like a wake up call to anyone who ever had doubts. I certainly hope there will be a third movie because of the unanswered questions in 2.

Tammy Lee Pounds, 06/25/2008
Great Video, Would recommend to all. Also you need to see The first part, The Moment after. The actors in this video did a great job. please go and see, don't miss this one.

Claudia Bell, 03/25/2008
I watched this movie and The Moment After with several of my nieces (ages 9-15 years, two of whom are christians and two of whom are not). We had a great time, popcorn and movie night, and there was some thought provoking going on as well! Everyone was happy that Charles became a christian in the end, we were all a little worried about him and his wife after the first movie!! Thanks so much!! It's nice to see christian movies that are interesting and fun to watch, as well as causing us to think!!

Marisela Gutierrez, 01/16/2008
I cannot rave enough about The Moment After 1 & 2! Wow! Such powerful movies delivered in an edge-of-your-seat exciting, yet very realistic format! My own children, ages 10-13, also loved it! We were inspired and entertained while learning about the end times. My kids want to watch this collection over and over again. These are the kind of movies that change you just by watching them. They serve as a reminder of what is truly important in life and fill you with hope. I love the actors and what an amazing storyline. It is so great to have movies like this available. I truly hope there will be a part 3 to add to this wonderful collection. It is obvious part 2 left that possibility open. If anyone is debating whether or not to purchase this collection, stop debating, buy it and then gather your family and enjoy!! You will be so glad you did!


( New Links for new version: audio only in English )



Directed by Kevin Downes
Produced by Bobby Downes, Kevin Downes, Cosimo Michael Occhipinti, David A.R. White
Written by Kevin Downes, Chipper Lowell, David A.R. White

Stephen Baldwin ... Luke
David A.R. White... Brody Sutton (as David White)
Kevin Downes ... Jerry Willis
Jeffrey Dean Morgan... Tom Newman
Eric Roberts ... Dallas
Amy Moon ... Jeseca
Troy Winbush ... Lewis
Coleman Luck ... Charles
Sung Hi Lee ... Beautiful Woman
Declan Joyce ... Joe
Marc Elmer ... CPF Guard
John Gilbert ... Commander
Brad Heller ... Preston Scott
Tiny Ron ... Eddie
Elena Lyons ... Rahab
Music by Marc Fantini, Steffan Fantini
Cinematography Philip Hurn
Editing by Jeffrey Lee Hollis
Distributed by Trinity Broadcasting Network
Release date(s) June 29, 2004
Running time 104 min.
Country USA
Language English

The film is set in the end-times, when the earth has been taken over, and the mark of the Beast - an implant in the right hand or forehead - is being imposed upon the global population (referred to as "the community" in the film). Those who take the mark become part of 'The Community'; those who refuse to bear the mark are imprisoned and, after three weeks, beheaded.
Two non-Christian renegades (Kevin Downes and David A. R. White) steal a car for a friend who has also refused to bear the mark. They find out when they arrive at his place that he has chosen to mark it, and "feels so much happier". The renegade two are caught by police, and taken to prison.
Tom Newman (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), a smuggler, is also captured by a police unit, led by his ex-wife, who has taken the mark. He is tortured until he agrees to infiltrate a Christian group in prison in order to kill Elijah Cohen, a Christian leader who remains at large.
Tom and the other two renegades meet in prison, and try to escape.


- This is a great movie to share with your unsaved friends and family. It is one of the best prophetic movies that I have seen.
My Ratings: [Excellent/5]
—Chris Draper, age 17

- “…Both Rexella and I believe this to be the greatest religious release we have ever watched. I know you will be tremendously moved as never before when viewing this Holy Spirit led production…
—Dr. Jack Van Impe, President, JVI International

- “…The power of the gospel to transform the lives of the characters is shown with deeply moving reality. So real is the presentation of the plan of salvation in this movie, the viewer will be left without excuse…
—Pastor John Hagee, Global Evangelism Television

at 10/18/2009 02:10:00 AM
Categories 2004, English, Movies, Prophecy/End Times


Audio : English
Subtitles : English , Spanish , Greek . Czek , Farsi , Finish , Hungarian , Dutch , Romanian, Slovenian, Polish

In 1797, William Wilberforce, the great crusader for the British abolition of slavery, is taking a vacation for his health even while he is sicker at heart for his frustrated cause. However, meeting the charming Barbara Spooner, Wilberforce finds a soulmate to share the story of his struggle. With few allies such as his mentor, John Newton, a slave ship captain turned repentant priest who penned the great hymn, "Amazing Grace," Prime William Pitt, and Olaudah Equiano, the erudite former slave turned author, Wilberforce fruitlessly fights both public indifference and moneyed opposition determined to keep their exploitation safe. Nevertheless, Wilberforce finds the inspiration in newfound love to rejuvenate the fight with new ideas that would lead to a great victory for social justice.



Subtitles : English , Spanish , Greek . Czek , Farsi , Finish , Hungarian , Dutch , Romanian, Slovenian, Polish
at 10/17/2009 07:31:00 PM
Categories 2006, Dutch, English, Evangelism, Finish, Greek, Hungarian, Movies, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish

Deep in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, a powerful and mysterious signal with the potential to shape the destiny of millions is discovered to be emanating from beyond earth. A Christian finds the truth…but can she affect those in control and will she be a testimony to the grace of God in the midst of apparently overwhelming chaos?

From the Director of Deceived, Andre van Heerden:
"It's going to be very interesting to see how people react to Deceived. It's definitely dark and suspenseful like Revelation, but it's also edgier and more intense. While Revelation may hold the audience's interest because of its central mystery, Deceived holds it because of the characters. There is a mystery to the picture, as well as elements of romance, comedy, and horror; but the characters are what are so intriguing. Since the characters take the audience through the entire story, and those characters become so familiar to us, I think many people are going to be drawn into the tale more than any other film we've done."

Christian independent film company Cloud Ten Productions presents this science fiction-tinged thriller in the same vein of their other offerings, such as Left Behind. Directed by Andre vanHeerden, Deceived stars Judd Nelson as Jack Jones, a scientist brought in to help discern the purpose and source of a strange, extraterrestrial signal that seems to have a mysterious effect on the psychic abilities of those exposed to it. The film also stars Michelle Nolden, Stuart Beck, and Academy Award-winner Louis Gossett Jr. ~ Matthew Tobey, All Movie Guide
Louis Gossett, Jr.; Jefferson Mappin; Judd Nelson - Jack Jones; Stewart Bick; Deborah Odell; Ramona Milano; Leigh Lewis; Richard Nester; Michelle Nolden; Stuart Beck
Peter Gerretsen - Director, Andre Van Heerden - Director, Peter Lalonde - Executive Producer, Paul Lalonde - Executive Producer, Nicholas Tabarrok - Producer, Paul Lalonde - Screenwriter

at 10/16/2009 10:21:00 PM
Categories 2002, English, Evangelism, Movies

Time Changer (2002)

At the beginning of the film, Bible professor Russell Carlisle (D. David Morin) confronts a boy who stole marbles from his neighbors, calling his action "unjust."

The year is 1890 and Carlisle has written a new manuscript entitled The Changing Times. His book is about to receive a unanimous endorsement from the board members of the Grace Bible Seminary until his colleague Dr. Norris Anderson (Gavin MacLeod) raises an objection. Without the unanimous endorsement, his book might not do so well. Carlisle and another professor seek to have the unanimous endorsement rule changed, but the dean insists Carlisle talk to Anderson privately to resolve their disagreement.

Dr. Anderson believes that what Carlisle has written could greatly affect the future of coming generations, vehemently arguing that teaching good moral values without mentioning Christ is wrong. Using a secret time machine, Anderson sends Carlisle over 100 years into the future, offering him a glimpse of where his beliefs will lead.

Arriving in the early 21st Century, Carlisle is shocked to find that half of all marriages end in divorce, teenagers talk openly about deceiving their parents, movies contain blasphemous words and people who go to church are so bored by the sermons that they need extra activities...

at 10/12/2009 10:24:00 AM
Categories 2002, English, Evangelism, Movies
ESTHER (1999)

ESTHER (1999)

Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), King of the Persians, whose empire now extends from India to Egypt after the defeat of the Babylonians, is holding a celebratory banquet for his people in the citadel of Susa to display his wealth and splendor. When he summons his attractive wife Vashti, to show off her beauty to the guests, the proud queen refuses to come. The king promptly bans her from ever entering his presence again, and gives orders for the most beautiful young virgins in the land to be brought to him. The young Jewess Esther, adopted daughter of her uncle Mordecai, is among the girls selected; they are told to beautify themselves in the royal harem and prepare to spend the night with the king. Esther succeeds in enchanting the king with her extraordinary beauty and charm, and he makes her his queen. The king promotes his loyal subject Haman - whose family is notably anti-Jewish - to the post of first minister of the kingdom. When the Jew Mordecai fails to kneel down before Haman like all the others, Haman's irritation with him is transformed into a deep hatred of the Jewish people. He manages to get the king to pass a law allowing the Jews of all countries to be persecuted and killed on a certain day. In his desperation, Mordecai seeks help from Esther. She places her life at risk by visiting the king without his consent, and then invites him and Haman to dine with her that evening. By revealing her Jewish origins Esther now succeeds in exposing Haman's evil plan to kill the Jews, and in obtaining the king's pardon for her people. Haman is duly hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai. Since the royal decree is irreversible, Ahasuerus passes another one allowing the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies, whom they end up by vanquishing. Many Jews now return to the Holy City and begin rebuilding Jerusalem.

at 10/12/2009 08:50:00 AM
Categories 1999, English, Movies, Old Testament


Audio : English
Subtitles : Brazilian & English & Finish & French & Greek & Hebrew & Hungarian & Spanish & Swedish

From the award winning producers of FLYWHEEL, comes an action-packed drama about a Christian high school football coach who uses his undying faith to battle the giants of fear and failure. In six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never led his Shiloh Eagles to a winning season. After learning that he and his wife Brooke face infertility, Grant discovers that a group of fathers are secretly organizing to have him dismissed as head coach. Devastated by his circumstances, he cries out to God in desperation. When Grant receives a message from an unexpected visitor, he searches for a stronger purpose for his football team. He dares to challenge his players to believe God for the impossible on and off the field. When faced with unbelievable odds, the Eagles must step up to their greatest test of strength and courage. What transpires is a dynamic story of the fight between faith and fear. Facing the Giants is a powerful experience for the whole family inspiring viewers to live with faith, hope, and love!


Brazilian & English & Finish & French & Greek & Hebrew & Hungarian & Spanish & Swedish
at 10/11/2009 10:25:00 PM
Categories 2006, Brasilian Portuguese, English, Evangelism, Finish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Movies, Spanish, Swedish

Flywheel is the first film from the creators of Facing the Giants and Fireproof. Used car salesman Jay Austin (writer/director Alex Kendrick) swindles his customers and teaches his assistant salesmen to do the same--but despite the profits, something gnaws at him. When he realizes that his own son doesn't respect him, Austin has a conversion and accepts God into his life.



English :
at 10/10/2009 08:54:00 PM
Categories 2003, English, Evangelism, Movies

Audio : Czech , Subtitles: English

A powerful and moving film about a man who learns the true meaning of sacrifice. MOST tells the story of the close relationship between a bridge operator and his young son and the fateful day when they both try to head off an impending rail disaster. Hundreds of passengers on a steam train are unaware of the danger as they head towards an open drawbridge.

Nominated for Oscar. Another 3 wins


IMDB Comments

eugenia-c-bukur from United States : "You can't describe the depth and meaning of this film, it HAS to be seen. I couldn't keep from thinking about it. It paralleled my life so much and I could truly relate. I went away actually bawling. This truly represents Gods love for his children.I am excited to share it with my Youth Group at church. I think this could make an impact on many youth because it hits so many areas of life. A must see for everyone."
fyrefli848 from Pennsylvania
"Needless to say, this movie was absolutely breathtaking. I can honestly say this is one of the best movies I have ever seen, the parallels in this movie to Biblical truth are staggering and the sheer art form it possesses is remarkable. If you have not seen it, or have even the slightest bit of remote interest in viewing it, I strongly urge you to. Please don't let the fact that the movie is in another language hinder you from watching, in fact, it makes it 1000 times better. This movie has changed my life and even several months after watching it, I am still amazed by it."
Rev. Simon Page, United Kingdom
"I don't want to use to many words, as the average reviewer will tell you just how good this is! But let me simply say this: I have never seen the question of God's love as a Father depicted so powerfully as in this film. Its a quality film - no cheesy dialogue - fantastic acting and music - thoughtful - tearful - and full of good questions"
at 10/10/2009 12:47:00 AM
Categories 2003, Czech, English, Movies

The Friends of Jesus: Mary Magdalene (2000)
Gli amici di Gesù: Maria Maddalena

When the marriage between AMOS and MARY MAGDALENE turns out to be childless, he casts her out and gets a divorce. Mary has to leave Magdala. She befriends SILVANO, a Roman prefect, who promises her a new life at his side. A few days after her departure Mary meets the prophet JOHN THE BAPTIST, whom Silvano suspects of being a revolutionary. The prefect tells her to cultivate John more intensively. In this way Mary becomes acquainted with the teaching of the coming Messiah, and it begins to interest her. To protect John from the Romans she pretends to Silvano that he is harmless # but when the prefect finds out that how dangerous John is in the eyes of the tetrarch HEROD ANTIPAS, he feels he was wronged and purposely tricked by Mary. He casts her out as well. After a suicide attempt, Mary lowers herself to prostitution. HEROIDAS, the wife of Herod Antipas, invites Mary to come to her because of her knowledge of the healing arts. In this way she gets to know SALOME, who later asks for the Baptist's head. Mary is also drawn into the war for Galilee, in the course of which her home town of Magdala goes up in flames. She tries in vain to save the life of SAMUEL, the son of her friend JOANNA. He dies in her arms. She then takes him to JESUS # who brings him back to life. Mary recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, and becomes one of his disciples.

at 10/09/2009 04:25:00 PM
Categories 2000, English, Movies, New Testament, Saints

The year is 1525. Michael and Margaretha Sattler have fled their religious orders. Their quest: restore the church to the purity of its early days when communities of believers practiced peace, compassion and sacrificial love.

The Sattlers join a group called the Anabaptists and together challenge the 1000 year control of the Church by the State. They call for baptism to once again become, not a mark of citizenship, but an adult and voluntary decision to follow Christ. As their movement grows, so does the determination of their enemies to stop any means necessary.

In 1527, Michael is burned at he stake and Margaretha drowned. But their movement survives and today is carried on by the Mennonites, Brethren, Brethren in Christ, the Hutterites, and the Amish.


English :
at 10/08/2009 09:42:00 PM
Categories 1990, English, Movies, Saints
THE BEGINNER'S BIBLE - Series (1998-2000)


Journey back to the beginning of the world as God brings forth the Earth, fills its waters and lands with plants and animals and, finally, crown His creation with the first man and woman. Then join Adam and Eve as they explore the Earthly paradise and discover what happens when they accept a serpent's offer of forbidden fruit!



Noah's Ark

Meet the faithful Noah and his family as they learn of the great flood about to fall upon the Earth, and of God's commandment that Noah build a huge, sea-going ark. Then, prepare for the most exciting voyage of all time as an incredible parade of animals arrives two-by-two, the storm clouds gather and it begins to rain...and rain...and rain....



Joseph and His Brothers




Encounter a time in ancient Egypt when Baby Moses was plucked from the reeds of the Nile river and grows up to become the hero of the enslaved Israelites. Then witness Moses' struggle to free his people from the wicked Pharaoh, and their thrilling journey through the wilderness in search of the Promised Land they would one day call their own.
Created to help you share the most important lessons form the greatest stories ever told, The Beginner's Bible Series brings the true wonder and joy of the Bible to life. Featuring an original theme sung by Kathie Lee Gifford, memorable songs, vivid animation and heartwarming characters, this series is a delightful way to introduce young children to the timeless stories of inspiration, courage and faith.



Joshua and the Battle of Jericho



Daniel and the Lions' Den



Jonah and the Whale



David and Goliath

Preparing to battle the mighty Philistines, the soldiers of Israel suddenly found themselves facing a foe none of them dares to fight: the huge warrior-giant, Goliath! Learn how a little shepherd boy named David found the courage to face this awesome enemy, armed only with a tiny slingshot--and his unshakable faith in God!



The Nativity

Relive the miraculous events surrounding the very first Christmas as Mary receives a heavenly visitor and learns that she, of all women, has been chosen to be the mother of God's son on Earth. Then travel with Mary and Joseph to a lowly manger in Bethlehem and marvel as God's promise to His people is fulfilled and a heavenly host of angels proclaims the joyful news: Jesus Christ is born!



Jesus and his Miracles



Good Samaritian



Prodigal Son

To bring to life his teachings of repentance, forgiveness and love, Jesus tells the story of a father whose willful son refuses to work on the family farm, but goes off instead to see the world. Now, journey with the young man as he encounters the glittering temptations of the city. And, witness the son's fearful return to his family, where his father's joyful welcome reminds us of God's great love for us all. 30 minutes, animated.




Return to old Jerusalem to witness Jesus' triumphal entrance into the city and his eventual capture by Pontius Pilot's Roman soldiers. Then, experience the wonder of the fulfillment of God's promise to His chosen people as Jesus ascends into Heaven in the glorious miracle of the Resurrection!

at 10/06/2009 08:53:00 PM
Categories Animated Stories, English, New Testament, Old Testament

Audio : Russian
Subtitles : English , Spanish , French , Portuguese , Greek , Indonesian

Also Known As (AKA)
Остров Russia
Island Finland (festival title)
L'île France
L'isola Italy
The Island International (English title)
To nisi Greece (festival title)
Wyspa Poland

During World War II, the sailor Anatoly and his captain, Tikhon, are captured by the Nazis when they board their barge and tugboat which is carrying a shipment of coal. The Nazi officer leading the raid offers Anatoly the choice to shoot Tikhon and stay alive which Anatoly reluctantly takes, and Tikhon falls overboard. The Nazis blow up the ship but Anatoly is found by monks on the shore the next morning. He survives and becomes a stoker at the monastery but is perpetually overcome with guilt.
Thirty years pass. Anatoly now has the gift of clairvoyance and healing. But the other monks do not really understand him. People come to see Anatoly for cures and guidance, but even now, he remains in a perpetual state of repentance. He often gets in a boat and goes to an uninhabited island where he prays for mercy and forgiveness.
A prominent admiral arrives to see Anatoly with his daughter. The daughter is possessed by demons but Anatoly exorcises them. The admiral turns out to be Tikhon. It is revealed that Anatoly only wounded him during the war. Tikhon forgives Anatoly.
Anatoly can now die peacefully. The monks discover that he has foreknowledge of his death and make him a coffin out of a coal box. He lies down in it, and dies. The coffin is buried on the uninhabited island where he spent his time praying.

Spiritual message

The film is focused on father Anatoly's repentance of his sin (therefore the virtually continuous occurrence of the Jesus Prayer); but the transgressions of the depicted character (a fool for Christ) and their impact on the others are the means by which the actual plot develops. The film's director Pavel Lungin, speaking of the central character's self-awareness, said he doesn't regard him as being clever or spiritual, but blessed "in the sense that he is an exposed nerve, which connects to the pains of this world. His absolute power is a reaction to the pain of those people who come to it;" while "typically, when the miracle happens, the lay people asking for a miracle are always dissatisfied" because "the world does not tolerate domestic miracles."
Screenwiter Dmitry Sobolev further explains: "When people ask for something from God, he is often wrong because God has a better understanding of what a person wants at that moment." Pyotr Mamonov, who plays the lead character, formerly one of the few rock musicians in USSR, converted to Eastern Orthodoxy in the 1990s and lives now in an isolated village. Pavel Lungin said about him that "to a large extent, he played himself." Mamonov received a blessing from his confessor for playing the character.
The simplicity, the humbleness, the remoteness, the miracles converge into creating a timeless snapshot of the Orthodox spirituality, apart from the historical circumstances. Patriarch Alexei II of Russia praised Ostrov for its profound depiction of faith and monastic life, calling it a "vivid example of an effort to take a Christian approach to culture."

Director: Pavel Lungin
Writer: Dmitri Sobolev
Original Music by Vladimir Martynov

Cast (in credits order)
Pyotr Mamonov ... Father Anatoli
Viktor Sukhorukov ... Father Filaret
Dmitriy Dyuzhev ... Father Iov
Yuri Kuznetsov ... Tikhon
Viktoriya Isakova ... Nastya
Nina Usatova ... Widow
Yana Yesipovich ... Girl
Olga Demidova ... Woman with child
Timofei Tribuntsev ... Young Anatoli
Aleksei Zelensky ... Young Tikhon


* 2006 — best film at the Moscow Premiere festival.
* 2007 — Six awards at the fifth national Golden Eagle Awards - "Best film", "Best male support role" (Viktor Suhorukov), "Best male role" (Petr Mamonov), "Best director" (Pavel Lungin), "Best scenario" (Dmitry Sobolev), "Best operator work" (Andrei Zhegalov).
* 2007 - Nika Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, etc.


Indonesian :

IMDB comments

realx-1 from Romania
The movie tries to bring into attention the essence of Orthodox Christian belief - the reunification of man with God, which is done through repentance and unceased prayer, in humbleness and ascetic struggle. According to the same beliefs, God is the one who works this union in co-operation with the man.
The main character, Fr. Anatoli, was inspired from the lives of some Russian "fools for Christ" - men who tried to hide their sanctity and keep their humbleness behind a mask of apparent insanity - especially from the life of St. Theophile the Fool for Christ.
gaborovitch from United Kingdom
This movie is a cry for God, for repentance, for continuous prayer, for simplicity and humbleness, especially now in a Babylonian "unified" world where "political correctness" is more important than anything spiritual that might turn man to God. We know how to say "I'm sorry" in many sophisticated and intellectual ways but we don't feel it. We are cold. A movie that has the power to save our souls. From the same realm, the last excellent film I saw was Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev. You don't need 10 lines of text to summarize this movie.... one word that defines perfectly this masterpiece is "prayer"! Continuous prayer!
at 9/23/2009 03:45:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, French, Greek, Indonesian, Movies, Portuguese, Russian, Saints, Spanish

Audio : English
Subtitles : English , Greek


Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. With nothing more than a caravan on a patch of land, and help from his foreman, Simeon Bhengu, the Buchan family struggle to settle in a new country. Faced with ever mounting challenges, hardships and personal turmoil, Angus quickly spirals down into a life consumed by anger, fear and destruction. Based on the inspiring true story by Angus Buchan the book was adapted for the big screen by Regardt van den Bergh and weaves together the moving life journey of a man who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest.

Also Known As (AKA)
O Fazendeiro e Deus Brazil (DVD title)
O nikitis Greece (TV title)

Produced by
Kirstin Barwise .... line producer
Frans Cronje .... producer

Original Music by Grant Innes McLachlan
Cinematography by Dave Aenmey
Film Editing by Ronelle Loots

Cast (in credits order)

Frank Rautenbach ... Angus Buchan
Jeanne Neilson ... Jill Buchan (as Jeanne Wilhelm)
Hamilton Dlamini ... Simeon
Sean Cameron Michael ... Fergus Buchan
Casper Badenhorst ... Koos
Matthew Dylan Roberts ... Percy (as Matthew Roberts)
Anton Treurnich ... Steyn
Candice D'Arcy ... Joanne
Morné Theunissen ... John
Rochelle Buchan ... Morag

2006 - Won - Adam Award - People's Choice Award - Frans Cronje


English :

Version 2 : Movie with Greek Subtitles (incuded)
at 9/11/2009 01:27:00 PM
Categories 2006, English, Evangelism, Greek, Movies

This quietly lovely film won Best Film at the Austin and Berlin International Film Festivals, and tells the profoundly moving story of 12-year old Taliesin Jones, who struggles with the chaos of his life, while struggling to come to terms when his mother suddenly leaves the family home. His father has become distant, his brother has become angry and bitter, while Taliesin dives into the world of his imagination looking for solace. After witnessing his piano teacher heal a woman's ailing back with the power of prayer, Taliesen begins a spiritual quest. He forms a secret society at his school, "The Believers". But his attempts to heal a classmate and his teacher's grave illness leave him feeling lost and confused, and test his newfound faith. This film is more than a "coming of age" film - it is the tale of everyone who's ever tried to make sense of things that just can't be made sense of, and the grace that fills our lives when we go looking for it.

Also Known As (AKA)
Small Miracles - USA
Taliesin Jones - USA
O Milagre de uma Vida - Brazil
O Testemunho de Taliesin Jones - Brazil (cable TV title)

Directed by Martin Duffy
Writing credits : Rhidian Brook (novel) , Maureen Tilyou (writer)

Cast (in credits order)
John-Paul Macleod ... Taliesin Jones
Jonathan Pryce ... Tal's Dad
Geraldine James ... Tal's Mum
Matthew Rhys ... Jonathan
Robert Pugh ... Handycott
Sophie Sherrington ... Julie Dyer
Mark Bishop ... Luc Daniels
Griff Rhys Jones ... Caesar
Rhys Tucker ... Hooper
Ian Bannen ... Billy Evans
Anwen Williams ... Mrs. Willis
Morgan Hopkins ... Mrs. Willis's Son
Gwenllian Davies ... Woman Reader
Philip Dunbar ... Preacher (as Phillip Dunbar)
Boyd Clack ... Toni
Ryan Jones ... John Morgan
Alex Dawson ... William Jones
Paul O'Gorman ... Lurch
Joe Salt ... Tanner


at 6/01/2009 08:25:00 AM
Categories 2000, English, Evangelism, Movies

Have you ever wondered what Jesus did as a young boy? The story of Christ's childhood has never before been told on television. Filmed on location in Tunisia, the three-hour Italian TV production A Child Called Jesus mixes Scripture with speculation. It attempts to fill in the "missing years" of Jesus, from ages 3 through 12. The events narrated in the film all took place in the same year and tell the dramatic story of a family forced to leave their home in Bethlehem to escape the persecution of Herod the Great. When King Herod, fearing that the Messiah has indeed been born, orders that all Hebrew male children under the age of three be slain, Joseph moves his family near Egypt. Here, Jesus, sensing His divinity, expresses a desire to return to Nazareth. Travelling homeward with His mother Mary, Jesus flashes forward to events that will unfold in His adult life.

Set against the background of the war between the Romans and the Zealots, the story gains its real inspiration from everyday family life. Be moved by the tender love of Mary for her child and the strong bond between Joseph and the boy Jesus. Though obviously in a spiritual dimension of his own, Jesus is portrayed as a seven-year-old child just like any other: He fights with His friends over a few dates, His mind wanders at school and He asks the usual childish questions.

After making its debut in Italy, Germany and France, A Child Called Jesus was syndicated by Tribune Entertainment to American TV stations during the last week of November in 1989. Directed by Franco Rossi (Quo Vadis?, Odissea) and well-produced with beautiful photography, it earned high ratings in America and Europe, received a favorable concensus from the Vatican and won of an international Emmy Award.

Directed by Franco Rossi

Writing credits : Vittorio Bonicelli, Franco Rossi,Francesco Scardamaglia

Cast (in credits order)
Matteo Bellina ... Jesus
Irene Papas ... Old Maria
María del Carmen San Martín ... Maria (as Carmen San Martin)
Maurizio Donadoni ... Jeder
Hichem Rostom ... Sedeq
Roberto Bisacco ... Marzio
Alessandro Gassman ... Adult Jesus
Bekim Fehmiu ... Joseph
Roberto Posse ... Druso
Frédéric Darie ... Elia
Pierre Clémenti ... Sefir
Susanna Martinková ... Maddalena (as Susana Martinková)
Fethi Haddaoui ... Erode
Martine Gafsi ... Giovanna
Kamel Alaoui ... Rabbino
Hélène Catzaras ... Susanna (as Helene Catsaras)
Abdellatif Hamrouni ... Aaron (as Abdelatif Hamrouni)
Nouri Bouzid ... Rabbi Fares

It begins with the birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph, and follows Jesus through his early years while Sefir, an evil servant of King Herod, attempts to murder Jesus and fulfill Herod's edict that all male children during the last three years must die. Joseph flees with his family to Alexandria, where he finds work as a shipyard carpenter, and is nearly killed when Sefir follows them and sets fire to the shipyard. Mary and Jesus are captured by Roman soldiers, and then turned over to Sefir, who leads them away, forcing the mother and child to walk behind his horse through the blistering desert sands. After days of this torment, young Jesus performs a miracle when He cures a leper, and this convinces Sefir to renounce Herod's command and free the mother and child, who are eventually reunited with Joseph.


at 5/25/2009 08:56:00 AM
Categories 1987, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament

Director Roger Young (JOSEPH AND JESUS) presents this dramatic television miniseries that recounts the life of Paul (Johannes Brandrup) the Apostle of Jesus Christ.

Originally known as Paul of Tarsus, Paul tortured and persecuted Christians until he experienced a vision of Jesus that forever changed his life.

After converting to Christianity, Paul suffered persecution and imprisonment, but never stopped trying to spread the teachings of Christ. Notably, this program was shot on location in the Moroccan desert.

Also Known As (AKA)
San Paulo - Italy
Biblia: Sfântul Pavel - Romania
Die Bibel - Paulus - Germany
I vivlos - Pavlos - Greece
I vivlos: O Pavlos apo tin Tarso - Greece
Pablo de Tarso - Spain
Paul the Apostle - USA (DVD title)
Paulo, o Apóstolo - Brazil
Paulus - Germany
Raamattu: Paavali - Finland
Saint Paul - Australia (literal English title)
St. Paul - USA
The Bible: Paul of Tarsos - International (English title)

Runtime: 170 min (2 parts)
Language: English

Director: Roger Young
Writers: Gareth Jones , Gianmario Pagano (writer)

Johannes Brandrup ... Paul of Tarsus / Saul of Tarsus
Thomas Lockyer ... Reuben
Barbora Bobulova ... Dinah
Ennio Fantastichini ... Peter
G.W. Bailey ... Barnabas
Giorgio Pasotti ... John
Franco Nero ... Gamaliel
Daniela Poggi ... Mary, Mother of Jesus
Umberto Orsini ... Tribune
Christian Brendel ... James
Giovanni Lombardo Radice ... King Herod
Ian Ricketts ... Amos
Jack Hedley ... High Priest
Massimo Sarchielli ... Ananias
Riccardo Sardonè ... Stephen

at 5/22/2009 12:44:00 PM
Categories 2000, English, Movies, New Testament, Saints

Audio : English

Franco Zeffirelli's production is acclaimed for its thorough Biblical and historical research.Jesus of Nazareth is a unique film depicting the life of Christ from His birth through His resurrection. Franco Zeffirelli's production is acclaimed for its thorough Biblical and historical research. This comprehensive and faithful film features a distinguished international cast and locations specially chosen for their pure and simple resemblance to Palestine at the time of Jesus. This acclaimed production tells the greatest of all stories with tremendous emotion and splendor. Six hours of superb acting, powerful music and outstanding cinematography. Starring Robert Powell, Olivia Hussey, Lawrence Olivier, James Mason, Anthony Quinn, and many more.

Length/Run Time: 382 Min
Produced By: Vincenzo Labella
Directed By: Franco Zeffirelli

Writing credits
Anthony Burgess (written by) &
Suso Cecchi d'Amico (written by) &
Franco Zeffirelli (written by)
David Butler (additional dialogue)

Cast (in credits order)
Robert Powell ... Jesus Christ
Anne Bancroft ... Mary Magdalene
Ernest Borgnine ... The Centurion
Claudia Cardinale ... The Adulteress
Valentina Cortese ... Herodias
James Farentino ... Simon Peter
James Earl Jones ... Balthazar
Stacy Keach ... Barabbas
Tony Lo Bianco ... Quintilius
James Mason ... Joseph of Arimathea
Ian McShane ... Judas Iscariot
Laurence Olivier ... Nicodemus
Donald Pleasence ... Melchior
Christopher Plummer... Herod Antipas
Anthony Quinn ... Caiaphas
Fernando Rey ... Gaspar
Ralph Richardson ... Simeon
Rod Steiger ... Pontius Pilate
Peter Ustinov ... Herod the Great
Michael York ... John the Baptist
Olivia Hussey ... Virgin Mary
Cyril Cusack ... Yehuda the Rabbi
Ian Holm ... Zerah
Yorgo Voyagis ... Joseph
Ian Bannen ... Amos
Marina Berti ... Elizabeth
Regina Bianchi ... Anne
Maria Carta ... Martha

Lorenzo Monet ... Jesus at 12 yrs old
Immad Cohen ... Young Jesus


    DVD 1

    DVD 2

at 5/20/2009 04:28:00 PM
Categories 1977, English, Jesus Christ, Movies, New Testament

Audio : English, Greek

The Ten Commandments showcases Moses, the reluctant prophet, who was the only man in Biblical history to see the face of God and call him "friend."
This special animated version is filled with high adventure, miraculous events and a gentle sense of humor. Condemned to die by the Pharaoh while just a baby, Hebrew Moses is set adrift on the River Nile by his mother and his sister.
Rescued by the daughter of the Pharaoh, he grows up thinking he’s an Egyptian prince. Eventually exiled from Egypt when he is exposed as a Jew, he is touched by God and told that he will lead his enslaved people to the Promised Land.


English Audio


Greek Audio
at 5/01/2009 11:38:00 PM
Categories 2007, Animated Stories, English, Greek, Old Testament

Rome, year 64 AD Emperor Neron persecutes the first Christians. At his command thousands of people were hurled into prison or sold into slavery. Christians have to go underground. But their faith doesn't die thanks to courageous "Story Keepers", who, in spite of all the difficulties, keep telling the stories about Jesus from Nazareth.

The "Story keepers" is an animated video series created for children that tells the story of Ben the baker, and his wife Helena, who are Christians in Rome at the time of the Neronian persecutions (64 A.D.). Ben and Helena have adopted four children whose parents were lost during the fires set by Emperor Nero. The hope-giving stories and parables of Jesus are told in the course of their exciting adventures, including the passion narrative from the Gospel of Mark.

The series consists of 13 x half hours of animated television and covers 47 parables and stories of Jesus.

Story Keepers was broadcast in the UK on the national ITV channel during a prime time slot at 10.15am on Sunday mornings. In the US Story Keepers is regularly broadcast on EWTN and Hallmark channels.


Note: Only 8 episodes ( *.avi ) available currently, but if you have others, please post them.

01 - Breakout (1995)

02 - Raging Waters (1995)

03 - Catacomb Rescue (1996)

05 - Sink or Swim (1996)

10 - Tricked by a Traitor (1997)

11 - Tried and True (1997)

12 - Caught at the Crossroads (1997)

13 - To the Ends of the Earth (1997)


The Christmas Story Keepers

Surprises, thrills, and adventure are in store for the whole family in this special dramatization of the Christmas story. The Storykeepers are forced to flee from Nero's wrath, but they take along their most precious possession---memories of Jesus' wonderful birth and life. A suspenseful getaway and unexpected twists and turns are sure to make this a holiday favorite.


The Easter Story Keepers

Ben the Baker, his wife, Helena, and their band of adopted children make a daring escape as they flee Nero's fury. While hiding in the catacombs, Ben bolsters everybody's hope and faith by sharing vivid stories about the first Easter--Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, his crucifixion, and the miracle of the resurrection.

Solomon (1995)

King David was renowned for his wisdom. On his deathbed, he anoints his younger son, Solomon, to be King of Israel. Solomon's older brother tries to wrest away the crown. But Solomon displays God-given wisdom and courage when he confronts his brother, saying, "If I must be king I will not live in fear. Kill me now if that is your plan, or else go home and never challenge God's will again." Faced with Solomon's courage, his brother says he will obey God's will. Solomon prays to God for the wisdom of King David, confiding, "I feel no wiser than a little child." The Lord appears to Solomon and tells him, "Solomon, because thou asked for wisdom to do good, and not for personal gain, I will give you a wise and understanding heart. Behold, there shall be none wiser than you." Solomon's wisdom is soon put to the test when two women appear at his court. Both claim to be the mother of a small infant. Solomon calls for a sword and orders that the child be cut in two. "Give each mother one half," he declares. One woman says, "We must obey the will of the King." The other woman cries out, "The child is hers! I lied! Please, give the child to her." Solomon gives the child to the second woman, saying, "A true mother will do anything to save the life of her child." From every nation they come to seek the wisdom of Solomon, and the greatness of Israel is increased. Solomon lives for many years and, to show his gratitude, builds a great temple to God's glory. Background: Wisdom always demands courage. Fortunately, these gifts from God come together. God tells us that He will bless us with the strength we need, if we come to him as Solomon did - as a child - and put our complete trust in Him.
at 4/05/2008 09:59:00 AM
Categories 1995, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Samuel (1993)

Eli, the high priest of Israel, knowingly disobeys the Lord, and he and his sons are punished. Hannah fulfills her promise to God, and gives up her son to His service. In return, God blesses Hannah by making her son, Samuel, the chosen Prophet of the people of Israel. At the tabernacle of Ark of the Covenant, Hannah prays for a son. She promises God that she will offer the boy up to His service. Eli, the high priest, overhears her prayer and sends her off with vague promises. Eli's sons abuse their position and steal from those who come to offer sacrifice. One night, a man of God appeared to Eli. He informs him that because Eli has allowed his sons to make a mockery of holy things," condemnation is upon this house. I shall raise up a faithful priest. He shall reign over Israel." In answer to her prayers, Hannah has a son, whom she names Samuel. She brings her young son to the tabernacle. She tells Eli that his promise has been fulfilled, and so she will fulfill her vow, giving up Samuel to the servant of God. Hannah promises to visit once each year and Samuel tells his mother that he will serve God all the days of his life. At night, Samuel hears a voice calling t o him. He thinks it is Eli, but the high priest, a good man for all his faults, knows that it is God calling to Samuel. Eli tells him that if he hears the voice again, to say, " Speak Lord, thy servant hears you." God tells Samuel that He has warned Eli and his sons to purify themselves. God says, " A day of judgment will come against them." Word comes that Eli's sons have been defeated and killed, and the Philistines have taken the Ark. In shock, Eli falls to his death. Elijah's prophecy has come to pass, and the young Samuel is now the high priest and the true prophet of Israel. Great blessings are on him and his faithful mother, Hannah.
at 4/05/2008 09:55:00 AM
Categories 1993, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Ruth (1994)


A famine has destroyed the farm of Elimelech of Bethlehem, driving him and his wife Naomi to the land of Moab. There, with the help of their two sons, they do well for a time, and the sons marry Gentile women of the region, Orpah, and the good and beautiful Ruth. But tragedy strikes the family once again. Within a short period of time, Elimelech and his two sons die. The three women are left widowed and alone. Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem. Knowing that Gentiles would not be welcome there, she tells Orpah and Ruth to return to their families. Orpah does so, but the faithful Ruth makes a vow to Naomi to never desert her. "Whither thy guest, I will go; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God." Naomi thanks God for blessing her with a loving daughter-in-law, and asks Him to protect and bless Ruth. God listens to the prayers of Naomi. In Bethlehem, Ruth tells Naomi that she will find food for them. She goes to a field which is being harvested, and asks permission to gather the bits of grain left behind by the harvesters. The land belongs to Boaz, who welcomes her to take what she needs. The kindly Boaz instructs his men to protect Ruth from any persecution. She is to be treated well in her new home. Day after Day Ruth returns to Boaz's land, and we see the growing affection between Ruth and Boaz. Naomi tells Ruth that because Boaz is her near kinsman he is bound to marry the widowed Ruth, and urges Ruth to reveal her kinship. But Ruth wants Boaz to marry her out of love, not because of duty. On the last day of the harvest, Ruth and Boaz finally speak of their love and agree to marry. Once married, Ruth gives birth to a son, whom they name Obed. As a result of Ruth's faithfulness, God's bounty and blessing on the family are limitless. Obed is destined to be the grandfather of David, the great King who is to unite the people of Israel.



Audio : GREEK

at 4/05/2008 09:46:00 AM
Categories 1994, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Moses (1993)

The ancient Hebrews are enslaved by the Egyptians and forced to build the great cities of the Pharaohs. They suffer every indignity, even t he slaying of every Hebrew son. One family tries courageously to save their newborn child. God chooses this infant as the one who will deliver his people from slavery. Moses grows to manhood as an Egyptian prince, but must flee after murdering an Egyptian. When the time comes, God reveals his plan to Moses who obeys God and returns to Egypt determined to free his people from slavery. Pharaoh needs the Hebrews to build the great cities and pyramids of Egypt, but worried about their growing numbers, Pharaoh takes a drastic step: He orders all Hebrew infant sons be killed. Soon after the decree, a son is born to the Hebrews Jochebed and Amram. They decide to resist the Pharaoh's command. Jochebed places her infant son in a basket and floats him out into the river. The Pharaoh's daughter discovers the basket and, knowing it is a Hebrew child, she declares that God has chosen this child to be saved and names him Moses, because he was drawn from the water. The child is raised as a prince in Pharaoh's palace. Years later, Moses has made his name on the battlefield. Moses sees one of the Hebrews being beaten and murders the Egyptian overseer. The Pharaoh declares that Moses must die for spilling Egyptian blood. Moses escapes across the burning desert. Coming upon an oasis, he drives a band of renegades from the well of Jethro and his family, who are Hebrew shepherds. Moses later marries Jethro's daughter, Zipporah, and has a loving family. The persecution of the Hebrews in Egypt continues and God speaks to Moses through a burning bush that Moses is the one to free the Hebrews. Moses returns to Egypt to carry out His wishes.
at 4/05/2008 09:44:00 AM
Categories 1993, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Joseph's Reunion (1995)

Completing the epic story of Joseph's path from favorite son to slave to powerful governor of Egypt, Joseph's Reunion brings Joseph and his brothers, who had betrayed him, face to face once again. Instead of seeking revenge, Joseph sees everything as part of God's plan. "If you had not sol me into slavery those many years ago, I would not now be in a position to save you and our people from starvation." The drought predicted by Joseph has stripped Canaan bare of crops, yet rumors from Egypt describe vast storehouses of food. Jacob knows that unless he acts soon, his entire family will starve. He sends ten of his sons to Pharaoh to buy provisions. In Egypt the brothers must see the governor, who is in charge of distribution of stored goods. The governor is, of course, Joseph. But 21 years have passed since the brothers sold him into slavery, and they do not recognize him. Joseph must choose between exacting revenge on his brothers or forgiving them, but decides to test them to see if they have changed. He questions them about their family, learning that his father, Jacob, is still alive and being cared for by Benjamin. When one of the brothers admits their guilt in betraying Joseph, still not revealing his identity, has the brothers thrown into prison. Finally, Joseph offers to free them, on the condition that they bring Benjamin to Joseph. Upon their return with Benjamin, Joseph, as governor, stages a feast for them. As they eat, Joseph has a silver goblet secretly placed in Benjamin's sack. He then declares that a goblet has been stolen, and it is soon found in Benjamin's possession. Joseph condemns Benjamin to death for the apparent theft. His brothers beg for his freedom, saying, "We are the guilty ones. Kill us, but set the innocent Benjamin free." By this test, Joseph knows that his brothers are truly changed men. He reveals himself to his brothers, who joyfully hurry to bring Jacob to a reunion with his long-lost son.
at 4/05/2008 09:42:00 AM
Categories 1995, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Joseph in Egypt (1992)

Joseph, a virtuous Hebrew boy, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Faced with many trials, including false imprisonment, Joseph never loses his faith in God. This faithfulness is rewarded when Joseph correctly interprets the menacing dream of Pharaoh, the Egyptian ruler. The video opens in the midst of Pharaoh's famous dream. Seven healthy cows are devoured by seven ravenous and sickly cows. Seven beautiful ears of corn are stifled by a vine laden with seven diseased ears. The haunting dream is interrupted when a comic succession of mystics unsuccessfully attempts to interpret the dream for Pharaoh. One of Pharaoh's servants knows of a man who can interpret dreams. He is a Hebrew named Joseph, who is in prison. Pharaoh laughs. How can a Hebrew, and a criminal at that, possess such a gift? But Pharaoh, in desperation, sends for the Jail keeper and questions him. The Jail Keeper has come to know Joseph and recognizes him as a remarkable man. As he tells Joseph's history to Pharaoh, Joseph's early years come to life. Joseph had always been a standout. His older brothers resented the power their father had entrusted in him and sold Joseph into slavery. In Egypt, Joseph was purchased by Potiphar, captain of the guards. Joseph's wisdom and intelligence soon became apparent to Potiphar, who entrusted him with great power. But Potiphar's wife was attracted to the young Hebrew. When Joseph refused her advances, she falsely claimed that Joseph had attacked her. Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison. The Jail Keeper marvels at Joseph's generous and kindly nature. Truly, he says, Joseph is a man filled with the spirit of his God. Pharaoh sends for Joseph. Joseph openly declares to Pharaoh that only the true and living God can give a man the power to understand dreams. Joseph tells Pharaoh that seven years of plenty will be followed by seven years of famine in Egypt. Pharaoh realizes this means doom for his kingdom. But Joseph explains to Pharaoh that with God all things are possible. He outlines a plan of action to store grain, plan for the future and trust in God's word that the famine will run its course in seven years. Pharaoh, impressed with Joseph's wise counsel, places him in charge of all preparations for the famine. Standing with Pharaoh in his royal chariot, surrounded by multitudes of Egyptians in the market place, Joseph calls on them to put their faith in God and they will survive the calamitous times to come. Their cheers answer him as the video ends.
at 4/05/2008 09:40:00 AM
Categories 1992, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Elisha (1994)

Elisha, a young man, works hard on his father's prosperous farm, a farm which he will some day inherit. When the prophet Elijah visits Elisha and tells him that he will be the new prophet of Israel, Elisha, obedient to God, leaves the farm to follow Elijah. Elijah teaches his new student, knowing that his days on earth are few. Despite Elijah's efforts, the kings of Israel continue to worship idols and not the living God. In Elijah and Elisha's wanderings, they come to the River Jordan. Elijah spreads his mantle on the waters, and God parts the river so that the Prophet and student may cross. Elisha, doubting that he will ever be able to take his teacher's place, asks for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, which he promises to his student if Elisha sees him taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire. Elijah tells him never to take a reward for the works of God, for God is the only miracle worker. Just as the Prophet had foretold, God sends for Elijah, and as he ascends, throws his mantle to Elisha. Elisha parts the River Jordan with Elijah's mantle. He begins his days as the next great Prophet, performing miracles and spreading God's commands and love. Elisha and his servant, Gehezi, wander the country. The water supply of a great city has been poisoned. God tells Elisha to spread salt on the waters. When he does so, God cleanses the water. "Thus sayeth the Lord, I have healed these waters, and death will not come from them again." When offered great wealth for his miracle, Elisha, to the dismay of Gehezi, refuses.
at 4/05/2008 09:33:00 AM
Categories 1994, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
Elijah (1993)

Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel. He pronounces God's curse. " No rain will fall on Israel until the people reject Baal and return to God. As the God of Israel liveth no rain shall fall until I call on the Lord to deliver it." God commands Elijah to escape to the desert in the East, where God provides water and food from Heaven for His Prophet. Elijah longs to return to Israel, to save his people. But he is obedient to God. God commands Elijah to go and show himself to Ahab. Elijah tells Ahab to gather the prophets of Baal and meet him on Mount Carmel, where sacrifices are to be placed on two altars. " Let us call on our Gods," he says. " The God that answers with fire is the true God." The prophets of Baal cry out in vain to their idol. When Elijah prays humbly to God, God sends down fire, accepting Elijah's offering. The people. Realizing at last that there is only one true God, kill the prophets of Baal, and God sends the rains again, ending His people's despair.
at 4/05/2008 09:31:00 AM
Categories 1993, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament
David & Goliath (1995)

Saul, king of Israel, struggles to do as the Lord commands. Through the Prophet Samuel, the Lord commands Saul destroy the Amalekites and kill all their animals. Saul refuses to kill their animals, saying they will be offered as a sacrifice. Samuel tells the arrogant Saul that obedience is more important than sacrifice and tells Saul that for disobeying Gods's command, Saul will lose his Kingdom. Samuel visits Jesse, a shepherd with eight sons. He tells Jesse that the Lord has a need for one of them. Jesse introduces his sons including David, the youngest. God tells Samuel to anoint David as King of Israel. All are amazed at God's choice, for Saul is still the formidable king. Neither Samuel nor anyone else knows how God will work His will. The Philistines attack Israel with a new weapon - a giant named Goliath. Jesse's sons prepare for battle. Since he is too young for the battlefield, David is kept behind to tend the flocks. The Philistines offer the Israelites a challenge: single combat between each side's strongest man. For 40 days Goliath taunts Saul. When David hears Goliath defy the armies of the Living God, indeed defying God Himself, David knows he must accept the challenge. When Saul offers his armor to David, David replies that "my faith is enough." With one stone from his sling, David slays the mighty Goliath. Even though the Israelites have beaten back the Philistines, Saul knows that he, too, has been defeated.
at 4/05/2008 09:28:00 AM
Categories 1995, Animated Stories, English, Old Testament

Jesus knows he has been sent by God as the Messiah to fulfill the foretold prophesies of the Old Testament prophets and the long awaited cries of the Jewish people. His courage, love, mercy and grace are all represented through his ultimate sacrifice. Worthy is the Lamb is an account of the last days of Jesus' ministry. Jesus has been preparing his followers for his death, burial and resurrection. As he tells his disciples of the final days ahead, he discloses that one of them will betray him. Judas feels unappreciated for his work in keeping up the financial portion of the ministry. As a result of his frustration, he has been taking money from the contributions given by the people, and yet feels he deserves more. All of the disciples are concerned by this accusation from Jesus and don't seem to notice as Judas leaves. The Jewish leaders have been angered by Jesus' proclamation of being the long awaited Messiah. Their own power and authority are at stake if Pontus Pilate, the Roman Emperor, thinks the Jews have acquired too much power. The Sanhedrin, the Jewish leaders, are looking for a way to stop Jesus without angering the people. Judas offers to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus is betrayed by Judas as he is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He had asked the disciples to keep watch over him, but they all fell asleep, and the Roman guards arrive to arrested him. When Peter tries to fight off the soldiers with a sword, Jesus heals the wounded Roman solider and reminds Peter that those who live by the sword will also die by the sword. The disciples fear for their lives and go into hiding. The Sanhedrin accuses Jesus of blasphemy. Caiphas demands that Jesus be brought before Pontius Pilate. Pilate finds no fault in Jesus' behavior and offers him up to the people. Passover is a time that the Romans allow a prisoner to be released. Barabbas was a convicted murder, and Jesus was accused of blasphemy. The people shout to deliver Barabbas and to crucify Jesus. Peter is accused of being a follower of Jesus and denies knowing him. Judas realizes he has betrayed an innocent man and can no longer live with the guilt. Jesus is scourged and nailed to a cross. Unknowingly, his family and friends look on with great sorrow and despair, as Jesus conquers sin and death. He prays for those who persecute him and then gives his spirit up to heaven so that the prophecy might soon be fulfilled through his resurrection.

at 3/29/2008 06:06:00 PM
Categories 2004, Animated Stories, English, New Testament

Two wealthy men respond to Jesus in very different ways. One, who is basically good, is unable to accept Jesus' directive that he give up the treasures of this world for the greater treasures of Heaven. The other, a sinful Publican, struggles to come to grips with his emerging faith in Jesus, and finally accepts with his fellow man and achieving eternal salvation. Zacchaeus is the Chief Publican of Jericho, gaining great wealth by cheating others. His young son has heard of Jesus and wants to go see Him. But Zacchaeus will not give up the opportunity to make money just to listen to a mere "rabbi." In the countryside, a wealthy young man finds Jesus preaching. When he asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus tells him to obey the commandments, to sell all he has and give to the poor. The rich man, unable o part with his gold, turns away. " How difficult it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God", observes Jesus. " It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle." When a man named Bartimaeus is arrested, he asks Zacchaeus to let him hear Jesus before being thrown in prison. Zacchaeus is troubled by the intensity of Bartimaeus' faith and sets him free. Zacchaeus then witnesses the miraculous healing of Bartimaeus by Jesus, who says, " Your faith has made you whole." Zacchaeus struggles to come to terms with his awaking faith. The things of the world have been replaced with a longing in his heart, and he prays that Jesus will heal him since, he says, "I am a sinner, and not worthy." But Jesus tells him, and us, "I have not come to this world for righteous only, but to seek and save that which is lost." Zacchaeus decides he will give half of his wealth to the poor, and repay those he has cheated. " Zacchaeus ", says Jesus, "today has salvation come to your house. Lay not for yourself treasures on earth, but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven."
at 3/29/2008 06:04:00 PM
Categories 1991, Animated Stories, English, New Testament

Jesus had to struggle with authorities who saw His message as a threat. Caiaphas, the high Judge, tries to trick Jesus into making a judgment against the legal and moral authorities. Jesus responds with the great command: "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." On the street we see Aaron, a poor blind beggar. As two men pass him, one expresses the belief that Aaron's blindness is a punishment from God for his sins or the sins of his parents. Aaron is convinced in his heart and souls that Jesus can heal him, but he cannot find Him. His good parents set off to try to find Jesus. Caiaphas, the high judge of Israel, considers himself to be enormously wise - wiser than Solomon. He sentences a woman, who has been disloyal to her husband, to be stoned to death. News comes that Jesus has healed a man on the Sabbath even though, according to Jewish law, no work is to be done on the Sabbath. Caiaphas angrily sends men to arrest Jesus and they find Him teaching in the temple. He turns aside Caiaphas' men, saying they do not judge righteously. Caiaphas and his men then plot to trick Jesus. They bring the condemned woman to Jesus and ask Him to judge her. If He frees her, He is breaking the law of Moses; to sentence her to be stoned is to break Roman law. Jesus says, "Let him who has no sin cast the first stone." The members of the mob who gathered to punish her drop their stones to the pavement and disperse. Jesus tells the woman, "Go, and sin no more." When Aaron finds Jesus, Jesus anoints his eyes with clay and tells him to wash in the pool of Siloam. Aaron does so and his blindness is cured. Caiaphas questions Aaron, who replies that he was healed by Jesus. Caiaphas now knows that Jesus is a greater judge than he.
at 3/29/2008 06:01:00 PM
Categories 1990, Animated Stories, English, New Testament

Paul's ministry is an act of continuing faith and determination in the face of opposition from both Jewish religious leaders and Roman civil authority. Paul tirelessly crisscrosses the Romans Empire time and time again, preaching the word of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike as he establishes Christian communities that would grow into a universal church. We begin with a meeting of the Pharisees, a strict Jewish sect which considers Paul's preaching and success in converting Jews to Christianity as a threat to their survival-a threat they must snuff out. We travel with Paul as he preaches to Jews and Gentiles alike, curing the sick and lame in the name of Jesus. But the Pharisees are unrelenting in their opposition to Paul's " blasphemy" arranging to have stoned. Paul continues his ministry, traveling about the lands of the Romans Empire where he and Silas are whipped and thrown into prison for preaching Christianity. Trapped in prison, they put there faith in the Lord and a massive earthquake strikes, destroying the prison and freeing Paul and Silas. In Athens and Corinth, when the crowd calls Jesus a devil and deceiver, Paul declares that he will henceforth preach only to the Gentiles. Paul prays for God's help in his work and Jesus appears, comforting him. " I am with thee and no man shall harm you here, for there are many souls that need thee," Jesus tells him. Restored in faith Paul continues his ministry. He sails back to the Holy Land where he is met and attacked by an angry mob of non-believers. The Pharisees go to Fetus, the Roman ruler of Jerusalem, demanding that Paul be put to death. Fetus decides to ask Agrippa, the Jewish King, to listen to Paul and see what he thinks. Paul explains to the king how he once persecuted Jews until his conversion on the road to Damascus, and since then he has preached the word of Jesus. King Agrippa, clearly moved by Paul's word, is nearly converted to Christianity." This man has done nothing wrong," he tells Festus and allows Paul to sail to Rome. Finally Nero, the Roman emperor,sentences him to death but Paul is ready. " I have fought a good fight," Paul says. " I have finished my course. I have kept my faith.
at 3/29/2008 05:56:00 PM
Categories 1992, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
Messiah Comes! (2003)

Jesus offers deliverance from the bondage of sin and death and gives hope of eternal life through His atonement. The Messiah Comes opens with Cleopas getting ready to go into Jerusalem for the Passover. He is persecuted twice by Roman soldiers on his way to Jerusalem and is hopeful that the Messiah will bring them a new ruler. Once in Jerusalem, Cleopas meets up with Nicodemus, a Pharisee, and his friend. Jesus enters the temple and hears the noise of the busy commerce. Two Pharisees are sent to watch over Jesus while He is in the city. They have been told His followers claim He is the Messiah, and they do not believe it. Jesus makes His way to the moneychangers, begins to knock over tables, and disrupts the trading. Jesus is upset that His Father's house has been turned into a house of thieves. The Pharisees question His reasoning to destroy the temple. Jesus doesn't answer at first but then answers saying, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Pharisees, Nicodemus and Cleopas are all confused by Jesus' words. The Sanhedrin is full of the governing council, the Pharisees, and they are debating Jesus' actions, His heritage and His claim to be the Messiah. Nicodemus leaves to find Jesus. Jesus appears on the edge of a cliff and tells him that a man must be born again to be saved and have eternal life. He continues by saying that just as Moses raised the serpent, even so shall He be lifted up. The following scenes show Jesus calming the seas of Galilee at night, bringing a child back to life, raising a widow's son from the dead, healing a crippled boy, forgiving a harlot and teaching the people to love their enemies. Jesus returns to Jerusalem again for the Passover riding on a donkey and is surrounded by His disciples. The Pharisees question Jesus' authority so Jesus responds with the parable of the Lord of the Vineyard which predicts His own death. Worried that the King will fear they have lost control, Jesus is arrested and judged. Jesus crucifixion is not shown, but the three crosses are seen on the mountain top. Next, Nicodemus is seen buying spices to prepare a body for burial. The last scene in the video is of Cleopas and a friend by the well discussing Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus appears asking, "Why are you sad?" Not knowing the man is Jesus resurrected, Cleopas begins to tell him about Jesus and how they thought the Messiah would come and deliver them from Rome. Jesus tells them that the scriptures teach that the Messiah would suffer and die for our transgressions and iniquities. Cleopas, his friend and Jesus break bread together. The nail marks in His hands are noticed, and the men realize that the man is Jesus. Jesus leaves the men, and Cleopas recognizes that three days have passed since His crucifixion. Cleopas now knows that Jesus rose from the dead and lives!
at 3/29/2008 05:43:00 PM
Categories 2003, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Lost Is Found (1999)

Jesus uses the lives of Miriam, Jonah and Matthew along with the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep to show how mercy, forgiveness and love are generously extended to all sinners. One sinner's repentance is rejoiced by many. The Lost is Found is the story of three sinners, Miriam the harlot, Jonah, a sick man, and Matthew the publican. The parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep are weaved into these three stories to show forgiveness for all sinners who repent. The video opens with Miriam working in a pub as a waitress and harlot. She is trapped in this life due to debt and guilt. A letter comes from her brother, Jonah, to the house of a scribe. The scribe reads the letter which tells of her brother's expected death. The scribe does not invite Miriam inside his house because he believes a sinner should not enter the house of the righteous. He goes to Miriam in the streets to offer her ten coins so that she might start a new life. The parable of the lost coin is weaved into the story of Miriam as she loses one coin, and all rejoice when the coin is found. Miriam tries to escape her life only to be betrayed. The video moves to the story of Jonah. He is lying sick in a bed and cannot be moved, so his friends carry him on his bed to see Jesus. They have heard of Jesus' many miracles. Once they are at the home where Jesus is teaching, the crowd will not allow them to enter. The friends climb up on the roof and lower the bed with Jonah down into the house through an opening in the roof. Jesus knows of the faith of Jonah and his friends and forgives Jonah of his sins. The teachers in the home think Jesus is committing blasphemy by forgiving sins. Jesus asks the teachers which is more difficult, to forgive sins or to tell the sick man to rise, take your bed and walk? In order to show that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins. Jesus tells Jonah to rise, take his bed and walk. Jonah does as commanded by Jesus and thanks Him for his forgiveness. Jonah and his friends rejoice. Jonah leaves to find his sister, Miriam, and tell her of the miracle and the forgiveness of Jesus. The last story is of Matthew and the tax collectors. Jesus invites Matthew to follow him. Matthew follows Jesus and invites the tax collectors to his house to meet Jesus at a great feast. Some teachers cannot believe that Jesus, a holy man, eats with sinners. One teacher goes up to the home and asks to see Jesus. When the teacher is inside, Jesus knows of his question and tells him that the doctor goes to the sick, and He goes to the sinners. The video ends with the parable of the lost sheep. This parable is weaved into the story of Jonah trying to find his sister, Miriam. After many hardships, the boy shepherd finds his lost sheep, and Jonah finds his lost sister. Jonah tries to persuade his sister to go and see Jesus. At first she refuses because she thinks of her many sins. While Jesus was having dinner at the home of a scribe whom questions Jesus actions, Miriam appears and washes Jesus' feet with oils and her hair. As she is crying and worshiping Jesus, the scribe wonders why Jesus does not rebuke her. Jesus tells the story of the debtors who were forgiven by the lender, and how they loved their lender for forgiving them. Miriam's faith saved her, and her sins were forgiven. In the end, Miriam is seen traveling to Jonah's home, free of the pub owner, and they rejoice together.
at 3/29/2008 05:39:00 PM
Categories 1999, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Lord's Prayer (2001)

On many occasions Jesus taught His disciples the power of prayer through parables and example. After Jesus' resurrection and ascension into Heaven, His disciples find their faith tested when Peter is arrested and cast into a Roman prison. As Herod plots Peter's death, the believers gather together and follow the example that Jesus taught. Through faith and persistent prayer, Peter's chains are broken and the Angel of the Lord opens the prison gates. The united prayers of the righteous save Peter and is still a power on Earth without equal. Peter and Mark return to Jerusalem following a mission converting hundreds. The Romans despise the Christians and want to make an example of Peter. Roman soldiers arrest Peter. The disciples gather at Mark's house and discuss Peter's arrest. They recall when the Romans arrested James and killed him. Peter is charged with treason and informed, if convicted, the penalty is death. The disciples discuss how best to free Peter. The disciples feel anger toward the Romans but also feel hopelessness with the situation. Mark's mother, Mary, challenges the disciples and recalls Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Joash believes it is weak to sit idly by and rushes off to free Peter. Following Jesus' example, the others gather in prayer. The disciples go door to door throughout the city of Jerusalem to ask fellow Christians to pray for Peter's release. Christians recall Jesus' parable about the friend in the night who continues to ask and finally receives his request for bread. They also remember Jesus' parable about the widow and the unrighteous judge. The widow's persistence enables her to win over the heart of the judge to get her house back. The Romans plan to secretly judge Peter in the middle of the night and the disciples' faith waivers again. However, Mary recalls how in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed to the Lord about His mission and man's salvation. Christians throughout Jerusalem continue to pray for Peter's release. Meanwhile Joash attempts to pay off the Roman guards to release Peter. The Roman guards trick Joash and take his money but do not free Peter. In the middle of the night, an angel rescues Peter and leads him out of prison. Peter beckons Rhoda to tell the others. The others see that Peter is freed. Peter shares with the disciples how their prayers have been answered and he was set free by an angel sent from God. Joash is humbled and falls to his knees in prayer. Peter leaves Jerusalem and instructs the remaining disciples to feed His sheep and teach them about the power of prayer.
at 3/29/2008 03:22:00 PM
Categories 2001, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Kingdom of Heaven (1991)

Jesus uses a series of short stories, parables, to help us learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and about how to live each day. Eternal life, faith, judgment, obedience and preparedness are the principles explored in this video. The Kingdom of Heaven begins with Jesus in the clouds and angels in the background. There are people from different times and different races looking into the clouds and seeing Jesus. Jesus begins to speak to the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and how the treatment of others is the same as actions toward Him. Slowly, Jesus' shining garment is traded for an earthly robe and He is preaching to a gathering of people. Two Pharisees watch and listen. Boaz, one of the Pharisees, is angered by what he hears Jesus saying and the other Jeremiah is intrigued. David and Sarah, brother and sister, listen also. Boaz says that all Jesus does is tell silly stories. Jeremiah tries to explain that perhaps Jesus wants everyone to discover the meaning from the stories. Sarah agrees that Jesus is trying to teach about the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says, "He who hath ears to hear, let them hear," and begins to tell a story. Jesus explains that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who plants a field of wheat. One night an enemy comes and scatters bad seeds among the freshly planted wheat. The Master comes to observe the crop and notices tares among the wheat. The wise Master tells the servant that it is not his fault, an enemy has done this, and not to pull up the tares because the wheat might be damaged as well. "Let them grow together until harvest and then the reapers will gather the tares together and burn them", the Master says. The wheat is gathered together and stored in his barn. The scene returns to the shores of Galilee where Jesus is preaching. Jeremiah is overjoyed that he understands that the wheat is symbolic of the good people, and the tares are representations of the bad people. Boaz claims that Jesus is teaching blasphemy and wickedness and demands that Jeremiah leave with him at once. Jeremiah is at a moment of indecision and then weakly goes with Boaz. Next, Jesus tells the parable of the Pearl. A wealthy merchant is visiting a seaside port and finds a precious pearl that amazes him. The wealthy merchant now dressed in common clothes, stands before a wealthy man and signs a piece of paper. The merchant then receives a chest of jewels and money which he sits behind him in a wagon. The wealthy man does not seem to understand the merchant's decision to trade all his belongings for a chest of jewels and money. The merchant returns to the seaside port and trades the chest of jewels and money for the pearl, stunning the shop owner. The video returns to the shores of Galilee where David, Sarah's brother, is astonished by hearing the parable of the Pearl. David states that he cannot give up all he has worked so hard for in life and follow Jesus. He decides to leave despite Sarah's plea for him to stay and hear the truth. Jesus then compares the Kingdom of Heaven to the parable of the ten maidens. Five of the maidens are wise and five are foolish. A wise maiden, Leah, walks with two foolish maidens who are going into town to wait for the bridegroom to arrive so they can follow him to the wedding. Since it is broad daylight, the foolish maidens do not understand why Leah had them bring their lamps so they did not fill them with oil. Leah tells them that sometimes the bridegroom does not arrive until very late. The bridegroom is shown getting ready for the wedding and tells his confidant that he will not leave until sundown, because he wants to make sure that everyone has a chance to get into town. At night, the bridegroom Judah and his confidant arrive. The Town Crier runs around the town announcing Judah's arrival. After several trips around the town, Judah is assured that all have had time to join the wedding party. Leah and the other wise maidens quickly join the wedding party with their oil filled lamps. The foolish maidens are unable to see and ask for some of the wise maidens' oil. Leah explains that they can not share oil because they would all run out of oil and quickly joins the wedding party. During the wedding procedure, Judah hears some women calling to him from outside the gates. He approaches them asking why they did come when he called. The foolish maidens say they have no oil and their light has gone out. Sadly, Judah says that if you were my friends, you would have come when I called. His last words were, "I know you not." Jesus is now speaking and says that we should watch, for we know neither the day of the hour when the Son of Man will return. James asks Jesus why He speaks to the people in parables. He tells him that their ears are dull and their eyes are closed. James asks about the parable of the sower. He understands that Jesus is the sower and the seeds are the word of God; but what does it mean, the seeds falling by the wayside? Jesus explains that there are those who hear the word and refuse to understand it, those that receive the word with joy at first but rebuke the word when persecution rises, and those that care for the world and the deceitfulness of riches and are no longer full of faith. Those that receive God's word into good ground and hear the word and understand it will bear fruit. The final scene is Sarah walking toward Jesus who is now in the sky surrounding by all the different people from different times and different cultures. All kneel to Jesus with him saying, "Come ye, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
at 3/29/2008 03:19:00 PM
Categories 1991, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The King Is Born (1987)

The coming of a savior, the Messiah, is foretold by prophets, announced by angles and realized in the birth of Jesus, only to opposed by worldly power in the person of King Herod. The King Is Born dramatically weaves together the key events surrounding the birth of Jesus. It places them in Biblical context, beginning with Simeon's vigil at the temple in Jerusalem to see the Messiah and continuing with the Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary. The search for lodging in Bethlehem introduces a humorous innkeeper and leads to the wondrous event surrounding the birth in a humble stable, including the visit of the shepherds and the journey of the wise men. We visit the royal palace to learn of a very different reaction by King Herod. As Herod's troops ride through Bethlehem, bent on killing every male child, Mary Joseph and the baby Jesus escape to Egypt. The video ends with their return to Nazareth, where a young Jesus works with his father in his carpentry shop, gaining wisdom and special gifts.
at 3/29/2008 03:17:00 PM
Categories 1987, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Greatest Is the Least (1997)

The Greatest is Least is the story of how a man named Blastus tries to improve his standing with King Herod Agrippa by arranging a celebration with the neighboring lands of Tyre and Sidon. Blastus is shocked to find out Agrippa is already determined he must become the supreme ruler and has decided to invade these countries. In addition to this, Agrippa has had many Christians arrested for their faith in Jesus and has had them put in prison. James, an apostle of Christ, is arrested as he is trying to build a well to provide for the growing number of Christians. During James' imprisonment, he hears guards arguing over who will receive the new position of leadership in the prison. These events cause him to reflect upon the teachings of Jesus concerning authority. He remembers a time when his mother had approached Jesus and asked that he and his brother, John, sit at his right hand. Peter and Andrew also had a great desire for this honor. As the men argued among themselves, Jesus began to wash their feet. He humbly told them that even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve. James is moved by his memory and offers to take the place of an old man who is about to be whipped in prison. Vespi, the guard, assumes James is looking for favor in the eyes of the guards and trying to get ahead in the world. As James is lead to his execution, he is smiling at the old man and hears the sounds of angels singing. He is prepared to joyfully meet his master in Heaven. In the meantime, Agrippa is being worshiped as a god at the Banquet. The kings of Tyre and Sidon give Agrippa the praise for which he longs. As Herod Agrippa stands in his self proclaimed glory, God strikes him dead. In his arrogance he has neglected to serve and give honor to the one true God of Heaven.

at 3/29/2008 03:13:00 PM
Categories 1997, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Good Samaritan (1989)

The video begins with a moving song which tells us that our "hands are the Lord's hands", and asks for His help for living in peace with our neighbors. Suddenly, we are in a room with Jesus and His Disciples. He tells them that many people have desired salvation. In a corner of the room, two men are in deep discussion. One of them, a lawyer, challenges Jesus to tell him what is to be done to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells the story of a man who needed to travel a dangerous road to Jericho to buy spices. We are transported by Jesus' words to a wayside inn. The innkeeper's young son overhears two robbers plotting to steal from people on the road. The scene shifts to the home of Jewish spice merchant. His wife worries about his trip to Jericho. But he must make the journey, so he bids his family farewell. On a isolated, mountainous road, the two robbers hide among the rocks. Soon the spice merchant comes into view. The robbers steal his gold and leave him for dead on the deserted road. Not long after this, a priest finds the abused man. He expresses regret, saying that if he were not "on the Lord's business" he would stop and help him. Next a Levite finds the dying man, but he is only concerned with his own safety and runs to avoid the robbers. Then a Samaritan tells the innkeeper's son, "I just did what anyone would do." He leaves money for the injured man's care. Watching all this, the young boy knows that the Samaritan is truly the good neighbor to his fellow man.
at 3/29/2008 03:09:00 PM
Categories 1989, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
Saul of Tarsus (1990)

Saul of Tarsus, a student of Jewish law, zealously persecutes early Christians. But after experiencing a blinding vision of Jesus while traveling to Damascus, where he intended to carry out more persecutions, Saul converts to Christianity. Changing his name to Paul, he becomes a tireless evangelist, preaching in the name of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike from the Near East to Rome. Saul is a student of Jewish law who is implacably opposed to the "heresy" of the Christian .He stands by as the Jewish religious court, the Sanherdrin, sentences Stephen to death by stoning for his Christian beliefs. The eager Saul even holds the coat of one of those who stones Stephen. Like the others, he doesn't see as the heavens open to Stephen, who says, "Behold, I see the heavens open, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God." Even the moderating influence of his teacher, Rabbi Gamaliel, has no influence on the hot-headed Saul. Saul unleashes a reign of terror against the Christians of Jerusalem. Some manage to flee to distance cities like Damascus, but Saul is determined to pursue them and bring them back to Jerusalem for punishment. As Saul gallops toward Damascus on his mission of persecution, he encounters a vision of Jesus which changes his life forever. A great light streaks down from heaven and knock him on the ground. Jesus appears to Saul out of the light and ask him "Saul, why do you persecute me?" "What would you have me do?" the terrified Saul asks Jesus. Jesus tells him to go into Damascus where he will learn his fate. His soldiers have to carry Saul there, as he has been struck blind by the vision. The Lord the appears in a dream to Ananias, a faithful Christian, telling him to lay his hands on Saul and giving him back his sight so that Saul can carry out his chosen mission- "Teach my gospel to the gentiles, to kings and to the children of Israel." " It is by Christ that I an healed and for given," Saul replied, promising to preach the word of Jesus in every synagogue. Saul recognizes himself as someone born anew- Paul. Meanwhile, Caiaphas' men relentlessly search for Paul, ready to punish him as once he punished others. The Christians community hiding Paul helps him escape from Damascuc, lowering him over the city walls in a basket. Paul journeys to the cities of the Mediterranean world, preaching the word of Jesus.
at 3/29/2008 03:07:00 PM
Categories 1990, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Prodigal Son (1988)

The Prodigal Son, Jacob, leaves his father's farm to seek his fortune in the city. Encountering many temptations, Jacob squanders his inheritance. Reduced to living with animals, he decides to return to his father's home regardless of the consequences. His father welcomes Jacob home, celebrating his return and forgiving him of his sins. With a group of followers gathered about him, Jesus tells the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jacob, the younger son of a successful farmer, begs his father for his inheritance so he can go to the city and become a rich money lender. Jacob's brother insists that Jacob stay and do his part of the hard work on the farm. But Jacob's father finally relents and bids a sad good-bye to his younger son. In the city Jacob sees temptations on every corner, and he wastes his money at every opportunity. When Jacob is chased through the streets by a group of beggars, he is rescued by the lovely Anna and her brother Fashid. Anna wants to help Jacob invest his money wisely, but Fashid merely wants to take advantage of Jacob. Within a short time, Fashid and Jacob Have spent all of Jacob's money. Jacob declares to Anna that he will return to Her when he is rich, but Anna can see only that he is foolish and wasteful. And now that Jacob is poor, Fashid turns his back on him. Jacob is reduced to begging in the streets. He leaves the city, wandering the countryside, where a farmer allows him to take care of his animals. Reaching a new low, Jacob eats with the hogs in order to survive. In total despair he decides to return home and beg his father to hire him as a servant. In front of his father's house, Jacob falls to the ground, begging forgiveness. His father, delighted to see him, throws a celebration in his honor. Jacob's brother, who has done all the work since Jacob left, is angry and feels that he has been slighted. But his father explains that he would have done the same for him. Jacob had to go through much to gain wisdom, but now, "He that was lost is found." Then the older son and his father go together to celebrate Jacob's return.
at 3/29/2008 03:03:00 PM
Categories 1988, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
The Miracles of Jesus (1989)

Jesus calms the storm, walks on water, heals the sick, the lame and the blind and even raises the dead- all miracles demonstrating his love and teaching his disciples the miraculous power of faith. The Miracles of Jesus begins with a test of the disciples' faith as their as their boat is tossed about on the Sea of Galilee by the fierce storm. Jesus awakens to calm the storm, asking Peter and the others," why were you afraid? Where is your faith?" We learn of miracles performed by Jesus, including his healing of the palsied child, David, and raising Jairus' daughter, Sarah from the dead. Just the touch of Jesus' robe heals a woman, sick for 12 years, as he tells her, ''Your faith has made you whole." Peter and the others Disciples, out fishing, find it hard to believe that faith alone can accomplish so much. Peter sees Jesus walking on the water, seeks to join him and strides across the water's surface until his faith weakens. Jesus explains to the Disciples that if their faith is at least as great as that of the tiny mustard seed, then they can do all that he does. The people living in Galilee believe the miracle they see, but not Caiaphas, who angrily calls Jesus a false Messiah. The anger of Caiaphas, the High priest, is replaced by a beautiful song." The Miracle of Love" , as Jesus performs more miracles, blessing and healing all who come to him. The video ends in a loving expression of faith Jesus asks of his Disciples and followers as we see little David and Sarah, now healthy and happy, running and playing, their laughter filling our hearts.
at 3/29/2008 08:07:00 AM
Categories 1989, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
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at 3/25/2008 07:52:00 PM
Lord, I Believe (2001)

Jesus uses three inspiring stories to teach the power of faith. Jesus teaches that if our faith is only the size of a tiny mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible. Lord, I Believe combines three stories to teach the magnificent power of faith. In this video, Jesus is teaching His disciples through word and deed that nothing shall be impossible for those that believe in Him. In the beginning, a Roman centurion, Flavis, is imprisoning men who could not afford to pay their taxes, while Jesus helps those in need. Later, Flavis asks his servant, Licea, about the man named Jesus. Licea tells him that Jesus is the Messiah, Lord. Suddenly Licea, falls ill and collapses. A doctor tells Flavis that his servant will not live until morning, so Flavis runs to see Jesus and bows before Him asking Jesus to help his servant, his friend. Jesus says He will come and heal him. The centurion says he is not worthy to have Jesus in his home, and if Jesus says it is so, then it will be so. Jesus speaks of the centurion's great faith and tells Flavis that his servant is healed. Flavis returns home to find his servant healed. They both rejoice and thank Jesus. This story ends with the centurion freeing those in jail. The next story is of a boy, Caleb, who is uncontrollable and possessed. A doctor says there is no cure. Joel, Caleb's father, tries paying many preachers to heal his child with no success. Joel does not believe that his son can be healed through preachers. Next a scene of Jesus teaching his disciples appears. In this scene, Jesus tells Peter that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Then Jesus sees a grieving widow woman with her dead son. Jesus places His hands on the boy and tells him to arise. He gets up, and the woman and the boy rejoice and praise Jesus. A scene of Jesus teaching His twelve disciples follows, and Jesus gives them the power to heal, cast out demons and raise the dead. He tells them to go and do as they have seen for no money; for that which was received freely should be given freely. He reminds them that all things are possible to those that believe. Next, the story of the two blind men, Ben and Izzy, begins. It shows them making a doll for Joel's son Caleb and begging for pennies to eat. They do not receive any money, so they go to the house of Joel who gives them food. While they are eating some bread, Joel's wife, Corrine, runs home and tells of a Rabbi named Jesus that raised a boy from the dead, and that Jesus has given His powers to twelve of His disciples. Joel says he does not have any more money for preachers. Corrine tells him that these twelve do not take money. They take Caleb to see Peter, one of the twelve disciples. Peter tries twice to heal Caleb, but the boy remains uncontrollable. Joel calls them fakes and leaves. The two blind men are searching for the twelve disciples also in hopes of being cured. A man takes them to Jesus who has just entered the city. Jesus asks them if they believe He can heal. They both answer with a definite yes. According to their faith, Ben and Izzy can see and begin rejoicing and praising Jesus. Jesus tells them to leave and tell no one of this miracle. After helping others in need, they go to the house of Joel. Joel questions them about how they can see, and they say nothing. Corrine recognizes that the miracle was from Jesus. As Jesus and His disciples were leaving town, Joel appears carrying Caleb and asks Jesus for help. Jesus says that all is possible for those that believe. Joel asks the Lord to help him in his unbelief. Jesus commands the evil spirits out of the boy and he is healed. Joel rejoices and thanks Jesus.
at 3/25/2008 05:28:00 PM
Categories 2001, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
Lazarus Lives (2000)

The story opens in a cave - a Leper colony. One of its members, Simon, has a daughter, Sarah, who is also afflicted and gravely ill. Simon is a friend of Lazarus and was his previous business partner before he took ill. Meanwhile, Lazarus and his sister, Mary, prepare care packages for Simon and the others at the Leper colony. Mary has made a special doll for Sarah. They go to visit the Leper colony to deliver the care packages, including the doll. When they arrive, they receive the news that Sarah has died from her leprosy. Stricken with grief, Lazarus and Mary return to their home. Lazarus then goes to town and delivers letters from the Lepers to their families and friends who are not afflicted. While in town, Lazarus witnesses Jesus healing a sick woman. Moved by the experience, Lazarus rushes home to tell his two sisters. He gathers his belongings and goes to his friend, Simon, at the Leper colony. He finds Simon and then takes him to town to see Jesus. Christ heals the afflicted Simon of his leprosy. In thanksgiving and appreciation, Mary invites Jesus back to their home for dinner and rest. When Jesus leaves, he asks if He may return and visit some day. On one trip to Lazarus's house, Jesus visits with Mary and Martha as Lazarus is in Jerusalem with Simon. Mary kneels at Jesus' feet to listen to His words while Martha serves. Jesus encourages Martha to join them and partake of what is more important fellowship and a lesson about God's glory through victory over death. In Jerusalem, Lazarus takes ill and Simon brings him home to his sisters. Martha beckons Simon to go and bring Jesus back. The story cuts to a scene where Jesus and some of His disciples are met on the streets by some skeptics. They inquire whether or not He is truly God's son. They want Him to prove it. Jesus responds by sharing the story of Jonah who lay three days in the belly of a whale and then was set free. The disciples are confused about the story of Jonah and ask Jesus to explain further. He foretells of His own crucifixion, death, and resurrection on the third day. Peter challenges Jesus -- not understanding the necessity of Jesus' own death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind. Jesus' power over death is the ultimate glory to God. Simon finds Jesus and the disciples and beckons Jesus to come to His friend, Lazarus, who is gravely ill. Jesus explains that Lazarus is already dead but goes to him in order to show the disciples and the others of His power over death. When Jesus arrives, Martha explains that Lazarus has been dead for four days. He instructs Martha to get Mary and come to Lazarus' tomb. When they arrive at the tomb, He directs that the stone should be removed from the tomb much to the astonishment of Lazarus' sisters and His own disciples. As the stone is removed, Jesus calls out "Lazarus come forth." Jesus explains that He has done this so that all may truly believe that He, the son of God, has power over death.
at 3/25/2008 05:25:00 PM
Categories 2000, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
John the Baptist (1990)

John the Baptist, born to an elderly couple in answer to their prayers and a promise from God, grows up to be a prophet, preaching of the coming of the messiah. He fulfills Biblical prophecy by recognizing Jesus as the promised Savior and baptizing Him going before the Lord. The moving story of John the Baptist begins as Elizabeth, a virtuous older woman who longs for a child, delights in watching a young boy playing outside her window. Her husband Zacharias, chosen to offer incense to God at the temple, is visited there by the Angel Gabriel who tells him that his wife is to bear a son. Zacharias can't believe this miracle but the angels assures him," All things are possible with the Lord." Because of his disbelief, Zacharias suddenly falls deaf and mute, unable to tell his family and neighbors what happened to him. When Elizabeth's son is born and family members ask his name, she answers " John " a name they refuse to accept since none among them share it. The family asks Zacharias his son's name and as he writes "John" on a tablet, his hearing and speech are restored, and he shares with them prophecy of the role his son is to play. John grows up to be strong in both body and spirit, living a humble life on the banks of the River Jordan. He preaches of the imminent coming of a savior, and baptizes people in the river in the name of the messiah, preparing the way for Jesus. All of this proves disturbing to the Pharisees and their leader, Caiaphas, who tries to convince King Herod*. The King is reluctant but not his wife, Herodias. Even when Pharisee spies question John as he preaches of the repentance, he does not temper his word, calling Herod a sinner for taking his brother's wife. This accusation drives Herodias to demand John's capture and death but before this happens, Jesus approaches the place where John is preaching. "Behold, the lamb of God", John cries out, recognizing the savior about whom he has been preaching. Jesus asks John to Baptize him and when that happens, the heavens open and the Holy Spirit appears in the form of a dove. Even though his life is in danger from Herodias and Herod, John refuses to flee, declaring," My work is done".
at 3/25/2008 05:02:00 PM
Categories 1990, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
Jesus, the Son of God (1995)

Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him. Later, the family leaves Jerusalem to travel home only to find that Jesus is missing. Joseph and Mary return to the city after three days of searching and find Jesus talking with priests outside the temple. Jesus is confused that his parents are worried because He thought they would know He was about His Father's business. Jesus returns home with Mary and Joseph and grows into a caring young man trained in the art of carpentry. Joseph's death is shown as Jesus grows into an adult. Sadly Mary says goodbye to Jesus, and He walks into the wilderness. Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist. A white dove is shown flying above and the voice of God is heard saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Jesus is then led into the wilderness by the Spirit where He seeks wisdom from the Lord by fasting. While in the wilderness for 40 days, Jesus is tempted three times by Satan. Jesus rebukes Satan the final time by saying, "Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God." Satan leaves as Jesus is worshiping His Father. A light from heaven descends upon Jesus. Angels come to comfort, feed and clothe Him. Jesus then returns to Galilee with the power of the Spirit.
at 3/25/2008 04:27:00 PM
Categories 1995, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
He Is Risen (1988)

He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord's crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world. A young boy, Daniel, witnesses the death of Jesus by crucifixion on Calvary where a Roman Centurion confirms, "Truly this man was the son of God." Storms rage and an earthquake shakes the land at Jesus' death. Daniel hurries back to the Disciples, who are hiding from Roman soldiers, with the news of Jesus' death. Meanwhile, Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus prepare Jesus' body, bury it in a tomb cut into a hillside and cover the entrance with a huge stone. Caiaphas, the Pharisee high priest, visits Pontius Pilate, counseling Pilate to seal the tomb since Jesus' followers said He would rise from death on the third day. Pilate agrees and posts guards, but angels appear and the tomb splits open in a glorious burst of light. Jesus first appears to Mary Magdalene when she visits the empty tomb. ThenJesus appears to the Disciples. He entrusts Simon Peter to take care of His"lambs and sheep", and preaches for 40 days, asking His followers to teach Hiswords to all peoples, everywhere. His mission on earth completed, Jesus ascends into heaven in a stirring climax to the video, telling His followers He will come again. "Come quickly, Lord Jesus," says the boy Daniel. "I'll always be watching for You."
at 3/25/2008 04:23:00 PM
Categories 1988, Animated Stories, English, New Testament
Forgive Us Our Debts (1991)

Through examples and parables, Jesus leads Peter to learn the power of forgiveness and how to control his anger at those who do him wrong. Through Peter's experience, we learn the lesson of forgiveness. As Peter looks over the day's excellent catch of fish, two demanding tax collectors come up to his boat. Mocking Peter's faith in Christ, they tell Peter they will return the next day to collect their tax for the temple. Jesus tells the angry Peter to forgive the tax collectors and to go to the sea and cast in his line. There, as Jesus foretold, Peter catches a fish. In the mouth of the fish is the money to pay the tax. But Peter is still angry and pays the tax with bitterness in his heart. Peter asks Jesus,"How many times do I forgive a man who has done me wrong?" Jesus tells Peter that he must forgive everyone not just once, or seven times, but "seven times seventy times." Jesus relates the parable of the foolish and proud Hazor who owes a large debt to the King. Unable to pay the debt, the man begs the King's forgiveness. The merciful King forgives Hazor of the debt. Leaving the palace, Hazor meets Micah, a poor man who owes him money. Hazor insists Micah pay him immediately. "Just a little more time," Micah pleads. Hazor, although forgiven by the King, angrily refuses to forgive in his own right and sends Micah to prison. When the King finds out about Hazor's hard-hearted act, he orders Micah released and arrests Hazor in his place. The King tells Hazor, "I would love to show you mercy, but how can I forgive you, when you refuse to forgive others?" Peter interprets the parable to Jesus, explaining that the wise King represents God, and His forgiveness is there for all of us, if we can accept it and freely forgive others. Peter forgives the dumb-founded tax collectors. Peter is now able to spread this new message of forgiveness to others, even to the tax collectors themselves.